Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data

Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data

Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health transcript


Table of Contents

When Noah and his caretaker visit for Noah’s sickness, it’s important to ask them questions to understand what’s going on.

Relationship with Caretaker:

– You ask Noah and his caretaker about their relationship. They tell you that they’re uncle and nephew, and also godfather and godson.

Pro Tip: It’s important to know the relationship between the patient and their guardian to make sure you’re talking to someone who can share information legally and ethically.
Example Question:
How are you related to Noah?

Chief Complaint:

– You ask Noah’s caretaker why they’ve come in. They mention Noah stayed with them over the weekend, and they noticed a rash on him. Noah also mentions feeling itchy.

Pro Tip: Knowing why Noah and his caretaker came in helps understand their concerns. This information guides your questions and helps you suggest what to do next.
Example Question:
What made you come to the clinic today?

History of Present Illness:

– You ask when the rash started. The caretaker says they noticed it yesterday, and Noah mentions feeling itchy since last weekend.

Pro Tip: Learning when the symptoms started helps understand Noah’s condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
When did you first notice Noah’s rash?

– The caretaker isn’t sure when the rash started but is worried Noah’s parents didn’t notice it.

Pro Tip: Understanding when the symptoms started helps understand Noah’s condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
Did Noah’s parents know he had a rash?

– Noah tells you the rash is on his feet and ankles, and the caretaker adds it’s also on his lower legs.

Pro Tip: Knowing where the rash is helps understand Noah’s condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
Where exactly is the rash?

– Noah’s caretaker mentions Noah has been scratching a lot this weekend.

Pro Tip: Knowing how long Noah has been scratching helps understand his condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
How long has Noah been scratching?

– Noah describes the rash as red bumps but says it doesn’t hurt, bleed, or have blisters.

Pro Tip: Knowing the characteristics of the rash helps understand Noah’s condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
Can you describe how the rash looks?

Bathing Routine:

– Noah tells you he showers once a week or less, usually with hot water, and no one helps him bathe.

Pro Tip: Knowing Noah’s bathing habits helps understand his condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
How often do you shower?

Animal Exposure:

– Noah says he doesn’t have pets at home but spends time with his neighbor’s dog. He’s not sure if the dog has fleas.

Pro Tip: Knowing Noah’s exposure to animals helps understand his condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
Do you come into contact with animals?

Aggravating Factors:

– Noah mentions scratching makes the itching worse, and so does showering.

Pro Tip: Knowing what makes the itching worse helps understand Noah’s condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
What makes the itching worse?

Relieving Factors:

– Noah’s caretaker says they didn’t use any treatments but gave Noah cold compresses last night, which helped temporarily.

Pro Tip: Knowing what helps relieve symptoms helps understand Noah’s condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
Did you do anything that made the itching better?


– Noah’s caretaker says they gave Noah children’s diphenhydramine last night, following the recommended dosage. It helped relieve itching but made him sleepy.

Pro Tip: Knowing what medications Noah has taken helps understand his condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
Did Noah take any medication for the itching?

Family History:

– Noah says he’s not sure if anyone he knows has a rash, and his caretaker confirms no one else in the household has one.

Pro Tip: Knowing Noah’s family history helps understand his condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
Does anyone in your family have a rash?

Past Medical History:

– Noah denies having any past medical issues.

Pro Tip: Knowing Noah’s medical history helps understand his condition and what might be causing it.
Example Question:
Has Noah had any medical problems before?

Home Medications:

– Noah says he doesn’t take any medications at home.

Maya Parker Ear Pain Shadow Health Objective Data

Noah Caputo’s Visit for Sickness: Understanding Noah’s Situation and Symptoms

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Scored Items

Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data.

Patient Data

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A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient’s case.

Caretaker’s Relationship


Asked about relationship to patient

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports being patient’s uncle and godfather


    Pro Tip: Confirming the patient’s relationship with their guardian ensures that you’re observing legal and ethical protections for patient privacy and that you’re speaking with someone who has access to their information.

    Example Question:

    What is your relationship to the patient?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports being caretaker’s nephew and godson


    Pro Tip: Confirming the patient’s relationship with their guardian ensures that you’re observing legal and ethical protections for patient privacy and that you’re speaking with someone who has access to their information.

    Example Question:

    Who brought you in today?

Chief Complaint

  • Finding:

    Asked about chief complaint

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports babysitting nephew over the weekend


    Pro Tip: A patient’s chief complaint establishes any illnesses or concerns that they are presenting with. In the case of a pediatric patient, an approved guardian may provide this information Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data. Understanding the chief complaint will help you ask relevant questions, rule out potential diagnoses, and ultimately inform your recommendations for next steps.

    Example Question:

    What brings you in today?

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports noticing a rash on nephew


    Pro Tip: A patient’s chief complaint establishes any illnesses or concerns that they are presenting with. In the case of a pediatric patient, an approved guardian may provide this information. Understanding the chief complaint will help you ask relevant questions, rule out potential diagnoses, and ultimately inform your recommendations for next steps.

    Example Question:

    What brings you in today?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports being itchy


    Pro Tip: A patient’s chief complaint establishes any illnesses or concerns that they are presenting with. In the case of a pediatric patient, an approved guardian may provide this information. Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data Understanding the chief complaint will help you ask relevant questions, rule out potential diagnoses, and ultimately inform your recommendations for next steps.

    Example Question:

    What brings you in today?

History of Present Illness

  • Finding:

    Asked about onset of rash

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports noticing the rash yesterday


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    When did you notice your nephew’s rash?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports being itchy since last weekend


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data.

    Example Question:

    How long have you had this rash?

  • Finding:

    Caretaker denies knowing when rash started


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    When did your nephew’s rash start?

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports concern that patient’s parents did not notice the rash


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Did your nephew’s parents know he had a rash?

  • Finding:

    Asked about location of rash

  • Finding:

    Patient reports rash on feet and ankles


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Where is the rash?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports rash on lower legs


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Where is the rash?

  • Finding:

    Asked about duration

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports Noah scratching consistently this weekend


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    How long has your nephew been scratching for?

  • Finding:

    Asked about characteristics of rash

  • Finding:

    Patient reports red bumps


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    How does the rash look?

  • Finding:

    Patient denies painful rash


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Does the rash hurt?

  • Finding:

    Patient denies drainage


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Does your rash have drainage?

  • Finding:

    Patient denies bleeding


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Is the rash bleeding?

  • Finding:

    Patient denies blisters


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Does the rash have blisters?

  • Finding:

    Asked about typical bathing routine

  • Finding:

    Patient reports showering once a week or less


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    What is your bathing routine?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports using hot water


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Do you use hot water?

  • Finding:

    Patient denies anyone helping him shower


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Does anyone help you bathe?

  • Finding:

    Patient denies being told to bathe


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Do you need to be reminded to bathe?

  • Finding:

    Patient denies using soap regularly


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Do you use soap?

  • Finding:

    Asked about exposure to animals

  • Finding:

    Patient denies pets at home


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Do you have pets at home?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports spending a lot of time with neighbors’ dog


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Do you come into contact with animals?

  • Finding:

    Patient denies knowing if dog has fleas


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Does the dog have fleas?

  • Finding:

    Asked about aggravating factors

  • Finding:

    Patient reports scratching makes the itching worse


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    What aggravates your rash?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports showering makes the itching worse


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    What aggravates your rash?

  • Finding:

    Asked about relieving factors

  • Finding:

    Caretaker denies using topical treatments


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Did you put anything on the rash?
  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports giving patient cold compresses to put on ankles last night


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Did you put anything on the rash?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports cold compress relieved itching temporarily


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Does anything make the itching better?

  • Finding:

    Asked about pharmacological relieving factors

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports giving patient children’s diphenhydramine last night


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Did you give your nephew any medication for the rash?

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports giving recommended dosage on package


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Did you give your nephew any medication for the rash?

  • Finding:

    Caretaker reports diphenhydramine relieved itching


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Did you give your nephew anything for the itching?

  • Finding:

    Patient reports diphenhydramine made him sleepy


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Did you give your nephew anything for the itching?

  • Finding:

    Asked about family and friends having rash

  • Finding:

    Patient reports not knowing whether or not his neighbors have rash


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Does anyone you know have a rash?
  • Finding:Caretaker reports that other family members do not have rash


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Does anyone in the household have a rash?
  • Finding:Asked about past medical history
  • Finding:Patient denies past medical issues


    Pro Tip: Asking about the history of presenting illness will allow you to better understand the patient’s condition and symptoms. The subjective data you gather around this line of questioning will help you identify appropriate interventions.

    Example Question:

    Has your nephew had any medical problems?

Home Medications

  • Finding:Asked about medications
  • Finding:Patient denies taking medications
  • Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data