New Trends and Challenges in Nursing Education in the 21st Century
Executive Summary
Technology is becoming more popular as a way to teach, and it is essential to the way people learn today. As nursing education changes to include new ways of learning and teaching, different tools must be used to help students learn in a way that fits their needs. This educational technology can help nursing students by making it easy for them to access course material, by letting them share information and talk with other professionals, and by letting them access information from anywhere with a good internet connection. The course “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health” is one part of the program for nursing education that needs to use new technology. The goal of this proposal was to find a technology for the selected nursing course that would help students learn and improve their skills.
A curriculum needs assessment was done to find out what learning goals aren’t being met right now. From the current and past learning activities, data was collected that showed gaps in students’ involvement, effective use of the online environment, and poor ways for students to be evaluated. During the gap analysis process, different stakeholders, such as students, nurse educators, and the nursing administration, were contacted and took part. The results showed that changing the way technology is used in the curriculum would help the student and improve the institution’s nursing education as a whole. The answer to the problems found was the Canvass Learning Management System (LMS). The platform will be very important for importing, building, and managing courses, as well as for making it easier for teachers and students to talk to each other.
Curriculum Proposal for Technology
Literature Review
Sources You Can Trust
Please look at Table 1 in Appendix A, which is a summary of the literature study.
Due to huge changes in technology, more and more people are using e-learning tools these days. These platforms are important for student learning because they make it easy for students to access learning materials and help them learn in a way that is focused on them. Nursing education is one area that has come a long way in figuring out how to use technology to help students learn. Education technology has made it possible for many students to use online learning tools, especially those who live far away. Technology in nursing education has both pros and cons that teachers should be aware of in order to make learning more student-centered.
Sources in Brief
What technology means for education
Many studies on how technology is used in education show that it has many benefits for the student. Information and communication technology has made learning more effective and encouraged it. (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018). Students and teachers can talk to each other through different tools, which has made students more involved. Second, studies show that the use of technology has made it easier for teachers and students to work together and learn together, no matter how far away they are. (Huddle, 2019). Aspects of creative learning, learning through integration, and learning through evaluation have also been improved. Students can now easily access things online and give feedback to their teachers.
The bad things that technology does to learning
IT (information technology) improvements have changed the way nursing is done around the world. Because they rely too much on technology, nursing students sometimes find it hard to handle events in the real world. For example, when technology isn’t available, it can be hard to be creative and make quick decisions. Studies also show that students are less focused and pay less attention when they are using online platforms. (Singh & Masango, 2020). Lastly, students’ use of technology is a big reason why they aren’t as accurate or self-reliant as they could be. Students can no longer work on their own without getting help from other sources. Using phones, computers, and other tools to cheat in class is becoming more common. (Huddle, 2019). Maybe the old way of learning from books made nurses more independent and focused.
Lack of use of technology
Technology has gotten rid of the traditional limits of place and time, so nurses can access new ideas in care from anywhere. (Serdyukov, 2017). The most basic ways that technology is used today are through the student learning situations. Nursing students can now go to school online and use live models on the web and electronic textbooks to learn. But it’s hard for nursing teachers to figure out how to use technology in their lessons. Most often, e-books and flipped classes are used to get students interested in learning. Other tools, like the Lippincott solutions platform, Canvass learning systems, and other learning management systems, need to be added to nursing education in order to make it better. (Foronda et al., 2017). For the community health nursing course, I suggest using the canvass platform as an emerging tool that will help us reach our goals. This tool will help the learner and improve the institution’s nursing education as a whole.
Needs Assessment
The needs assessment is a way to figure out where a group is now and where it wants to be in the future. Information from the students about what might need to change was gathered in order to figure out where educational technology use was lacking. Second, a review of the gap that had been found was done to help set goals for the course’s use of education technology. The last step was to find ways to close the gap and make a plan for how to use the technology that was found. This was done with the help of other partners.
Analysis of Need-Gaps
When new technology is brought into the nursing field, it is important to look at what kind of technology is needed and what tools are available to help with the change. In the first step of the assessment, a survey was used to find out about the present and past learning activities. It was important to mention these tasks in order to avoid putting in place a technology that would help students less or give them the same results twice. Second, the student polls and comments were looked over to find ways to improve and to see if the new technology would make learning better. Stakeholders had to be involved in the process to make sure that the technology could be chosen, put into place, and last for a long time.Stakeholders
The Governing Body. Administrators need to help put in place a new change in an organization because they have power and control over change management. The new technology will be put into place by the government, which will lead the change process, help the teachers, and give them money to buy the new technology. Due to their power and influence, they also play a key part in getting other stakeholders to accept the new technology.
Nurses who teach. Nurse educators are involved in making and evaluating curricula to make sure that the content and learning materials help the student. The Canvass platform is a tool that will help students learn online, and it is very important that nurse educators are involved in setting it up. This team will figure out what the learners’ needs are and decide if the new change will help the community health nursing school meet its goals.
Students/Learners. Students play a big role in nursing education, especially when it comes to making changes in the school. This team can figure out if new ways of learning are needed and if they fit in with the curriculum and the nursing training. The student’s ideas will be needed to make sure that everyone can use the technology and to learn about the cultural and personal factors that might make it hard for people to use the technology. During the gap analysis process, it will be important to meet with the kids face to face.
Ways to work together
Excellent healthcare is made possible by a team-based method that takes into account what each team has to say. Collaboration will be shown during stakeholder participation through meetings and constant communication using social platforms. The managers and the nurse educators will get together to talk about the new technology. Also, texts and phone calls will be used to make sure that the teams know what they need to do to make the new change happen. For the kids, there will be a face-to-face meeting to talk about how the new technology will be used and get their thoughts on it.
Current Technologies
Table 2: Analysis of the curriculum’s technology needs and gaps
Technology in the current curriculum
Curriculum and Technology
Steps to Take to Fill the Need-Gap
E-books and papers from journals
Canvass System for Managing Learning (LMS). A platform that will make evidence-based learning possible through flipped classes, virtual simulations, talking to students, and showing students their grades.
In practice and study, people have paid more attention to how textbooks and journals are used in recent years. Students can get help from e-textbooks, but their use is limited by things like missing standards and problems with using the materials. There needs to be a platform that makes learning tools available and has other features for students to talk to each other and get to their personal information.
1. Tell the students and teachers that the new technology is out there.
2. Get the technology and show how it will help students learn and make the lesson more student-centered.
3. Talk with the management and IT team to get the platform set up.
4. Show the learners, nurse educators, and other people who have a stake in the site how to use it.
5. After teaching and training have gone well on the platform, learning should be used in its entirety.
6. Evaluate the new change and make any changes you need to in order to reach the learning goals.
A Look at Different Technologies
E-books and papers from journals are used a lot in learning today. As technology keeps getting better, companies now have the chance to offer digital textbooks to students. These materials have made it cheaper to ship books to students and keep them in good shape. Second, these materials help people connect and work together in ways that written materials can’t. (Robb, 2019). For example, the links and media in the e-book materials can help students understand more. There are also downsides to these technologies for the user, such as a lack of new material and a mismatch with their preferences. For instance, most e-books use content from books that have already been released, and some journals don’t even have real information that can help students learn.
The Canvass LMS platform is a new way for students and teachers to use technology to manage classes. This site lets you access other services at any time, which is different from digital textbooks and journals. The platform is helpful because it makes learning mobile, fast and stable, customizable, and has high-security means to protect privacy. (Fernandez et al., 2017). Learners can also use the platform to access classes that are based on facts, which improves their ability to think critically and creatively. But the platform has some problems. It needs an internet link, which can be expensive for students, and the frequent maintenance procedures can sometimes make it hard to use.
Problems with technology
Community health nursing has changed so that it now involves giving care to patients who are better educated. Because of the growing number of chronic diseases and the sudden appearance of new diseases, a community health nurse needs to be well-prepared to make the right choices at the community level. The way technology works now, kids can’t do things like simulations that help them learn about the community. It makes it harder for students to learn how to deal with the needs of a community that changes all the time. Second, the technology doesn’t focus on student-centered learning as much as it could because there isn’t much contact between students and teachers or between students. Another problem is that it’s hard to tell how well a student is doing because only a few tasks and tests can be used to measure progress. Students don’t talk to each other online, for example.
Getting Past Problems
To get around the problems that have been pointed out, the Canvass tool will give students the chance to do things outside of class. Unlike what we have now, the Canvass platform will let more models be used for online learning. Using the flipped classroom method, the students will have easy access to many tools that can be printed and talked about in class. Since each student will have their own page, it will be easy for the teacher to see how engaged students are and how much they talk in online groups.
Summary of What We Found
In the BSN community health nursing course, there is a gap in how technology can be used to meet the course goals. Only e-books and journals can be used with the technology we have now, which doesn’t give students enough practice to deal with the changing needs of the community. The way things are now also makes it hard for teachers to show students how to learn, and exams are the only way to see if students understand and are interested. This gap can be filled by bringing a new technology that includes all parts of online learning, such as keeping track of the student’s progress. The best way to meet the goals of the course “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health” is to use the Canvass LMS tool. The Canvas Platform gives students evidence-based learning tasks that help them think critically, encourage them to learn, and improve their skills through a standard, efficient curriculum that follows national nursing guidelines.
Working with the Stakeholders
The first step was to meet with the administration and explain why the school should use new technology. The conversation, which took place over the course of several meetings, showed that the students needed a new technology to make online learning more interesting. Second, the nurse educators were asked what they thought about the new technology, and most of them agreed that the Canvass tool for learning should be used. Students were also able to say what they thought about their need for a more interesting way to learn that didn’t involve so much writing. Most of the students, though, wanted to use the Lippincott solutions platform, but the organization’s leaders and other important people didn’t think it was a good fit. No other technology was suggested as a replacement for the Canvass platform, so everyone agreed that it would be used for the course.
Analysis of the force field
Table 3. Organizational Readiness for Curriculum Proposal
Fights FOR
Curriculum Proposal
Curriculum Proposal
Forces AGAINST Curriculum Proposal
evidence-based learning tool for students
Setting up the Canvass LMS, which is an e-learning tool
Uncertainty about technology
Safe and trustworthy place to learn
Students and teachers both have a training time.
Features that are flexible and can be changed.
Costs of building and upkeep at first
Dependability and a good price
Help for both teachers and kids
Aspects of the organization
There may not be enough money or support for the new change from within the company, which could make it harder to use the new technology. Canvass LMS is a type of technology that needs strong support systems to work. Due to unknowns, the government might be hesitant to give money for the technology. Second, the new platform might not be used if the administration and other key stakeholders don’t back it enough.
External factors that could affect how widely Canvass LMS is used include approval by regulatory bodies and concerns about security. The school will have to show that the new technology will help students learn and fit with the nursing program. Getting a license and approval might be hard if there isn’t enough information and support for the technology. Second, the rise of cyberattacks and data breaches could mean that it will take longer to set up a safe network to support the technology.
Integration Forces
Canvas LMS is a cloud-based e-learning tool that was chosen because it is open-source, flexible, and allows features to be changed. This makes it easy for both students and teachers to use. The system also has a large API that makes it easy for third parties to pull and push data into the system. Second, the platform makes it possible for students to learn based on facts by encouraging conversations, sharing information, learning through simulations and case studies, and evaluating the course. Last but not least, the platform is made in a way that keeps information from being shared without permission. Internal audits are always being done on the platform, and security experts have been asked to post a public security audit.
Problems that Need to Be Fixed
Just like with any other technology, there are some unknowns about how likely it is that the Canvass LMS will work as planned. Evidence from other schools shows that students might be lazy, but teachers have a big part to play in making sure this doesn’t happen. Second, training for this technology could take a long time because both teachers and students have a lot going on. Lastly, organizational assistance for setting up and maintaining the platform could make it harder for people to use it. Lack of money could also make it hard to train users, which could cause them to reject or stop using technology.
Theory of Change
I will use Kurt Lewin’s theory on how to deal with change to fully adopt the Canvass LMS technology.
Why the theory is true
Change management theory by Kurt Lewin is made up of three stages: the unfreezing, the change/movement, and the refreezing. In the unfreezing stage, you need to make people want to change by marketing the new strategy and telling people about the change using a long-term goal. The second step is when the new change is put into place. Leadership and the flow of information are very important at this stage. In the refreezing stage, people are helped to accept the change as the new normal. (Wojciechowski et al., 2016). During the refreezing stage, people are given training and help. Lewin’s Three-Stage Model of Change gives a basic and natural understanding of how changes happen, based on how people in a group act socially, both as individuals and as a group. This model is used because it is simple and makes it easy for the change manager to keep track of how things are going during the change process.
Possible opposition and roadblocks
Nurse educators and students may have trouble with the new changes when they are put into place. Because the new change is so complicated, nurse educators might worry that it won’t lead to the results that were hoped for. Students might be hesitant about the new change because they had suggested using the Lippincott solutions platform before. Possible barriers to change include not having enough money to pay for the technology, not having enough time for training and practice, and not having strong support from key stakeholders like nurse educators and the management.
Plan to Carry Out
Lewin’s theory will be used to plan how the Canvass technology for learning will be put into use. During the unfreezing stage, a study of the curriculum’s flaws will be done, and then the need for change will be communicated. There will be meetings to figure out when the new change will happen, and everyone will talk about how to move forward with the change. Once all teams agree, the IT team will work with the government to buy the new technology. During the movement stage, the kids, nurse educators, and other important people will be taught how the technology works. Meetings will be set up to make sure that everyone on each team knows about the change. The refreezing stage will happen after the technology has been shown to help students do better on tests and meet other course goals. Continuous training once a year will be enough to make sure the change sticks.
Why and why you want to make a proposal
The goal of the plan is to find a technology for the “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health” course that will help students learn and improve their skills. The new technology will be very important for supporting student-centered learning in the institution, including student engagement, collaborative practice in community health nursing, and promotion of evaluation practices for instructors.
Filling the Gaps in the Curriculum
Students don’t get much practice with the nursing world, which is always changing, with the technology that is used for learning in the school. Students need to learn enough to be able to make good decisions when they work with people in the community. Students will be able to use different online learning tools thanks to Canvass LMS technology, which will also encourage nurses to work together. Also, the site will keep students interested, make it possible for them to talk to their teachers, and improve how students are graded by using more than just their classwork.
How important the proposal is
The curriculum for nursing school should be carefully planned to make sure that students have an interesting, stimulating, and useful learning experience. This proposal is about how technology can be used in nursing, and it shows kids new ways to learn in an online setting. The Canvass LMS platform will give students a flexible place to improve their skills and learn how to deal with a patient group that is always changing. The plan also gives teachers the chance to train, watch, and grade students in a different learning setting while still meeting the course’s goals.
Fernández, A. R., González, F. S., Merino, P. J. M., & Kloos, C. D. (2017). A data collection experience with canvas LMS as a learning platform. In LASI-SPAIN (pp. 109-123).
Foronda, C. L., Alfes, C. M., Dev, P., Kleinheksel, A., Nelson, D. A., OʼDonnell, J. M., & Samosky, J. T. (2017). Virtually nursing: Emerging technologies in nursing education. Nurse Educator, 42(1), 14-17. DOI: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000295
Huddle, C. (2019). Benefits, concerns, and prospective use of technology within nursing education. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 14(3), 21-47.
Raja, R., & Nagasubramani, P. C. (2018). Impact of modern technology in education. Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, 3(1), 33-35. DOI: 10.21839/jaar.2018.v3iS1.165
Robb, M. (2019). Potential advantages and disadvantages of digital textbooks. Nurse Author & Editor, 29(4), 6.
Serdyukov, P. (2017). Innovation in education: What works, what doesn’t, and what to do about it?. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 10 (1), 4-33.
Singh, F., & Masango, T. (2020). Information technology in nursing education: Perspectives of student nurses. The Open Nursing Journal, 14(1). DOI: 10.2174/1874434602014010018
Wojciechowski, E., Pearsall, T., Murphy, P., & French, E. (2016). A case review: Integrating Lewin’s theory with lean’s system approach for change. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(2). DOI: 10.3912/ojin.vol21no02man04
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