Barriers that may impact EBP

Barriers that may impact EBP

For a long time, evidence based practice has been regarded as the solution to the numerous challenges faced by both clinicians and patients alike. In this type of care, a physician usually combines their experience, patient values and best practices according to recent research to offer health care. Health care practitioners have been faced by challenges when trying to incorporate evidence based care into practice. According to Tacia et al. (2015), potential barriers to implementation of EBP according to research are insufficiency of time and institutional and cultural factors.

Nurses find it difficult to offer patient care and at the same time refer to something in a journal or article on best care. They carry out too much work to spare time during off duty to read or even attend seminars. Besides, nurses have blamed the culture within the facilities where they work to be demanding a lot from them such that they are not able to offer evidence based patient care. The institutions are interested in quantity rather than quality, which is an aspect of EBP. Melnyk et al. (2012) proposed that health facilities need to provide an environment that would promote evidenced based care. At the same time, nurses need to develop a reading culture and be able to put what they read in practice.

For the case provided, the transition nurse should be in a position to identify and address any potential barriers that the old patient is likely to encounter 30 days after discharge. It would be prudent for the nurse to make use of patient values, clinical expertise and best practices based on current research while choosing models of discharging the patient. Studies have indicated that the Transition Care Model is more advantageous when compared to handover techniques such as IPASS. The model reduces hospital readmission rates when transferring patients from one facility to the other within a period of 30 days.



Tacia, L., Biskupski, K., Pheley, A., & Lehto, R. H. (2015). Identifying barriers to evidence-based practice adoption: A focus group study. Clinical Nursing Studies3(2), p90.

Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Kaplan, L. (2012). The state of evidence-based practice in US nurses: Critical implications for nurse leaders and educators. Journal of Nursing Administration42(9), 410-417.