Quantitative methods

Quantitative methods

Quantitative methods allow examination and measurement of data. It enables understanding of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. It is employed in experiments for test hypothesis testing in addition to scale survey of a larger population.Quantitative research is often numerical. The merits of the method include the objectivity of this type of analysis is enhanced with numerical data to understand the relationship between two phenomena in health sciences (Tariq & Woodman, 2013). For example, in most epidemiology study, regression analysis is employed because it allows analysis of the relationship between dependent variable with more than one independent variable. Researchers are therefore able to understand how different factors contribute to the cause of a given disease as well as the strength of these factors(Doorenbos, 2014). The use of qualitative data also allows the understanding of the association between a dependent and independent variable and the extent of this relationship in numerical terms. The use of quantitative methods enables a faster and reliable way of analyzing the collected data by the use of the appropriate statistical model (Tariq & Woodman, 2013). In drug design, for example, a scientist can understand the extent of the sides effects or effectiveness of a given drug. In nursing practice, quantitative research enables the determination of the acceptability of a given practice as an evidence-based practice on the extent of how it improves the health outcome of the patients.

The limitation of the method include, the accuracy of the quantitative method is directly proportional to the size of the population sample under investigation. What it means is that, the greater the population sample tested, the more acceptable the data is. The problem, however, is that it takes a lot of time and resources to test huge population sample (Doorenbos, 2014). The great amount of cash needed also interferes with the use of this method. Unlike where one can conduct a questionnaire with internet survey for example in the qualitative method. Another disadvantage is the use of statistical data doesn’t enable a clear understanding of the casualty effects between independent and dependent variables.

One of the interesting topic I would use a quantitative method to study is determining the impact of self-management intervention on the patients with type two diabetes. In this case, I would use a quantitative method to determine the impact of physical activity on the level of HbA1c on patients with type two diabetes. Specifically, I would employ the use of correlational analysis to determine the positive or negative correlations between the independent and dependent variable. In this case, the independent variable is the level of HbA1c and dependent variable is physical exercise.












Tariq, S., & Woodman, J. (2013). Using mixed methods in health research. JRSM Short Reports4(6), 2042533313479197. http://doi.org/10.1177/2042533313479197

Doorenbos, A. Z. (2014). Mixed Methods in Nursing Research : An Overview and Practical Examples. KangoKenkyu. The Japanese Journal of Nursing Research47(3), 207–217. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4287271/