Nursing Professionalism and Social Media

Nursing Professionalism and Social Media
Technology has transformed personal life and connected the whole world through an online communication platform. It has resulted in various social media platforms whereby individuals share posts, pictures, and hold conversations in a public forum accessed by everyone. Social media portrays the character and personality of individuals and is being used for scrutiny during the recruitment and hiring of candidates. The nursing profession requires one to demonstrate the appropriate ethical principles and standards in all aspects (Gomes, Butera, Chretien, & Kind, 2017). Unethical conduct display negativity and welcome legal actions from regulatory authorities.

Post description

In recent time I posted a picture on Instagram that attracted a significant reaction from the majority of individuals. In the film, I was half-naked, drunk and holding a glass of wine. The background of the picture was in the club with people dancing in pairs, and it was the middle of the night. The whole context of the post presented a negative image that can be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing in the line of dressing and moral standards (Gagnon, & Sabus, 2015). It portrayed an immoral behaviour with inappropriate dressing and in a contradicting setting.

Why nurses should uphold a standard conduct

The nurses are obligated to enforce consistent behaviour that conforms with the standards governing the profession to protect the corporate image of the nursing society. The manner in which an individual nurse behaves in personal life affects the perception of the public on the authenticity of the nursing practice. Nursing is considered a life-saving profession that deals with humans in the best ways possible. A large population of patients trust the nurses and have confidence in their duties. Therefore, once they view an orthodox presentation coming from the nurse member, they may feel threatened and insecure about being handled with such kind of nurses in care units.

Personal conduct

Once enrolled as a nurse, one has the responsibility to maintain professionalism and ethics of practice at all time. An individual act represents the nursing fraternity and can be considered universal for all the nurses in the eyes of public opinion. In this case, inappropriate personal conduct can threaten the HIPAA, especially in sharing patient information in the social media platform. For example, violation of the HIPAA occurs when the nurse takes a picture within the healthcare unit. Then posts it in the social media platform with the background of patients or their information, thus breaching the privacy and confidentiality of the patients (Langenfeld, Vargo, & Schenarts, 2016). Ethical standards are socially oriented; therefore, when the nurse behaviour is contrary to the healthy society practices, it’s considered unethical. For example, reporting on duty dressed in an exposing dress is unethical. All nurses are required to demonstrate professional competencies, and it’s unprofessional to conduct functions and responsibility while drunk and subjecting patients to medical errors.

Areas of social media activity

Social media also present online pages where individuals share inspirational posts that are Christian oriented. It also encompasses sharing health messages that build the public positively. An online group has been created that involves professionals with a strong religious background who hold a conversation on Christian values in the context of respecting human dignity in all aspect. The online page is accessible to the public and aids in building professionalism on the grounds of Christianity and critical values and principles. Area such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that are subscribed by large populations of people should be improved. They should be developed in the context of regulating morally upright practices and developing applications that build societal values and professionalism (Westrick, 2016).


Gagnon, K., & Sabus, C. (2015). Professionalism in a digital age: opportunities and considerations for using social media in health care. Physical therapy95(3), 406-414.

Gomes, A. W., Butera, G., Chretien, K. C., & Kind, T. (2017). The development and impact of a social media and professionalism course for medical students. Teaching and learning in medicine29(3), 296-303.

Langenfeld, S. J., Vargo, D. J., & Schenarts, P. J. (2016). Balancing privacy and professionalism: a survey of general surgery program directors on social media and surgical education. Journal of surgical education73(6), e28-e32.

Westrick, S. J. (2016). Nursing students’ use of electronic and social media: Law, ethics, and e-professionalism. Nursing Education Perspectives37(1), 16-22.