Team Building in an Organization

Team Building in an Organization

According to Burke and  Barron (2014), successful teams in an organization are essential in promoting the achievement of the organizational objectives. There are various characteristics of successful teams in the group. In order to have the teams bound to succeed in the organization, it is essential to consider the characteristic of successful teams. In my organization, my team would have the following features. There would be strong leadership in the group. Good leadership is a heady skill and an essential cog in developing  successful teams in the organization.

Some of the characteristics that I would promote the organization are clarity in the unity of purpose where there would be free discussion of the objectives of the team and the members commit themselves to them.  There would be self-conscious about individual’s operation in the organization. The organization should promote a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for all workers in the organization.   Burke and Barron (2014) also point out that relaxed work environment reduces tension and help the worker to work in an interesting and involved manner. Successful teams have also participative leadership where all individuals are called to participate in the organizational discussion. Member in the teams are involved in the decision-making process and that every member opinion is considered. The disagreement in the organization is viewed as good and the decision made through general agreement.

The structure of successful teams involves the development of different groups whose work is to pull in the same direction. One of the teams that that is often in the successful teams is the problem-solving team. This is a team whose work is to solve potential and the real problems affecting the department of the group in the organization.  Other successful teams have the self-managed teams. The purpose of self-managed teams is to develop the goals as a group and devise mechanisms through which they can accomplish these goals. It also promotes responsibility and implementation of solutions that are made in the organization.  The successful team also have a well established hierarchical structure where other team members understand the person they are supposed to report. There is clarity in the leadership structure, and every member of the group is valued as a key member in the implementation of the organizational goals. The leadership structure in the successful teams is built by  the trust where the team’s belief that individuals have the capability to deliver.  The structure also facilitates the availability of the necessary resources in the organization that is used in the achievement of the organizational objectives. The responsibilities and roles are allocated according to the abilities, expertise of the individual’s members of the organization. The structure also provides a coherent way of managing conflicts and the establishment of the ideal team processes.

According to Burke and Barron (2014), the other characteristic is ensuring that there are shared goals and that each person is willing to subordinate their personal goals for the benefit of the team. Diversity would be another characteristic of my team. The primary rationale for the need of diversity in the team is to ensure that there are diverse opinions on how to achieve the organizational goals. Additionally, successful teams have different individuals with uniquework expertise, personal traits, and individual interests (Gottlieb, 2007).

Gerhart, Hollenbeck, Noe & Wright (2015) points out that the other essential attribute that I would foster within my team is trust. Trust is a critical component of great working relationships. Successful teams thrive on mutual respect and trust on each other’s abilities. The primary structure that would be used in my organization is the team structure. It is less hierarchical and would bring together the group of workers with complementary skills and synergistic efforts with all working towards achieving the common goal.

According to Guenzi and  Ruta (2013), independent teams play a vital role in ensuring that my organization achieves its goals. The main rationale is that it would allow the independent groups to be provided with the organizational latitude to develop their independent goals and work practices that are in line with the organizational objectives (Meredith Belbin, 2011). Additionally, independent groups also assist in ensuring that there is the achievement of desired outcomes since they independent shape group task and processes, generate knowledge and explore practical innovation in the organization. Some of the essential factors I would consider when leading teams within the diverse levels of the organization include trust among the team members, commitment to the decisions and the plan of action. Additionally,  I would consider accountability to teams plans, focus on achieving the organizational goals and preparation of the team members to engage in debate around the improvement of the processes within the organization.

Lines and Scholes-Rhodes (2013) assert that leadership of teams at the executive level is different from the kind of leadership at the lower levels of the organization. Executive team leadership call for different approaches to be used in leadership. Some of the factors that I would consider when leading teams at the executive level are whether the team member shares my vision. I would also ensure that as the execute leaders; we give the clear roadmap for the organization. I would also consider whether the executives have the ability to serve and team the team members and inspire hard work. Finally, I would consider the ability of my fellow executives in articulating the agency’s values and using them to guide decision making. According to Tjosvold & Tjosvold (2015) articulation of organizational objectives in the organization is critical at the executive level because the energy and the enthusiasm of the leaders is spread to the other junior employees of the organization.

Meredith Belbin (2011) asserts that diverse aspects are essential in noting the appropriate members of the teams and ensuring that the teams are successfully launched. These elements include the ability of the members to have a common purpose, the ability to insubordinate their personal interest for the good of the organization, ensuring that there is the proper structure for leadership and mutual respect and finally having in place effective processes within the organization (Gerhart et al., 2015). In order to have the successful launch of the, there is need to ensure that all the team members have clear communication on the goals and objectives of the team, their role and responsibilities and finally the benefits they will accrue by being part of the group. All the individuals must consent to be part of the group.

According to Lines and Scholes-Rhodes (2013), various factors are relevant to ongoing team dynamics. Some of the features to consider include the breakdown of trust in the team, new members of the team causing friction with the established members and the chances that there may be the development of intimate relationships among the team members.The guidelines that will get used in the evaluation of the function and the productivity of the teams include the job-specific competencies, leadership skills, morale and the operational metrics. The team leaders will set specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic and time-bound goals that each team should achieve (Gottlieb, 2007). Finally, as a leader, I would empower my team through compassion to honor diversity and support equality for all members as they work towards a common goal by enabling the team members. I would always be ready to hear from them, get their concerns and act on them so as to improve their welfare.





Burke, R., & Barron, S. (2014). Project management leadership: Building creative teams.

Gerhart, B. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Noe, R. A., & Wright, P. M. (2015). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Gottlieb, M. R. (2007). The matrix organization reloaded: Adventures in team and project management. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Guenzi, P., & Ruta, D. (2013). Leading Teams: Tools and Techniques for Successful Team Leadership from the Sports World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Lines, H., & Scholes-Rhodes, J. (2013). Touch Point Leadership: Creating Collaborative Energy across Teams and Organizations. London: Kogan Page.

Meredith Belbin, R. (2011). Management teams: Why they succeed or fail. Human Resource Management International Digest, 19(3).

Tjosvold, D., & Tjosvold, M. M. (2015). Building the team organization: How to open minds, resolve conflict, and ensure cooperation.