Effects of untreated post traumatic stress disorder

Effects of untreated post-traumatic stress disorder

There are so many illnesses affecting the political, economic as well as the social aspect if the human species nowadays.  In relation to this context, we will try to find out whether individuals with untreated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be able to lead normal and productive lives in the society. This is when compared with other individuals who have sought professional help after they have been diagnosed with the disease.

To understand this concept better, we need to define what post traumatic stress disorder is all about.

Post traumatic stress disorder can be defined as a disturbing medical condition which may appears after experiencing traumatic events (d’Ardenne et al, 2010). These events may have only occurred once or they may have repeated themselves. Good examples of traumatic events include; rape cases, death threat and assaults with injuries among many others (McNally, 2010). When an individual undergoes such traumatic events and does not seek help, the memories of these situations may cause severe trauma and a lot of stress, hence the title of the disorder (Weine et al, 2010). Therefore, medical practitioners all over the world call for individuals who may have undergone any traumatic events to seek professional help soonest possible. This is aimed at help these individuals to confront these situations, accept them and move on with life with a positive attitude (Jankovic et al, 2009). Individuals who do not seek help end up showing severe stress and other incomprehensible behavior (Klaric et al, 2010). These symptoms may even lead self inflicted injuries out of powerlessness, horror or even unexplained fear, which may even lead to their deaths (Hauff & Vaglum, 2011). These deaths can either be suicidal or by accident. Exposure to different forms of violence is also a major cause of post traumatic stress disorder (Lie, 2002). This may be violence in teaching or working institutions, at war zones or even family violence. In fact, researches done on soldiers who have been on intense war zones shows that tend to inhibit sever posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (Frue, Elhai & Kaloupek, 1974).

If we were to look at the above information keenly, it is very evident that individuals who do not seek treatment from the post traumatic disorder cannot be able to live normal and productive lives. This is because they keep experiencing horrifying flashbacks from traumatizing situations (De Jong et al, 2011). A good example would be an ex soldier who has been in a war frontline, working in a textile industry. If this ex soldier develops post traumatic stress disorder, then he/she cannot be able to perform to maximum potential (Brewin, Andrew & Valentine, 2010). This is especially not in an environment where there are noises in the factory all the time. Noises from the machines as well as the products in the factory can trigger memories of a gun fight at any moment. This may make an ex-soldier suffering from PTSD to confuse the situation with horrific experiences and who knows what dangers he might cause to his work mates? In short, being in the company of a person who have been at a warzone, and has not sought professional help on PTSD is exposing self to danger.

Another example is a woman who may have been sexually assaulted in her past and she did seek professional help. A victim of sexual assault may develop post traumatic stress disorder from the experience (Mollica et al, 1992). If she does not seek professional help, she may develop ill feelings towards the male gender, and live to curse it for the rest of her life (Rudolf & Priebe, 2009). There have even been cases where sexually assaulted women at young ages have sworn not to get married, or even get intimate with any man for the rest of their lives. As if that was not enough, these women even resolve in very rational measures if they ever saw a woman and a man having a fight (Lehman, Possidente & Hawker, 1986). We have had cases where women who had been sexually assaulted at a young age killing men they suspected of sexually assaulting other women, even where there was no proof. These are just a few examples on how untreated post traumatic stress disorder can negatively affects an individual. In fact, from the above scenarios, we can say that untreated individuals cannot lead normal and productive lives. For starters, individuals with untreated post traumatic stress disorders cannot be trusted with making fair judgments (Brewin, Andrew & Valentine, 2010). For example, I believe a woman who was sexually assaulted at a young age would never be in a position to favor men who accused of the same crime if she were a judge. I believe her judgment would be clouded by her past, and maybe even convict an innocent person.

Research also shows that persons who have untreated PTSD tend to be very aggressive (Rudolf & Priebe, 2009). This is especially when they find themselves in situations that remind them of their traumatic events. When this happens, instead of confronting these situations and move on, they run away from them causing even more harm to their mental health (Jankovic et al, 2009). Individual suffering from PTSD are also easily distracted by their unpleasant memories (Mollica etal, 1992). This can be at work and even at school meaning that they cannot perform at their maximum potential. Other than that, there is also the fact that many individuals who suffer from this disorder may end up abusing drugs (McNally, 2010). Most PTSD patients abuse drugs as a way of trying to run away from their problems. This means that they may later develop irreversible health effects from these drugs out of not seeking professional help on PTSD.

In conclusion, there are many negative effects that come with untreated post traumatic stress disorder. Confronted with all the above information, I do not think that individuals suffering from untreated PTSD can lead normal and productive lives.




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