Professional Presence Section A
Influence and presence in the workplace A1. Healing Models and Their Variations For this debate, the Era I and Era II models of healing have been used. The Era I paradigm, also referred to as the “mechanical medicine model,” spans the period between mid-1800 and mid-1900, when medicine first emerged as a science. This model’s central tenet is that physical factors, including as the use of medications and surgical procedures, are necessary for the restoration of health in humans (Weeks, 2017). The discovery of the physical principles of nature, according to researchers, served as the fundamental basis for this approach. The human body is supposed to be governed by chemicals rather than external factors, just as the physical world
Influence and presence in the workplace, The paradigm also recognizes that the mind is not a factor in health or illness but is instead equated with the mechanics and operation of the brain (Weeks, 2017). Therefore, physical therapy should be used in any effort to promote healing. The Second World War saw the development of the Era II model of healing, which unlike Era I, which concentrated on the physical, acknowledged the importance of emotions and feelings in the healing process. The human body is regarded as both a system and an integral component of that system. The Era II model emphasizes that a person’s wellbeing is significantly influenced by their emotions and attitudes (Weeks, 2017). For instance, there is evidence that stress is linked to heart, cancer, and ulcer problems. This indicates that even if physical treatment might promote healing, it’s important to concentrate on the patient’s emotional health as well. It can be seen from the two models that the Era I model seeks to address sickness simply from the physical perspective, whereas the Era II model further connects illness to the psyche.
Influence and presence in the workplace A2: My own professional presence against Era I’s A person’s professional presence is a dynamic fusion of poise, flair, and self-confidence that enables them to come off as competent from the get-go. Nursing is a profession that is governed by norms, which must be upheld and adhered to individually. I’m convinced that there is a close connection between the mind and the body. As a result, providing emotional support to patients as they heal is essential in the medical setting. As a result, I think that external forces like family and friends have an impact on a person’s wellbeing. I greatly recognise the importance of emotional, spiritual, and social support in recovery, in contrast to Era I, which exclusively acknowledges the value of physical therapy. It is also clear that the Era I method of healing is limited to treating bodily issues like wounds or organ damage. On the other hand, understanding how the body and the mind are related can help with managing stress, psychiatric disorders, and even physical issues like pain.
Influence and presence in the workplace, A3: How My Professional Presence Affects How I Practice Nursing In the field of professional nursing, attitudes and beliefs play a significant role. The way nurses treat patients is influenced by how they see sickness and perhaps by what they believe about health. Professionally, I see disease as a phenomenon that degrades people’s health, so I always attempt to give my patients comprehensive care. For instance, I offer patients emotional support by counseling them and offering them hope in addition to administering medications to control their condition. Influence and presence in the workplace, Another element I think is critical for healing is family participation. All of these initiatives rely on the healthcare professional’s attention or distraction. Instead of being distracted, I perform at my best when I am focused on the patient. Distractions can hinder communication and make it more difficult to deliver timely care, both of which have a detrimental effect on healing.
Personality Preferences in Section B
Results of a personality test, B1.
“Your Type ESFJ Extravert (16%), Sensing (1%), Feeling (53%), and Judging (16%) according to the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test. You (16%) like extraversion above introversion slightly. You favor Sensing above Intuition only slightly or not at all (1%). You like Feeling overthinking in a moderate (53%) way. You favor judging 16 percent less than perception.”
Influence and presence in the workplace, B2. Test results analysis My ESFJ personality type according to the results of the Jung typology test is extraverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. These people are trustworthy colleagues who uphold high morals and ideals. According to research, individuals with this personality attribute enjoy interacting with others (Ali, 2019). They take a keen interest in other people and value popularity and likeability highly. The ESFJs are active and frequently feel compelled to adopt a more authoritative position, in addition to being trustworthy and dependable. ESFJs are most suited for administrative, management, and research tasks in the workplace (Ali, 2019). It’s true that I have heightened emotional sensitivity and constantly carry other people’s emotions with me. I get along with everyone at work because of this strong relationship. I’ve never had the desire to outperform everyone else at work, though. Since leadership entails a lot of responsibility, I don’t think I’m cut out for it.
Influence and presence in the workplace, B2a. Preference Assessment According to the test findings, I slightly prefer extraversion to introversion. I enjoy interacting with everyone around me at work, and I have strong moral principles that direct my nursing practice. As a result, I constantly assume that everyone will act morally, which makes me judgmental. Despite this, I always mean well, even when I have to correct someone. When it comes to professional options, ESFJs are always top-notch. They oversee, direct, or look after the groups in which they are employed. Being a nurse at the bedside level gives me the opportunity to engage with patients, families, and coworkers, which I like. But I might decide to go for managerial positions in the future. The ESFJs enjoy volunteering in the community, hosting parties, playing social sports, and celebrating. I admit that I enjoy having fun, hanging out with friends, and volunteering.
Influence and presence in the workplace
B2b. Potential Difficulties People are so different, with such intricate personality combinations. We are tremendously fascinating due to the complexity of our personalities, which combine our unique flaws and talents. The propensity to become distracted by other people’s emotions is the most frequent issue encountered at work (Ali, 2019). This makes it challenging to do other duties, particularly when a patient is lost at work. Second, some people might consider my intense attachment to be a burden or my desire to assist as being intrusive. As a result, coworkers can be reluctant to voice their worries or fail to disclose their issues. Another difficulty is that criticizing others or expecting them to perform to your standards can damage relationships at work. It might be difficult to work with such personalities since some people may not want to be chastised when they do something incorrect.
Section C: Practicing Mindfulness
C1a. Objects
to keep a professional appearance and a weight of 70 kg on average.
to improve my physical condition and keep up a healthy lifestyle.
Balance your time between your family, your community, and your job.
to lead by example at work and serve as a mentor to young people.
to overcome my overwhelming emotional attachments and create a healthy outlook at work.
should strive to understand others at work and refrain from passing judgment.
to cultivate compassion and empathy for others.
to strengthen my relationship with my inner self and comprehend what it is to be a person
How to Reach Gfoals (C1b)
Setting aside time for the gym and going for morning and evening runs will be necessary for achieving the physical goals. I’ll also pay attention to my nutrition in order to control my weight, and I might come up with a strategy that contains variety. As for the important objectives, I’ll avoid working extra and arrive at home early so I may spend time with the family. The frequency of community service can be capped at once a month or on sporadic weekends. At work, I’ll concentrate on assisting coworkers and students in providing patient-centered care. The emotional objectives will be met by consulting with counselors and reading literature to learn how to go past the cited obstacles. With regard to my tendency to pass judgment, I will ask my coworkers for guidance and develop my ability to get along with people of various types. As a Christian, I will improve my spiritual health through prayer, bible study, and quiet retreats. Another strategy that can help me improve my relationship with my inner self and comprehend how other people behave is meditation.
Healing Environments Section D
Direct healing environments (D1). Good Samaritan Hospital: With 408 beds and a yearly capacity of more than 12,000 in-patients and 74,000 outpatients, Good Samaritan Hospital is a facility in Los Angeles, California (Good Samaritan Hospital, 2020). The hospital sponsors seven Centers of Excellence that are dedicated to improving medical knowledge and delivering first-rate patient care with world-class medical professionals. The hospital has made a point of encouraging patients’ spirituality through reflection and meditation exercises. For the purpose of fostering interpersonal bonds, friends, family, and community organizations are permitted to visit the patients. Regarding the behavioral setting, the facility offers patient education resources to help them understand their treatment. With thoughtfully constructed pavements and structures, the facility’s exterior environment is intended to give guests access to a beautiful natural setting. Keck Hospital USC: This Los Angeles, California, hospital only offers direct care to ill patients. The indoor environment of the hospital includes highly educated doctors who offer patients specialized care (Keck Medicine of USC, 2020). The hospital also uses the visual arts to encourage patients’ wellbeing and happiness. The facility provides for patient-family and friend connection on an interpersonal level. Additionally, the charity has community volunteers that offer patients treatment, including psychological and spiritual assistance. The efforts to undertake additional research that might aid in patient care indicate the behavioral environment. Additionally, the institution manages a variety of conditions using evidence-based techniques, which supports quality care. The building has gorgeous outside architecture and a peaceful environment. Through the windows, patients can glimpse the outdoors, which helps them relax.
D2. Putting Self-Awareness and Insight into Practice Although my facility uses similar strategies to create a perfect environment, it would significantly benefit from the community volunteer initiative Keck Hospital has implemented. Healthcare professionals who care for patients in facilities and in communities are permitted by the program. The two facilities exhibit excellent levels of spiritual care that my facility may imitate. Patients are given hope by spiritual treatment, which also justifies a respectful death. Introducing techniques like meditation to patients and contemplation to healthcare professionals can raise the standard of care provided in the facility.
Ali, I. (2019). Personality traits, individual innovativeness and satisfaction with life. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(1), 38-46.
Good Samaritan Hospital. (2020). About Good Samaritan Hospital: Tradition of caring. Retrieved from
Keck Medicine of USC. (2020). About Keck Hospital of USC. Retrieved from
Weeks, J. (2017). Five Eras and 125 Milestones in The Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine… plus more. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, 16(1), 26. Retrieved from