Organizational Culture and Values: Employee’s Advocacy

Organizational Culture and Values: Employee’s Advocacy

Nursing leaders oversee all the activities that take place in the organization including ensuring of the welfare its employees (Weiss, Tappen, & Grimley, 2019). Leaders are a representation of the entire team of the organization; therefore, they should always ensure workplace safety which provides a safe working environment for nurses. They also ensure the policymaking and implementation favor the interest of the nurses and the patients. This enables the nurses to give their best hence improving the quality of care.

Nurse leaders can champion for the nurses and showcase their good works. By promoting, recognition nurses can increase their opportunities and gain respect in the community (Manning, 2016). Additionally, people will learn to appreciate nurses for their contribution to patient care which also motivates the nurses. Active leaders in the advocacy can result in the involvement of nurses in all the decision making of the hospital where their contributions are also going to count. Advocacy of the nurse by the nursing leaders ensures adequate nurse to patient ratio, and ensure adequate resource allocation especially in the nursing departments where its employees will enjoy.

Advocacy of employees improves patient care. Safe working environment enhances efficiency and provides motivation which encourages them to provide quality care. By giving quality care, nurses will also get more opportunities for additional training and educational opportunities (Merrill, 2015). Advocacy that leads to proper nurse to patient ratio increases the work quality because of reduced burnouts. Additionally, this leads to reduced medical errors which occur when the nurses are overworked. Through active leadership, nurses can air their views and be heard. As a result, they can be given better pay and good working environment hence enhancing motivation which patients benefit by receiving quality care.


Manning, J. (2016). The influence of nurse manager leadership style on staff nurse work engagement. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 46(9), 438-443.

Merrill, K. C. (2015). Leadership style and patient safety: implications for nurse managers. Journal of Nursing administration, 45(6), 319-324.

Weiss, S. A., Tappen, R. M., & Grimley, K. (2019). Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management. FA Davis.