Trans-cultural Perspective in the Nursing Care of Children custom essay
The number of United States is increasing with the most current report showing 73.5
children who are racially and ethnically different drawn from all corners of the world. More than
2 million of the children are born from foreign countries and others belonging to immigrants.
61% of the children are White1% Hispanic, 15% Black, 3% Asian/Pacific/Islander, and 1%
Native America (Foster, Shields, Smith, & Neill, 2018). The statistics indicate a cultural
diversity that should get enough consideration by the health care providers for quality care
delivery to children.
The healthcare sector has a great responsibility in addressing the health challenges facing
children in the United States. According to 2015 report by National Poll on Children’s Health,
the top ten health issues that children face in the United States include; childhood obesity 60%,
bullying 58%, drug abuse 53%, internet safety 51%, child abuse and neglect 49%, sexting 45%,
smoking and Tobacco use 45%, school violence 45%, teen pregnancy 42% and stress 41%.
Some of the areas where cultural difference is likely to be encountered include in the
clinic and emergency department. Each country has its process of handling patients like
scheduling them for a specific time. In some states in Latin America, patients take a number and
wait for services. Another area is pain and the use of analgesics. Some cultures are accustomed
to tolerating pain while others use medication; for example, most men tend to hide their reactions
to some diseases that hurt, and this response, in turn, affects how the health provider will manage
the pain.
Some cultures get accustomed to the use of traditional medicine and healers. Patients will
tend to seek services in the health facility when their traditional alternative practices are not
bringing changes to their health concerns. Another cultural issue of concern is bed sharing and
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Research indicates that African American mothers are at high
chances of sharing beds with their infants while in the prone position than American mothers and
this practice will increase the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Felsenstein, 2019).
Cultural differences have impacts on the process of dying. Families and healthcare providers
from different cultures will have their own way of passing information, and the amount of data to
get shared to the patients regarding their prognosis.
The role of women and men in some cultures is likely to have an impact on the quality of
care patients receive. Hispanic women are not allowed to make significant decisions in health as
men are considered protectors, providers, and decision-makers, and such beliefs preclude the
empowerment of female patients. The role of the family in patient care also affects the care
outcome (Foster, Shields, Smith, & Neill, 2018). Some cultures consider the family as the
decision maker in healthcare, a practice likely to negatively affect divided immigrant families.
Most people living in the rural areas of the United States have a low socioeconomic
status. Close to half of the children in the United States live in poverty due to less education and
income. Most families are not insured hence paying the cost of healthcare for their patients is a
problem. Rural areas have fewer healthcare facilities and providers compared to urban areas.
Children living in low-income families will have malnutrition (Felsenstein, 2019). The cost of
transportation of patients between homes and hospital will affect the health of the people. Some
pediatricians engage in harmful social norms and attitudes such as discrimination which results
in disparities in the quality of care given clients.
Gene inheritance also has a hand in the health outcomes of children and their life
expectancy. Obesity, which is common in children, is mostly associated with genetics and
lifestyle. Change in an unhealthy lifestyle is necessary as a coping skill. The physical
environment, such as access to safe water, clean air, conducive workplaces, and good
infrastructure contribute to good health.
Nurses should aim at providing care, meeting the social needs of patients. Nursing
transcultural theories are critical in ensuring quality care. Transcultural knowledge should be
enhanced through continuous research and incorporated into nursing education (Felsenstein,
2019). Healthcare providers have the responsibility to understand the cultural setting of their
work environment to get knowledge on how to deal with the cultural practices that negatively
affect health. The holistic approach to care is critical rather than biophysical approach.
Governments have the responsibility to empower the cultural activities that promote health and
discourage harmful practices that affect health such as female genital mutilation which is
common in some countries. Discrimination in the health sector negatively affects the quality of
care provided. Racial disparities are prevalent in the current world. People should receive
services equally to promote unity.
Felsenstein, D. R. (2019). Providing Culturally Sensitive Nursing Care for Vulnerable Immigrant
Populations. Creative nursing, 25(2), 133-137.
Foster, M. J., Shields, L., Smith, J., & Neill, S. J. (2018). Developing an International Child and
Family Research Network.