Role of Nurse Educator and Curriculum Development

Role of Nurse Educator and Curriculum Development
Health care is a continually evolving field driven by various changes. Nurse educators need an understanding of changes in health care and the driving forces behind them in order to create a relevant and contemporary curriculum. The purpose of this assignment is to describe the role of the nurse educator and to identify internal and external influences on curriculum development and how those changes influence the role of the nurse educator.

Describe various aspects of the role of a nurse educator and the internal and external influences driving curriculum development. Include the following in your essay:
Summarize the role of a nurse educator in curriculum development according to the National League for Nursing Nurse Educator Competencies.
1. Explain how the nurse educator role changes in different settings (e.g., classroom, clinical, bedside, and simulation).
2.Explain how nursing education theories influence the nurse educator role. Provide specific examples.
3.Explain what curriculum is and summarize the curriculum design process.
4.Identify three internal and three external influences on curriculum development. Describe how they play a role in curriculum development