Respiratory Shadow Health Tina Jones Lifespan

Respiratory Shadow Health Tina Jones Lifespan

Lifespan Activity Time: 16 min

Tina’s second cousin was diagnosed with asthma at age 5. What would be included in your treatment plan? What factors might concern you related to compliance?

Student Response: Patients under the age of 18 who have asthma are treated with xxx.

Model Note: Younger patients with asthma are treated with the same medication as adults. Some medication dosages are based on weight. She should use an inhaler with a spacer attached for proper medication administration and her caregiver should always assist her. Studies have shown that nebulizer treatments are a less efficient way to administer medication. The provider should acknowledge that she may have an asthma attack while in school, and therefore needs a note to allow her to use it as needed. The patient and her caregiver should be educated about the importance of having her inhaler close-by and how to use it.

Consider that Tina’s uncle is now 68 years old and has smoked heavily every day since he was fifteen. What would you expect to find in his respiratory assessment? How would this affect your oxygenation goals for this patient?

Student Response: As a result of smoking-induced emphysematous alterations in his lungs, he most likely has xxx. Model Note: He likely has decreased breath sounds on auscultation due to emphysematous changes to his lungs from smoking. As alveoli get destroyed from chronic inflammation and irritation, the surface area in the lungs is decreased. This leads to less area for gas exchange and subsequent decreased oxygen saturation. As his body adjusts to chronic oxygen deprivation, attention must be given to how much supplemental oxygen is given. The goal with someone with severe COPD is to keep oxygen saturation 88% to 92%. If he is given too much oxygen his drive to breathe with be decreased and puts him at risk for death.

Respiratory Shadow Health Tina Jones Lifespan

Tina Jones’s Lifespan Respiratory Assessment

Activity Duration: 16 minutes

When Tina’s second cousin was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 5, what would be part of your plan to help her? What things might make it hard for her or her family to follow the plan?

Student’s Answer: Children under 18 with asthma usually get treated with xxx.

Guidance: Kids with asthma often need the same medicines as adults. But sometimes, the amount of medicine depends on how much they weigh. Tina should use an inhaler with a spacer, and someone should always help her use it correctly. Studies say using a nebulizer might not be the best way to give her medicine. Tina might have an asthma attack at school, so she needs a note allowing her to use her inhaler when she needs it. It’s important for Tina and her family to understand why she needs to keep her inhaler nearby and how to use it properly.

Shadow Health Tina Jones Respiratory Documentation

Now, imagine Tina’s uncle is 68 years old and has smoked a lot every day since he was 15. What would you expect to find when you check his breathing? How would this affect your goals for his oxygen levels?

Student’s Answer: Because of smoking, he probably has xxx.

Guidance: Smoking likely damaged his lungs, so when we listen to his chest, we might hear less air moving in and out. Smoking can destroy tiny air sacs in the lungs, making it harder for oxygen to get into his blood. When someone’s lungs don’t work well, we have to be careful with how much extra oxygen we give them. For someone with severe lung problems like him, we aim to keep their oxygen levels between 88% and 92%. Giving too much oxygen can actually make it harder for him to breathe, which could be dangerous.