Change theories

Change theories

There are various documented theories of change that explains the process of change. These theories are Lewis Force field Model and Bridge’s model of managing transition (Kritsonis, 2005). My mentor told me that he uses the Lewis Force field Model.The Lewis Force field model provides a socio- psychological view of the change process. The model sees behaviors of the employees as the dynamic balance of the forces working in opposite direction in the field. Lewis suggested that there is need to do an analysis of a change situation known as force field analysis. The theory proposes that there is need to identify the driving forces that facilitate the change while restraining the forces and behaviors that impede the change process. The theory identified the three steps that are followed during the change process. These steps are unfreezing the existing equilibrium, moving the target system to a new level of equilibrium and then refreeze. In unfreezing the existing equilibrium, the leader motivates his troupes, builds trust and recognition and actively participates in identifying the problems and the solutions. Moving the existing equilibrium entails convincing the participants that the status quo is not beneficial and that there is need for change. Refreezing involves the reinforcement of the new patterns of behaviour through rewards or through formal mechanisms such as procedures, policies and communication channels.

On the other hand, the Bridge’s model of managing transition focuses on transition and highlights three stages that people go through when they experience change. These stages include ending, losing or letting go, the neutral zone and the new beginning. The ending, losing and letting go is the first stage of transition when an individual is faced with a change and is often characterised with resistance. The second stage is where individuals get confused and are unsure of the changes. In stage three individuals embrace the new beginning. They welcome the changes in the organization. According to me, the Lewis Force field theory of change is the most appropriate the EBP since it encompasses all the stages of change(Kritsonis, 2005). Both theories share talk about the change in the organization. However, the main difference is that the Lewis Lock Field theory of change emphasizes on the process of  change while Bridge’s transition model emphasizes on the reaction to change. According to Bridge’s transition model the transition model would not necessarily reduces  the rate of hospital readmissions by 30 days since the process of adapting to the change will not have been captured.

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Kritsonis, A. (2005). Comparison of change theories. International journal of scholarly academic intellectual diversity, 8(1), 1-7.