Stakeholder support In Healthcare Projects

Stakeholder support In Healthcare Projects

Identification of appropriate stakeholders is a primary task since all the crucial decisions during initiation, planning and implementation stages of the project. Consequently, the internal stakeholders I involve in my project include the clinical research associates, my project team, financial management (health facility billing and auditing personnel), health facility consultants and clinical research coordinators. The external stakeholders were: project sponsors, the patients, a non-profit organization, the community and a regulatory agency making policies. All inclusive, they encompass a group that is essential in steering the project to its success.

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In addition to that, understanding the health goals helps in ensuring the project fits in relation to the strategy of the healthcare setting. Provision of necessarily specific requisites and a workable financial plan in conjunction with the health facility billing and auditing personnel is essential. Without it, the project is doomed to fail. It also gives a clear outline for the project sponsor and the non-profit.

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organization to provide adequate financial support. Identifying and resolving any project issues and risks especially those associated with managing change during transition phase is critical. Most importantly, keeping abreast of the updates and circumstances in the project works well in the management of the project. Communication, negotiations and collective decision making among stakeholders’ aids in coping with their cultural differences. (Conway PH, et al., 2009)


Conway PH, et al., Comparative-effectiveness research- implications of the federal coordinatingcouncil’s report. N Engl. J Med (2009) 361:328-3010.

Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management body of knowledge. 5th ed. Newton Square, PA: USA: Project Management Institute; (2013). 589 p.

Lavallee DC, et al., Stakeholder engagement in patient-centered outcomes research: high-touch or high-tech? Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res (2014) 14:335-44.109.1586/14737167.2014.901890.

Lindgreen A, et al., A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: Pressures, Conflicts, and Reconciliation. Vermont: Gower Publishing Company; (2012). 418 p.