Influenza Virus Disease (H1N1), 2009

Influenza Virus Disease (H1N1), 2009

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The increased population and mobility of human beings in the world have increased the spread of diseases worldwide especially during outbreaks. Apart from the increased human population, changes in the vaccination strategies have revealed an increase in communicable diseases that were once thought to be under control…

Outbreak and Spread of the Disease

The first case of H1N1 was detected in the United States in March 2009 before spreading to Mexico in April 2009, and the other parts of the world (Fraser et al., 2014). Analysis of the influenza virus strain involved indicated that it was different from the H5N1 virus that was circulating at that time. The treatment for the virus was compromised because the vaccination at had did not seem to work. Few young people had immunity over the disease, but more than one-third of people over the age of 60yrs were immune. The outbreak was first noted in California when one of the students who had gone for a trip to Mexico presented with the symptoms. It then rapidly spread in the United States and by May 6, 2009, laboratory tests confirmed the presence of the disease in more than 43 states (Fraser et al., 2014)…

Epidemiological Determinants of Influenza Virus

Three strains of influenza virus are known to cause illness in human beings. Type A influenza is the most common known cause of severe illness, and it manifests both as an epidemic and a pandemic. Type B influenza is less severe, more uniform and causes epidemics in various regions of the world. Type C influenza is usually asymptomatic and is known to cause a minimal public health concern (WHO, 2009)….

Risk factors for Influenza Virus Disease

The infection rate and risk of contracting the disease are dependent on the immune system of an individual. Individuals with low immunity such as HIV/AIDS patients, children and the elderly are at high risk of getting the disease during outbreaks…

Route of Transmission of Influenza

The transmission of influenza is three-way. Airborne transmission via droplets is the primary and most common route. Secondly, the disease is transmitted directly into the mucous membrane of an individual through contact. ..

Effect of the Outbreaks to the Community

Reporting protocol during outbreaks

The Nevada Administration and the regulations governing the reporting of diseases require submission of reports during major outbreaks like food-borne outbreaks, extraordinary occurrences, and pandemics…

Strategies for Preventing Influenza Virus disease

Vaccination Strategies: There are vaccines present in the hospitals used in the prevention of influenza virus. Immunizations are given to children to provide immunity to the virus. I recommend that parents should ensure their children are vaccinated during outbreaks and before traveling to epidemic regions.

Health education strategy: People should be aware of how to carry themselves during outbreaks. People should avoid congested areas and direct contact during outbreaks. Secondly,…



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). The 2009 H1N1 pandemic: summary highlights, April 2009-April 2010. Official Online Article Published by the Centers for Disease Control, 4.

Fraser, C., Donnelly, C. A., Cauchemez, S., Hanage, W. P., Van Kerkhove, M. D., Hollingsworth, T. D., … & Jombart, T. (2014). Pandemic potential of a strain of influenza A (H1N1): early findings. science324(5934), 1557-1561.

Provider Disease Reporting. (2018). Healthy People in a Healthy Southern Nevada. Retrieved from

WHO. (2009). Infection prevention and control in health care for confirmed or suspected cases of pandemic (H1N1) and influenza-like illnesses. [Accessed December 2009].