Nursing Scholarly Journal

Nursing Scholarly Journal


Intra-professional collaboration entails the association that occurs in the instances where one or more disciplines that are within the same profession. The professionals come together to learn and promote togetherness in the workplace (Janssen et al., 2017). The collaboration activity that occurred in our facility targeted registered nurses, registered practical nurses and nurse practitioners in the fostering of healthy working surrounding. Through the activity, a realization of the need for collaboration in aligning the needs of care users came out vividly. The intra-professional collaboration assisted me in promoting better outcomes for the patients, nurses and the care center as well. This change is related to the fact that the activity enhances development and implementations of strategies such as collaboration, education among the staffs as well as a review of critical events within the facility.


An unhealthy working environment within the care centers impedes the service output among the healthcare providers. The intra-professional collaboration was geared towards creating a healthy environment that would facilitate positive outcomes in the care of patients. Another problem of focus was the nursing medication errors that usually occur during the administration of medication by the nursing staffs (Parry, Barriball, & While, 2015).). Through the program, nurses were educated on the safety of patient through observation of the various rights of medication as well as other safety programs that are in place to cater for both the patients and the healthcare providers.


To overcome both nursing medication errors as well as unhealthy surroundings, the nurses were to embrace an open culture within the entire unit. Through the open culture, all issues of concern were discussed among the nurses from different disciplines within the same profession (Körner et al., 2015). By doing so, corrective measures would be considered and adopted without punitive actions against the actors. In the long haul, education of the members is enhanced to improve their practice. Also, in the cases where problems that impacted the care of patients, the nurses engaged in debriefing that would iron out various issues and rejuvenate the nurses back to their usual nursing care activities. The nurses were also required to meet the standards of practice while offering their services to clients as this would lead to both nurse and client satisfaction.


The intra-professional collaboration was meant to capture the launched program of professional development among the nurses that was to be realized via further education as well as continuous medical education. By engaging in the intra-professional collaboration, the nurse was able to share skills and knowledge that improved their care to patients hence the overall positive outcome among the patients. Besides, the partnership enhanced organization of further studies amongst the staff members and provision of opportunities gain advanced education within disciplines of specialization thus improving the quality of services being offered to patients. In addition to the above opportunity, the collaborative activity was of benefit based on the occurrences of the medication errors which have endangered the lives of patients. Through the collaboration, the activity will assist me to grow due to the insight created towards working together and discussing of patient care to promote safety.

Program Competencies Addressed

The addressed competencies during the intra-professional collaboration included the following:

  1. Collaboration amongst the nursing staff members.
  2. Conflict management. This aspect entailed handling nurse-nurse conflict, nurse-patient conflict and nurse-physician conflict (Kang et al., 2016).
  3. Continuous learning and professional development among the nurses.
  4. Teamwork.




Janssen, M., Sagasser, M. H., Laro, E. A., Graaf, J., & Scherpbier-de Haan, N. D. (2017).

Learning intraprofessional collaboration by participating in a consultation programme:

what and how did primary and secondary care trainees learn?. BMC medical

            education17(1), 125.

Kang, C. M., Chiu, H. T., Lin, Y. K., & Chang, W. Y. (2016). Development of a situational

initiation training program for preceptors to retain new graduate nurses: Process and

initial outcomes. Nurse education today37, 75-82.

Körner, M., Wirtz, M. A., Bengel, J., & Göritz, A. S. (2015). Relationship of organizational

culture, teamwork and job satisfaction in interprofessional teams. BMC health services

            research15(1), 243.

Parry, A. M., Barriball, K. L., & While, A. E. (2015). Factors contributing to Registered Nurse

medication administration error: A narrative review. International journal of nursing

            studies52(1), 403-420.