Anita Douglas Conditions of the Hematologic System Test Linking

Anita Douglas Conditions of the Hematologic System Test Linking

In this task, you were asked to match each chosen medical test with a possible health problem it can help to find out.

Take a look at the best test choices listed below. Correct answers are marked with a ✓, while the ones you missed are marked with a ✗.

Test Your Explanation Explanation by Standard Practice
B12 (Folate) Serum Level
You Chose: Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency

You got: 1 out of 1
Well done! You matched this test to a relevant diagnosis.
This test is very specific and can help rule out a lack of iron. Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency: Matching the B12 (folate) serum level test with the possibility of vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency is the right choice. This test is usually very specific and highly sensitive.
Complete Blood Count with Differential
You Chose: Aplastic Anemia

You got: 1 out of 1
Well done! You matched this test to a relevant diagnosis.
The counts of WBC, RBC, and platelets can help rule out anemia.

Anita Douglas Hematologic Conditions Test Linking

Anemia of Chronic Disease: Results from a complete blood count with differential, including hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC, are helpful in confirming or excluding anemia of chronic disease.
Aplastic Anemia: Results from a complete blood count with differential, including RBC, WBC, and platelets, are helpful in confirming or excluding aplastic anemia.
Iron Deficiency: Results from a complete blood count with differential, including MCV, MCH, hemoglobin, hematocrit, RDW, and RBC, are helpful in confirming or excluding iron deficiency.
Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency: Results from a complete blood count with differential, including MCV, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and MCH, are helpful in confirming or excluding vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency.
Complete Metabolic Panel
You Chose: Anemia of Chronic Disease

You got: 1 out of 1
Well done! You matched this test to a relevant diagnosis.
Anita Douglas Hematologic Conditions Test Linking
This test can help rule out various conditions. Anemia of Chronic Disease: Results from a complete metabolic panel, including BUN, creatine, eGFR, platelets, and WBC, are helpful in confirming or excluding anemia of chronic disease.
Iron Deficiency: Results from a complete metabolic panel, including BUN, creatinine, and eGFR, are helpful in confirming or excluding iron deficiency.
Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency: Results from a complete metabolic panel, including albumin, are helpful in confirming or excluding vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency.
You Chose: Iron Deficiency

You got: 1 out of 1
Well done! You matched this test to a relevant diagnosis.
This test helps in ruling out iron deficiency. Iron Deficiency: Running a series of iron tests, including a ferritin test, is crucial for getting a complete understanding of the patient’s iron levels and thus confirming or excluding iron deficiency.
Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency: Matching the ferritin test with the possibility of vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency is the right choice. Ferritin tests are usually highly sensitive and specific.
Reticulocyte Count
You Chose: Iron Deficiency

You got: 1 out of 1
Well done! You matched this test to a relevant diagnosis.
Reticulocyte count can help rule out various conditions. Iron Deficiency: Matching the reticulocyte count test with the possibility of iron deficiency is the right choice. Reticulocyte counts are usually highly sensitive and specific.
Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency: Matching the reticulocyte count test with the possibility of vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency is the right choice. Reticulocyte counts are usually highly sensitive and specific.
Serum Iron
You Chose: Iron Deficiency

You got: 1 out of 1
Well done! You matched this test to a relevant diagnosis.
Anita Douglas Hematologic Conditions Test Linking
This test helps rule out iron deficiency. Iron Deficiency: Running a xxxx

In this activity, you were asked to link each selected diagnostic test to a differential it helps to investigate.

Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health Subjective data

Review the most appropriate diagnostic test selections below. Correct selections have been marked with a , while selections you missed have been marked with a .

Test Student Rationale Model Rationale
B12 (Folate) Serum Level
 You Selected: Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency 

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You linked this test to an applicable diagnosis.
This test is highly specific and will rule out for iron deficiency Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency : Linking the B12 (folate) serum level test to the vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency differential is the correct answer. The B12 (folate) serum level test is generally highly specific and highly sensitive.
Complete Blood Count with Differential
 You Selected: Aplastic Anemia 

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You linked this test to an applicable diagnosis.
The WBC, RBC and plateletes count will help out rule for anemia 

Anita Douglas Conditions of the Hematologic System Test Linking

Anemia of Chronic Disease : The hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC results from a complete blood count with differential will be useful in ruling in or out anemia of chronic disease.
Aplastic Anemia : The RBC, WBC, and platelets results from a complete blood count with differential will be useful in ruling in or out aplastic anemia.
Iron Deficiency : The MCV, MCH, hemoglobin, hematocrit, RDW, and RBC results from a complete blood count with differential will be useful in ruling in or out iron deficiency.
Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency : The MCV, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and MCH results from a complete blood count with differential will be useful in ruling in or out vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency.
Complete Metabolic Panel
 You Selected: Anemia of Chronic Disease 

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You linked this test to an applicable diagnosis.
  • Anita Douglas Conditions of the Hematologic System Test Linking
This test will help rule out for various conditions Anemia of Chronic Disease : The BUN, creatine, eGFR, platelets,and WBC results from a complete metabolic panel will be useful in ruling in or out anemia of chronic disease.
Iron Deficiency : The BUN, creatinine, and eGFR results from a complete metabolic panel will be useful in ruling in or out iron deficiency.
Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency : The albumin results from a complete metabolic panel will be useful in ruling in or out vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency.
 You Selected: Iron Deficiency 

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You linked this test to an applicable diagnosis.
This help will help in ruling out for iron deficiency Iron Deficiency : Running a series of iron tests, including a ferritin test, is crucial for developing a full picture of the patient’s iron status and therefore ruling in or out iron deficiency.
Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency : Linking the ferritin test to the vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency differential is the correct answer. Ferritin tests are generally highly sensitive and highly specific.
Reticulocyte Count
 You Selected: Iron Deficiency 

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You linked this test to an applicable diagnosis.
Reticulocyte count will help rule out for various conditions Iron Deficiency : Linking the reticulocyte count test to the iron deficiency differential is the correct answer. Reticulocyte counts are generally highly sensitive and highly specific.
Vitamin B12 (Folate) Deficiency : Linking the reticulocyte count test to the vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency differential is the correct answer. Reticulocyte counts are generally highly sensitive and highly specific.
Serum Iron
 You Selected: Iron Deficiency 

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You linked this test to an applicable diagnosis.
  • Anita Douglas Conditions of the Hematologic System Test Linking
This will help rule out iron deficiency Iron Deficiency : Running a xxxxx