What can nurses do?

What can nurses do?

Concerning healthcare delivery, the developing countries are usually hit hard based on the multiple factors that in most instances curb the public or the overall population from accessing care. One of the vital elements that is of a major hindrance in many countries is the issue of poverty that has invaded all the corners of these nations.

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Poverty is considered to cause the poor health that usually remains in the concerned populations (Hudon et al., 2016). The patients who are disadvantaged financially have challenges in accessing better health services together with the multiple needs that are directly related to a healthy lifestyle. The outcome of such situations is usually exposure to risks that usually have negative impacts on their health…

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In addition to poverty, health inequality also impairs health delivery of citizens from the underdeveloped nations (Busse, Aboneh & Tefera, 2014). Irrespective of the policies such as the need to achieve the highest level of care as well as the promotion of the right to health covered by the various governments of these nations, the circumstances and surrounding created by these governments have not always enabled equal opportunities in accessing the healthcare services. The nurses can intervene by engaging various stakeholders and collaborating with them in coming up with the strategies that will lead to a proper distribution of centers of care to equally impact the citizens directly.

All the nations have different economic potentials which in one way or the other influence the healthcare delivery in diverse ways. In spite of the fact that there exist global organization that deals with global health issues, the individual nations have disparities when it comes to the offering of health services…

Besides the partnership, the nurses from these nations can also mentor each other through networking which in the end will see the exchange of experiences to see the underdeveloped nations also getting better care after the interaction.

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In their advocacy role, the nurses are capable of teaching their fellows the multiple issues that equip them with the skills essential in caring for their populations (Wright et al., 2015). The move can also entail the support systems and programs that may be implemented in the education or training systems in the underdeveloped nations. Such undertakings will bear fruits in impacting the health of the citizens.


Busse, H., Aboneh, E. A., & Tefera, G. (2014). Learning from developing countries in

strengthening health systems: an evaluation of personal and professional impact among

global health volunteers at Addis Ababa University’s Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital

(Ethiopia). Globalization and health10(1), 64.

Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2016). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management.

Elsevier Health Sciences.

Holguin, E., Hughes, F., & Shamian, J. (2017). Transnational Nursing Organizations Paving the

Way for Global Health: The International Council of Nurses as Exemplar. A New Era in Global Health: Nursing and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 205.

Hudon, C., Loignon, C., Grabovschi, C., Bush, P., Lambert, M., Goulet, É., … & Fournier, N.

(2016). Medical education for equity in health: a participatory action research involving

persons living in poverty and healthcare professionals. BMC medical education16(1),


Knickman, J. R., & Kovner, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). Health care delivery in the united states

(11th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Wright, M. D. G. M., Cumsille, F., Padilha, M. I., Ventura, C. A., Sapag, J., Brands, B., … &

Khenti, A. (2015). International research capacity building program for health related

professionals to study the drug phenomenon in Latin America and the Caribbean. Texto

 & Contexto-Enfermagem24(SPE), 17-25.