Reengineering Health Care Solved

Reengineering Health Care Solved. CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT.
Jones et al., (2016) States that continuous quality improvement (CQI), is a managerial responsibility to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of resources in their department. He further describes it as an on-going process of innovation, prevention of errors, and general staff development in a healthcare environment.CQI involves not only the nurse manager but also the entire staff working there for its success. Teamwork is an essential tool in enhancing healthcare quality, which is the medical staff desired goal in every patient.

Reengineering Health Care Solved

The patient’s overall outcome is the area of concern in CQI; hence, identification of any problems and actions to take in rectifying the issue is vital.

According to Johnson & Sollecito (2018), nurse managers can employ different strategies such as the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) in the application of CQI. This act helps in identification of current challenges that the department is facing and provides implementation strategies for overcoming the problem. In ensuring that patient safety gets achieved, a member of the surgical nurses’ team who will take care of the patient is formed. As the nurse manager of the surgical ward, it is very crucial to state your objectives during team formation. The participant nurses will help in identifying any challenges faced by the admitted patients in the surgical ward.

Teamwork helps the nurse manager to obtain suggestions for better patient care from the nurses since they will be directly involved with the patients. New ideas on how to care for the wounded patients will improve their overall outcome; thus, increase patient and nurses’ satisfaction (Al-Abri& Al-Balushi, 2014). Application of CQI sees to increased patient safety and improved outcome; therefore, decreases the hospitalization period. Allowing the nurses to participate in CQI increases their accountability and responsibility, thus improved overall care of the patient.


Al-Abri, R., & Al-Balushi, A. (2014). Patient satisfaction survey as a tool towards quality improvement. Oman medical journal, 29(1), 3.

Johnson, J. K., & Sollecito, W. A. (2018). McLaughlin & Kaluzny’s Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Jones, E. L., Lees, N., Martin, G., & Dixon-Woods, M. (2016). How well is quality improvement described in the perioperative care literature? A systematic review. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 42(5), 196-AP10.