UN Millennium Development Goals

UN Millennium Development Goals

Following the 2000 summit held in New York, the UN came up with the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that aimed at serving a dual role up to the year 2015. Firstly, they were targeting at combating the poverty and all its dimensions (income poverty, hunger, inadequate shelter, disease, and exclusion). The other role of the MDGs was to promote environment sustainability, education, and gender equality. In essence, this discussion aims at analyzing one of the MDGs, particularly MDG goal number 1 (Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger). With such a scrutiny, attainment of new insights about this subject is inevitable.

Background of the Underlying Problem

Primarily, a description of the history of the underlying problem is of the essence for the full comprehension of MDG 1. In 1990, the proportion of persons living in poverty was high as compared to the modern day. That is the case since close to half of population in the developing regions at that time was living on less than $1.25 a day. Currently, the proportion of persons living on less than $1.25 a day is at 14%. Given the high number of persons languishing in poverty in 1990, it was necessary for coming up with strategies to combat poverty worldwide (United Nations, 2017). As such, in 2000 the UN decided to address this issue through its MDG number 1 of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.

Components of MDG 1

The MDG 1 mainly aimed at eradicating extreme poverty and hunger worldwide. It entailed three target areas that are worth noting. One of the targets was to halve the proportion of persons whose income is below than $1.25 per day between 1990 and 2015. The other target was to attain full and productive employment for all, women and youths included. Finally, it also aimed at halving the proportion of individuals suffering from hunger between 1990 and 2015 (United Nations, 2017).

Strategies for Attainment of MDG 1

Several strategies have been instrumental in the achievement of MDG 1 and are worth mention. A case in point of a measure put in place is the creation of poverty alleviation schemes through improvement of small-scale industries and financing microcredit schemes to facilitate self-employment. Additionally, maximization of agricultural productivity has also been effective in alleviating hunger and poverty. Through this strategic plan, there has been an increment in budgetary allocation for agriculture and investment in agricultural and nutrition research (Modebe, Ogbuagu, Ogbuagu, &Ubajaka, 2012). Clearly, with such strategies in place, food production has increased and poverty incidence reduced globally.

Contribution of Evidence-based Transcultural Nursing

Through evidence-based transcultural nursing, nursing can contribute substantially to the attainment of MDG 1 (eradication of extreme poverty and hunger). Also, it can facilitate the promotion of health and wellbeing of various diverse and often vulnerable populations of the world. Such is the case given that through evidence-based transcultural nursing, nurses can attest that persons hailing from cultural groups epitomized by poverty are more likely to experience certain illnesses that are a non-issue to the affluent (Dodd, &Cassels, 2006). As such, the nurses will have to address the poverty before instituting any health-related intervention. By so doing, the nurses would have addressed the issue of poverty, which is heart to the MDG 1, as well as promoted health and well-being of that individual. Evidently, this instance depicts how evidence-based transcultural nursing can play a significant dual role of attaining MDG 1 and improving the health of the vulnerable populations.


In closure, indeed the MDGs have been a success story. That is the case as evidenced by the accomplishment of MDG 1 of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. A befitting example is the reduction of the number of persons earning less than $1.25 a day from 50% in 1990 to 14% in 2015. Although the MDG have been a success, poverty still roots the society since more than 800 million people still live in extreme poverty. Such a statistic necessitates that the various stakeholders refocus on how they can address this issue. Lastly, the implication drawn for nurses, along with other health care professionals is that they should take an active role by contributing to the attainment of the MDGs. Such is possible through their provision of evidence-based data on various cultures. However, failure to do so will only but see the different challenges addressed by MDGs persists.


Dodd, R., &Cassels, A. (2006).Health, development and the Millennium Development Goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology100(5-6), 379-387.

Modebe, I., Ogbuagu, C., Ogbuagu, E., &Ubajaka, C. (2012). Achieving The First Millienium Development Goal: Some Considerations In Eradicating Extreme Poverty And Hunger In A Resource Constrained Economy. The Internet Journal Of World Health And Societal Politics7(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.5580/2bdb

United Nations,.(2017). United Nations Millennium Development GoalsUn.org. Retrieved 3 February 2017, from http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/poverty.shtml