Capstone Strategic Paper Planning

Who are the stakeholders impacted by your Capstone Strategic Paper Planning project?
Identify two specific strategies to engage stakeholders and secure their support. Explain why you believe these strategies will be effective.
Conduct an updated organizational SWOT analysis and document your findings for each of the four areas (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) as relevant to your Capstone Strategic Paper Planning project.

What is the financial implication of your project for the organization and the patient? All projects have costs, what expenditures and/or cost savings do you anticipate for the future as a result of this planned change initiative?
Identify the external influencing factors that are driving or that will impact the Capstone Strategic Paper Planning project. Cite the literature to support your assertions.
Identify any necessary changes to your SMART, patient care focused outcome statement and discuss the rationale for that modification; if no modifications are needed, please state that fact. Share your current outcome statement.
Identify any necessary changes to your corresponding plan for evaluation and discuss the rationale for that modification; if no modifications are needed, please state that fact. Share your current plan for evaluation that corresponds to your SMART, patient-focused outcome statement.

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