Applied Learning

Applied Learning

Learning psychology enables one to appreciate the true essence of human life. Such is the case given that an individual can come to an understanding of what motivates human behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. Similarly, over this course, I have embraced new ideas that will ultimately better my comprehension of my persona and the people around me. In essence, this discussion delves to illustrate three essential concepts or ideas that I have learnt from the psychology course content.

Section 1

Indeed, from this course of psychology, I have been able to appreciate new concepts and relate them to the daily life. A case in point of such interesting ideas is the children attachment styles, which help explain their behaviors and future relationships. Mary Ainsworth and colleagues identified three attachment styles namely, secure (child feel safe when the parent is around, and upset when he/she leaves), anxious-resistant (child becomes highly disappointed when parent leaves and resists him/her upon returning) and anxious-avoidant (child behaves similarly around parent and strangers) (Weiten, 2017).

Another aspect that came to the fore in this week’s readings is the role played by dreams. According to Freud, dreams are products of the subconscious mind, which when analyzed can generate information about the person’s fears and aspirations (Bernstein, 2014). With such revelation, it is clear that dreams have a meaning in one’s life that psychologists can help establish.

Lastly, the Freud’s structural model of one personality (Id, Ego, and Superego) is also of particular interest. That is the case because through it I am now conversant with why some people are rigid to certain ways of doing things (Superego) while others are constantly seeking for pleasure (Id) and others with the balance between the two (Ego)(Bernstein, 2014). With such an understanding, it is beyond doubt that one can relate people’s behaviors to their personality.

Section 2

Of particular significance from the noted ideas of this course content is the attachment style. Over the years, I have gained insight of what my childhood was from other people. One typical say that they have all expressed is my ability to be warm to strangers in the same way as my parents. Such an attachment is what (Weiten, 2017) describes as the anxious-ambivalent, where a child has no clear-cut difference between how he/she behaves around his parents or strangers. In part, this attachment style has had an impact on my current life. Such is the case given that I still carry on with the idea of having no limits with whom I interact with on a daily basis. A behavior of this kind has thus enabled me to have lasting relationships even with strangers and opened doors of opportunities that have played a big part in my success in life. Similarly, this type of attachment has landed me in trouble because it has resulted in my interaction with strangers with evil minds. Evidently, from these instances, it is beyond doubt that the anxious-ambivalent attachment style has had an enormous impact on my life.

Section 3

An idea that applies to my current or future work life is the one that relates to Freud’s structural component of the human personality. It is significant to my persona due to its ability to help me balance between the Id and Superego using the ego. For instance, the ego component of my personality will enable me to get past the pleasure-seeking principle (Id) that can ultimately cost me the job position. That is the case since a constant desire to pursue gratifying activities will result in no interest in other areas of the work causing reduced job performance in those facets of the job. Moreover, the ego will ensure that I do not give in to the demands of the superego, which will derail my wellbeing and progress forward whenever I fail to meet them. As such, with this aspect of the course, it is beyond question that it will benefit my current and future life work life.


In closure, this paper aimed at establishing the concepts learnt from the psychology course content and their relevance to real life. Indeed, it is clear that psychology helps bring meaning to life phenomena. As such, incorporating this subject for all students will enable them to extract the new meaning of life and better improve their interaction.




Bernstein, D. A. (2014). Essentials of psychology.

Weiten, W. (2017). Psychology applied to modern life: Adjustment in the 21st century. Wadsworth.