Professional Presence and Influence

Professional Presence and Influence

According to Feldman, and Alexander, (2012) professional presence refers to the presentation of oneself to other people, which comes with an aura of command and competency. Leaders attain their professional growth through this door. Self-presentation entails several elements, which nurses must pay keen attention to as they seek to create a good impression in others. Befitting examples of these elements include communication, appearance, professional etiquette, behavior, and attitude. In the nursing profession, professional presence is of the essence since it affects different spheres of the practice. In essence, this paper aims at analyzing professional presence, mindfulness practice and optimal healing environment to their practical details.

Professional Presence

Primarily, this section aims at analyzing the various models of health and healing, how they differ with personal, professional presence and the influence of professional presence on nursing practice.

Models of Health and Healing

In the contemporary medical world, models of health and healing abound and are worth noting. A case in point of a model of health and healing is the one that concentrates solely on the physical body of an individual. In this framework, the wellbeing of the physical body of people confers good health or signifies a return to good health in the form of healing. Individuals relying on the physical body model perceive healing and good health by the absence of visible clinical manifestations of a disease (Young, & Koopsen, 2011). Despite its wide utilization over the years, the physical body model has drawn lots of criticism about its lack of incorporation of other spheres of life of a human being. Based on this argument, various studies have identified another model, namely the body/ mind/spirit model that is also worth analysis.

In the body/mind/spirit or the bio-psycho-social model, individuals have an integrated model that incorporates the full definition of health as captured by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO refers health as to a state of complete physical, social, mental, spiritual and psychological wellbeing, which not necessarily guarantees the absence of an infirmity (Timby, 2016). As such, the bio-psycho-social model envisions health and healing as being the interplay among the physical, social and psychological wellbeing. Thus, persons relying on this model equate healing and good health to physical, social and psychological wellbeing, which enables them to focus their efforts towards improving functioning on the three areas of life of the sick.

Models and Professional Presence

Of utmost significance from the comparison of the two highlighted models of health and healing with personal professional presence are the many differences between the physical body model and personal professional presence. A typical example of such differences the basic belief that there is more to healing and good health other than physical wellbeing. Central to this personal perspective is the totality of human beings’ wellbeing is inclusive of all facets of life that include physical, social, psychological, mental and spiritual (Timby, 2016). Clearly, it is beyond doubt that the physical body model is not comprehensive in its approach and thus differs from the professional presence in this respect.

Another variation between the two is existent in the actions taken to restore health. In the physical body model, the focus is solely on improving the clinical manifestations (Young, & Koopsen, 2011). On the contrary, at a personal level, healing entails healthy body, mind and spiritual functioning. Therefore, all activities of restoring good health must consider these areas of functioning of an individual. Evidently, this is proof enough of the difference that is existent between physical body model and the personal professional presence.

Influence on Nursing Practice

Primarily, self-awareness has had a massive impact on my nursing practice that is noteworthy. For example, the body/mind/spirit belief of a human being has resulted in an inherent desire of always addressing these aspects of an individual while offering care. Consequently, this confers a person-centered care approach that entails holistic nursing care of a person in all areas of his/her life (Timby, 2016). Furthermore, the professional presence has led to an improvement of patients’ outcomes. Such is the case since through the integrated model of care the patients have benefited wholesomely given that the focus is on all their needs (physical, social, mental, spiritual and psychological). Based on such instances, it is apparent that the personal professional presence has helped improve my nursing practice.

Personality Preferences

Central to the self-realization is the identification of the personality preferences. In essence, this section focuses on presenting personality assessment findings and an in-depth analysis of the results to determine the preferences alignment and potential barriers that one can minimize through such self-awareness.

Personality Assessment Submission

Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicates that your personality type is that of artisans. Artisans are the temperament with a natural ability to excel in any of the arts, not only the fine arts such as painting and sculpting, or the performing arts such as music, theater, and dance, but also the athletic, military, political, mechanical, and industrial arts, as well as the “art of the deal” in business.

Artisans are most at home in the real world of solid objects that can be made and manipulated, and of real-life events that can be experienced in the here and now. Artisans have exceptionally keen senses, and love working with their hands. They seem right at home with tools, instruments, and vehicles of all kinds, and their actions are usually aimed at getting them where they want to go, and as quickly as possible. Thus Artisans will strike off boldly down roads that others might consider risky or impossible, doing whatever it takes, rules or no rules, to accomplish their goals. This devil-may-care attitude also gives the Artisans a winning way with people, and they are often irresistibly charming with family, friends, and co-workers.

Artisans want to be where the action is; they seek out adventure and show a constant hunger for pleasure and stimulation. They believe that variety is the spice of life, and that doing things that aren’t fun or exciting is a waste of time. Artisans are impulsive, adaptable, competitive, and believe the next throw of the dice will be the lucky one. They can also be generous to a fault, always ready to share with their friends from the bounty of life. Above all, Artisans need to be free to do what they wish, when they wish. They resist being tied or bound or confined or obligated; they would rather not wait, or save, or store, or live for tomorrow. In the Artisan view, today must be enjoyed, for tomorrow may never come.

There are many Artisans, perhaps 30 to 35 percent of the population, which is good, because they create much of the beauty, grace, fun, and excitement the rest of us enjoy in life.

In the workworld, it is often the “mechanics” of things draws your interest and attention. You have an uncanny ability to manipulate the world of objects around you, especially with your hands and body. Your mastery of the tools of your trade allows you to do things other people find risky or difficult. Although you appreciate a sense of order, you have little tolerance for routine. Artisans like you tend to break out of the arbitrary confines of some workplaces impulsively.

Test Results Analysis

At the heart of the Keirsey test results analysis are two objectives. They include ascertainment of preferences alignment with relationships, favorite activities as well as career choices and identification of avoidable barriers through such realization of self.

Preferences Alignment

Going by the results obtained from the Keirsey test, it is apparent that the Artisan preferences align with my interests and choices in life. For instance, the nursing career choice points to this conclusion in a befitting manner. According to Timby, (2016) nursing is both a science and an art because it entails theory and hands-on practice respectively. The art domain of nursing informed my choice of this career given my constant focus on the mechanics of things. Additionally, my interest in working in the clinical area rather than in the research field is also on the premise of a hands-on approach. Notwithstanding, my extensive network of relationships with other persons in the workplace is another instance that points to the contributory role of Artisan personality. That is the case because the Artisan’s here-now approach drives him/her to make friends at every opportunity obtained in his/her life (Puttick, 2009). Evidently, all these instances are proof that my Artisan personality preferences align with my interests, choices, and relationships in life.

Potential Challenges or Barriers

Given an increased self-awareness of this kind, it is beyond question that certain problems in life are avoidable. A befitting example of such hindrances is restrictions associated with decision-making. That is for sure given that the here-now mentality of the Artisan mentality subjects one to make a decision of the best course of action instantly (Puttick, 2009). As such, problems of procrastinating decision-making to another time are avoidable in this sense.

Also, the challenge of inability to maintain good interpersonal relationships is also preventable owing to this self-revelation. Such is the case given that Artisan personality makes individuals lovable by others and increases their ability to start new friendships at every opportunity they get (Puttick, 2009). Thus, based on these features of the Artisan, it becomes so easy for persons with such a personality to start new relationships with other individuals.

Mindfulness Practice

Concerning the mindfulness practice, individuals ought to have an operational action plan on how to achieve it. Characteristic of the mindfulness practice action plan are the whole person goals and the necessary interventions for the attainment of the goals.

Whole Person Goals

The goals relate to the physical, vital/rhythmic, mental/emotional and biographical/spiritual aspects of the whole person.  Physically, the first goal is to increase the physical exercises on a regular basis. The second goal is to adopt a healthy dietary practice.

As for the vital/rhythmic aspect, one goal will be to balance between work and family issues. Another goal will be to get enough sleep and rest.

On the contrary, the goals for the mental/emotional aspect will include decreasing stress and promoting a positive self-perception.

Lastly, as for the biographical/spiritual aspect, one goal will be to create time for spiritual reconnection. The other objective will be to having time for self as a person.

Achievement of Goals

Central to the realization of the physical aspect goals, I will start a jogging session every morning for at least thirty minutes. Also, I will refrain from taking fast and refined foods for the achievement of the goal of adopting a healthy diet. With such actions in stock, my physical wellbeing will ultimately improve.

As for the vital/rhythmic aspect, the achievement of its goals will entail drafting a schedule that will specify the time for working and that of spending quality time with family members such as during the holidays and leaves. Besides, adopting a strict sleeping routine that starts as from 10 pm to 4 am will also help in the achievement of the enough sleep and rest.

Attainment of the mental/emotional aspect goal of decreasing stress will entail looking for a confidant that will listen and advise on how to resolve personal problems. Such an action is of the essence in reducing the heavy weight of problems and thereby relieving stress (Olshevski, 2013). Additionally, achieving the target of promoting a positive self-perception will entail concentrating on the personal strengths in the same manner as the weakness. By so doing, attainment of the mental/emotional aspect goals is inevitable.

Finally, the attainment of biographical/spiritual aspect first goal of spiritual reconnection will entail praying every morning upon waking up and every evening before sleeping. According to Young, and Koopsen, (2011) prayer enhances spiritual reconnection with God and therefore essential for spiritual wellbeing. Furthermore, meditations on a daily basis will also enable the achievement of creating time for self as a person.

Healing Environments

Best Practices

Currently, many facilities demonstrate optimal healing environments within the USA. Typical examples of such institutions are the Kaiser Permanente and the Good Samaritan Hospital, whose main aim is to promote the wellbeing of persons in totality, envisages the four elements of optimal healing environment such as internal, interpersonal, behavioral, and external environments.

Externally, both Kaiser Permanente and the Good Samaritan Hospital spearhead educational programs that equip the community members with necessary knowledge about the prevention of health problems affecting them (CHI Health Good Samaritan, 2017; Kaiser Permanente, n.d). Internally, the two institutions are in constant consideration of its staff training needs through availing in-service training. As for the interpersonal element of the healing environment, both facilities’ emphasis is on multidisciplinary collaboration for the attainment of organizational goals (CHI Health Good Samaritan, 2017; Kaiser Permanente, n.d). Lastly, in behavioral terms, both Kaiser Permanente and the Good Samaritan Hospital harbor healthcare professionals that are caring and compassionate of the patients and their families (CHI Health Good Samaritan, 2017; Kaiser Permanente, n.d). Clearly, all these practices evident in these institutions are proof of the elements of internal, interpersonal, behavioral, and external environments.

Professional Presence Promotion

Based on the knowledge of best practices adopted in optimal healing environments, promotion of professional presence in current and new workplaces is possible in various ways. For instance, by advocating for an optimal healing environment, which entails teamwork, staff training and culture of caring and compassionate treatment of the patients, one can institutionalize professional presence. Such is the case given that healthcare professionals will be able to adopt automatically optimal healing features like being compassionate to others since it is common to their environment (CHI Health Good Samaritan, 2017). As such, through advocacy, promotion of professional presence is possible in the current healthcare setting.


Concisely, this discussion aimed at analyzing professional presence, mindfulness practice and optimal healing environment to their practical details. Indeed, it has addressed all these areas extensively. Of the utmost importance from the lessons drawn from this review is that professional presence is an important facet of the professional growth. Thus, it should take precedence in the healthcare facilities’ priorities. However, failure to do so will only subject institutions to poor healthcare outcomes.


CHI Health Good Samaritan. (2017). Planetree. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from

Feldman, H. R., & Alexander, G. R. (2012). Nursing leadership: A concise encyclopedia. New York: Springer.

Kaiser Permanente. (n.d.). Kaiser Permanente Mission and Values. Retrieved from Kaiser Permanente:

Olshevski, J. (2013). Stress Reduction for Caregivers. Routledge.

Puttick, E. (2009). 7 personality types: Discover your true role in achieving success and happiness. Carlsbad, Calif: Hay House, Inc.

Timby, B. K. (2016). Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts.Wolters Kluwer Health,

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Young, C., & Koopsen, C. (2011). Spirituality, health, and healing: An integrative approach. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett.

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