VARK Learning Style Analysis

VARK Learning Style Analysis


From the VARK questionnaire, the following scores were obtained: visual-5, aural-1, read/write 5 and kinesthetic-7. This is an indicator of a mild kinesthetic learning preference although there is a close use of other modalities like visual and read/write. Aural mode of learning is not excluded. With this preference, one uses experiences and things that are real to take in information concerning a subject by actively being involved in physical activities and practicals as their learning strategies or learning style.

In most instances, the knowledge gained is evidence-based as learning takes in the course of going through practical challenges and hands-on experiences to the advantage of exposing the learner to practice and evidence. In other instances, it can be used as a confirmatory learning style whereby the learner is introduced to real life scenario as evidence to what heard from discussions or read from texts which sometimes is hard to digest. In other words the level of understanding of concepts and details of a matter is boosted when the kinesthetic style of learning is incorporated on top of other learning styles enabling the learner to be confident of knowledge they gain as it is made more relevant and can easily apply it effectively in their day in day out activities (Kharb et al., 2013). Logistically it is difficult to achieve this style of learning when dealing with a large number of learners.

The other mode of learning is visual. It involves the use of sight to analyze maps, charts, diagrams and reading and watching. Individuals prefer this learning style when they can absorb and assimilate most of the knowledge by seeing what they are expected to know. Visual learners are unique in that they prefer reading than listening, remember what they read than what they hear, use diagrams, pictures and drawing to understand ideas and concepts and use colors to organize their information(Bell et al., 2014). More time is spent working alone, studying by looking at things and asking questions to seek clarification. Visual learners can identify differences and comparisons of different subjects.

Some people prefer learning by listening to what they want to learn. This is an aural learning style where learners absorb and contain information better by discussing, talking over matters, treading out of texts and use of audio recordings (Khanal et al., 2014). This mode of learning is crucial when studying issues pertaining theories, history and, cultures that cannot be seen in texts or pictures. It requires the involvement of other people hence it is difficult for learning to take place independently for example in a library set up.

Read/ Write learning style is secondary to visual and aural. Here one gets to learn more efficiently by reading what they see or writing taking down points they presume essential from what they read, hear or see. The learners can refer to their notes every time they feel is vital to eradicate confusion and often have a good memory of events and their details as they keep reminding themselves as they review what they noted down during that given time and event. It can turn disadvantageous in case one is unable to retrieve information because they can’t remember where they wrote it or the hard copy gets mishandled or even lost.

Preferred learning style is based on the individual acquiring the knowledge. That is the efficient way a person considers working for them when acquiring, digesting and keeping to memory new information. Preferred Learning styles also differ depending on the subject matter being learned. Different fields of study have different preferred learning styles. For instance, scientific studies are better conducted through the kinesthetic mode of learning by carrying out practicals and gaining evidence-based information. However, it is critical to note that for effective and efficient learning to take place multimodal learning style is put into practice. (Peyman et al., 2014)In this case, more than one learning styles are integrated whereby one method of learning usually referred to as the preferred is the primary style of learning and others are used secondarily to boost the level of understanding.

Being aware of the individual learning style preference and strategies is a crucial consideration in a teaching and learning set up.  It is true that learning should be learner-centered and to the teacher it enables them to know how best to present the concepts and contents of the subject to the learners for maximum learning to take place. When reaching out to a large number of students at the same time, they have to consider a wide range of learning styles among them verbal, aural, reading/writing and kinesthetic by use of lecturing method, projecting notes, charts and diagrams and use of practicals where applicable to cater for the various preferred learning styles among each student, for each to learn efficiently and effectively. The teacher can evaluate the learning styles of the students using VARK questionnaire.(Bell et al., 2014) For the learner, being aware of their learning style preferences can help them formulate appropriate learning strategies and acquire necessary gadgets that will enhance their learning.


Active learning models such as debates and use of models are the most preferred learning styles over other models because they are more beneficial to the learners as they call for the learner to think critically as they analyze, evaluate and interpret information and correlate it to real life situation. They also improve problem-solving and decision-making skills.





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