Professionalism in Public Health

Professionalism in Public Health

Professionalism is the scrutiny or consistent analysis across the health and social care professions, accompanied by many people’s issues emerging in their career, ranging from the technical ability to the broad range of distinct behaviors. There are some of the attributes that a public health officer should have. They include;

Emotional stability

A person who is emotionally stable is termed as a great health care professional. Despite Health care being a stressful career, professionals can encounter many traumatic situations, suffering, and death. A great health care worker is one who is able to work without allowing the stress to cause great personal harm.


Empathy is a feeling of compassion, being in the same pain with the patient. A Great health care professional should have empathy for the pain and suffering of the patients. They are able to feel compassion and provide comfort.

Good attention to details

A great health care professional understands that every step in the medical field is one that can have far-reaching consequences. In that case, they offer whole attention to details and is careful not to skip steps or to make mistakes.

Physical endurance

A great health care professional has strong physical endurance and is able to tolerate standing for long periods of time, lifting heavy objects in this case patients or people, and performing a number of taxing maneuvers on a daily basis.

The distinctive characteristics that a public health professional would need to implement in order to fully support the community include; policy developments like mobilizing the community partnership, developing policies and informing or educating the community. Secondly is to provide assurance by linking the community with care, enforce laws and assure legitimate workforce. Lastly is assessment, the professionals are to monitor health, investigate and diagnose.


Gostin, L. O. (2001). Public health, ethics, and human rights: A tribute to the late Jonathan Mann. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics, 29(2), 121-130.

Beauchamp, D. E. (1976). Public health as social justice. Inquiry, 13(1), 3-14.