Research Critique

Research Critique

Critiquing a quantitative study design is very different from a qualitative study design. A case in point of such an assertion is evident in this discussion, which takes a keen look at the methodology used.

Quantitative Article Critique

Protection of Human Rights

The study showed commitment to the protection of human rights by seeking clearance from the bioethics committee of the hospice and the hospital’s institutional review board.

Research Design

The descriptive quantitative research design is appropriate since it allowed the researchers to establish a relationship between the study variables (caregiver burden and symptoms distress).

Population and Sample

The study gives a detailed account of the sample and the population as it cites the procedure used to obtain the eligible participants. Moreover, it addresses how the researcher decided on the size of the study sample. Nevertheless, the study highlights the method used to include and exclude the patients used in the sample selected.

Data Collection and Measurement

The data collection method utilized is appropriate because it allowed the researcher to get all information relating to the research question (is there a relationship between the caregiver burden and symptom distress in terminally ill patients?).


The study offers much detail concerning the procedures used for identification of study participants and seeking their participation in the study. Additionally, the study gave a detailed account of the instruments utilized. Lastly, the tools used were valid and reliable since there is a substantial amount of evidence of the same.

Enhancement of Trustworthiness

The researchers also adhered to the practice of enhancing trust by explaining to the hospice staff and patients the purpose of the study. Also, they earned trust through the explanation of the procedures involved and the seeking of informed consent from the study participants. Lastly, the researchers also gained trust through reassurance of no harm directed to the respondents due to their participation in this research.



Qualitative Article Critique

Protection of Participants’ Rights

The study abode to the protection of the interviewees’ rights through seeking the approval of the hospital research and development committee, a university ethics committee and a National Health Service regional ethics committee. Furthermore, the participant’s right to privacy was not at risk due to the exemption of their names.

Research design and research tradition

The study design utilized is appropriate since it was able to come up with new meaning about the studied phenomenon. Besides, it is in-tune with the stated research question, which aims to relive an experience. Together with that, there is a clear rationale for the choice of why the researcher utilized this study design.

Sample and Setting

The research fails to offer enough information about its setting. Secondly, the participants’ information is minimal since it fails to establish all the characteristics of these persons. Moreover, the study sample is too small to earn the representativeness property of a sample that is bias-free. Besides, the study does not identify the sampling criteria used for the determination of the sample.

Data Collection

The data collection strategy (interview) used is appropriate since it allowed the researchers to establish all information that they needed for determining the new meaning of the studied phenomenon. That notwithstanding, the interview was suitable given the lengthy period that the study had.


The research fails to detail the procedure adopted for the data collection process was conducted. Also, it does not explain the process of determining the eligibility of the study subjects. Moreover, the study does not cite how it attained the informed consent from the study participants.

Enhancement of Trustworthiness

According to Cope, (2013), trustworthiness of a study is achievable through four aspects, namely, transferability, dependability, confirmability and credibility.The study fails to highlight how it won and maintained the trust of the study participants.However, being a research brief, an omission of the methodology used to enhance trust is possible.




Andrews, S. (2001). Caregiver burden and symptom distress in people with cancer receiving hospice care. Oncology Nursing Forum28(9), 1469-1474.

Cope, D. (2013). Methods and Meanings: Credibility and Trustworthiness of Qualitative Research.Oncology Nursing Forum, 41(1), 89-91.

Wright, K., Duxbury, J., Baker, A., & Crumpton, A. (2013). A qualitative study into the attitudes of patients and staff towards violence and aggression in a high security hospital. Journal Of Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing21(2), 184-188.