Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview

Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview

Nurses are vital resources in the health sector for achieving health goals and also providing quality care to the patients. The increasing population of the aged and the complexity of the diseases experienced in hospitals have increased the demand for nurses. One of the ways in which nurses ensure the provision of quality services to the patients is through advanced education. Undergraduate and higher levels of nursing provide competence to the nurse practitioners thus promoting nursing care…


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Overview of the Masters-prepared Nurse’s Career

The nurse has a master’s degree in Arts-health Specialty and a Master of Science in Nursing.

Reason for Seeking Graduate Education

Advancement in the field of nursing primarily aims at demonstrating in-depth knowledge in advanced nursing practice. However, people have different reasons as to why they would want to advance their practice in nursing…

Description of Present Position and Role

The nurse works as a client service leader at a neurological rehabilitation unit. I took the opportunity to inquire the role played in the institution and how effective the graduate program has proofed to be in the current field. The nurse reports that the work done during the master’s program was relevant to the current field. Initially, the nurse was responsible for 120 staff and over 300 admissions and discharges a year in Calgary Alberta…

Usefulness of Graduate Education for Present Role

Nurses take graduate courses to meet the educational, managerial and clinical needs of their fields. After completion of the course, opportunities often manifest to the graduates. I took this chance to identify any opportunities that the nurse has been afforded so far because of the graduate education. The nurse reports that application for jobs in leadership positions was made possible through the program, an opportunity that could not have come minus the graduate education. The nurse also said that “I am not afraid to apply for any position if I am interested. A master’s degree provides a ticket to enter into our current market reality. Without it, highly capable and competent people get overlooked. It is not right, but it is the reality of the workplace.”

Graduate education helps nurses in gaining specific competencies that can be applied in the field to better the nursing services (GCU, 2018)…

Pearls of Wisdom Shared

Scholars say that experience is the best teacher and I wouldn’t waste the opportunity I had to gain some wisdom from the nurse. …


The interview provided an opportunity to understand the relevance of the master’s program in nursing education and how it helps to shape the career path of an individual.  I realized that the master’s programme gives the nurse an opportunity to apply for various jobs in one’s career path as observed with the masters-prepared nurse…


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2013). The essentials of master’s education in nursing. 2011. Retrieved from

Grand Canyon University. (2018). Mission and Vision. Retrieved from