Nurse Leaders Interview Custom Essay

Nurse Leaders Interview Custom Essay
According to Cherry and Jacob (2016), a leader is an individual who uses interpersonal
skills to influence others to accomplish a specific task or objectives. Nurses ought to have
proactivity in guiding the course of action in clinical settings by exerting influence through
personal behaviors and strategies. As a result, they always can earn and hold the trust of others
and have the ability to inspire colleagues and other professionals in committing to the goals of
the organization and the health professional values.

Nurse Leaders Interview Custom Essay

I had the opportunity to interview three
nurses in my state; Dr. M, Dr. S, and Mrs. N. All of these nurse leaders had leadership positions
in their respective healthcare facilities. Each of them portrayed unique leadership styles that they
expressed to as suitable in their practice settings. They all exercised formal leadership since the
nurses practiced it with the legitimate authority conferred by the organization and outlined in
their job descriptions.

Interviewees with different leadership styles

Following the independent interviews, Dr. M, a Dean of the college of nursing, had her
responses, which gave an impression on her tendency to rely on her personality. She described
using her traits in creating a positive influence to the instructors of students within the
departments and the students. From discernment, Dr. M's personality acted as a drive to being
able to arouse great affection and emotional commitment towards the nursing education
institution where she held a managerial position. Persuasion of the colleagues within the
department, she chaired got prominent as I drew her attention on her ability to control and
manage service delivery in an attempt to meet the organization's core values. Besides, she

explored her strength in using personal leadership power, self-confidence, extraordinary ideas,
and firm conviction.
Another critical aspect of her leadership was the fact that she acknowledges that
employees remain motivated by internal drives and impulses. As a result, she believes in active
participation regarding decision making to get tasks done. The outlined strength of the strategy is
that members feel engaged in the process of realizing organizational goals, thereby remaining
active, creative, and motivated. Therefore, she utilized Charismatic leadership through
Dr. S, who is the director of nursing in one state hospital facility, explained his emphasis
on the importance of interpersonal relationships within the facility. He focuses on merging the
motives, desires, values, and goals of the nurses and other nurse leaders into a basic course. He
further explained the essence of using this type of leadership in generating employee
commitment to the hospital vision rather than his individual goals. Throughout the interview, Dr.
S portrayed his encouragement to staff nurses on exercising leadership, inspiring them, and using
his ability to convince them on their potential to stimulate career growth and development, and
discouraging dependency. (Fischer, 2016). In the long run, transformational leadership got
portrayed as the leader could foster individual motives in being proactive in taking initiatives that
improve nursing leadership and growth.
Based on the style of leadership assumed by Mrs. N, who is an in-patient unit manager,
she claimed that customer' and consumers' needs always come before individual nurses' needs.
From her claims, she described leadership is all about serving; the desire to serve others.
Stepping out as a nurse to provide services regarding an innate desire to help patients, and

therefore, one is called to lead. Regarding the principles where nursing as a professional is found,
caring, service, growth, and prioritizing the health of others, the concept of servant leadership got
derived. Proactivity and diligence in service delivery often challenge nurse leaders to manage
society through selflessness bring about change among individuals, health care systems, and
health care organizations. Through her dependency on servant leadership, she challenges nurses
to address the question regarding whether the least disadvantaged in society benefit from leaders'

Explanation of the choice of each leader

The choice of the leadership style in a health care facility dramatically influences the
nature of the course ought to get undertaken amid efforts to meet acceptable standards of
healthcare. Nurse leaders, like in any other organization, are obliged to employ positive
leadership styles for quality patient outcomes through nursing practice and improving employee
satisfaction. I chose the discussed leaders with vast knowledge and leadership skills that apply
them in the prosperity of their healthcare organizations.
Dr. M brought out an aspect of charismatic leadership that nurse leaders alongside the
nurses ought to emulate to achieving nursing professional values and organizational objectives
based on their values and policies. As a result, nurses should always stick to their essential and
acceptable leading skills so that their personality arouses great affection and emotional
commitment among other nurses to follow suit. Additionally, incorporation of engagement of
employees through participation in decision making concerning organizational tasks usually
makes nurses more active, motivated, and get creative in health care service delivery.

In the current phase of health care delivery, nurses have to take the initiative in aligning
their knowledge, skills, and expertise in stimulating growth in nursing. Dr. S adapts a leadership
style that emphasizes interpersonal relationships as a call for employees to commit themselves to
core values of nursing practice alongside improving quality of care through evidence-based
practice. Nurses, therefore, ought to embrace transformational leadership in stimulating their
individual growth, developing others, and improving health care settings. For example,
transformational leadership can get applied by nurses by caring for clients at homes, and in the
community through proactivity.
Mrs. N, from her interview, provided an evident culture that all nurses ought to adopt
concerning the basis of nursing principles. Servant leadership is an aspect that nurses utilize in
providing service to the clients, and that they prioritize society needs over individual needs.
General aspects of caring, service delivery, and growth through service delivery to patients
motivate clinicians in care delivery systems without considering the managerial position a nurse
Identification, comparison, and contrast of their styles and examples of a servant

and transformational leadership

Analysis of the interview findings revealed that the nurse leaders; Dr. M, Dr. S, and Mrs.
N, portrayed charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, and servant leadership,
respectively. Charismatic leadership utilizes individual dominant personality in impacting
charisma among employee nurses essential in arousing affection towards the emulation of the
positive direction in care delivery. Charismatic leadership does not involve the employees
directly as compared to transformational and servant leadership styles. (Moura, Hayashida,

Bernardes, Zanetti, & Gabriel, 2019). By stimulating the growth of individual personalities
through an emphasis on interpersonal relationships, Dr. S elicited transformational leadership.
The style is critical in revolutionary change initiatives by different nurses in changing the modes
of operations in care delivery for most effective outcomes, including embracing of research use
in care delivery. Servant leadership remains an overall style for adoption by all nurses in being
selfless and focusing on service delivery to others as defined by the nursing principles. (Savel &
Munro, 2017).Both transformational and service leadership styles remain the most effective
modes for nurses since they engage nurses in professional and individual growth paths through a
focus on quality.

Missed questions

Upon completion of the interview, I realized that some leadership styles could get
integrated to suit different situations in the healthcare setting. I would ask:
a) Are there circumstances where you utilize other leadership styles in the clinical
b) Describe the most effective approach in patient-centered care using the leadership
style you utilize and those you could adopt to enhance achievement of organizational



Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2016). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management.
Elsevier Health Sciences.
Fischer, S. A. (2016). Transformational leadership in nursing: a concept analysis. Journal of
Advanced Nursing, 72(11), 2644-2653.
Moura, A. A. D., Hayashida, K. Y., Bernardes, A., Zanetti, A. C. B. & Gabriel, C. S. (2019).
Charismatic leadership among nursing professionals: an integrative review. Revista
Brasileira de Enfermagem, 72, 315-320.
Savel, R. H., & Munro, C. L. (2017). Servant leadership: The primacy of service.