Leadership in Ancillary Department

Leadership in Ancillary Department

Issues the organization is facing. Without ancillary services doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dentists would not be in a position to function effectively(Tazelaar, 2011). For such a reason our contribution as staff providing ancillary services is a pillar of primary healthcare hence has to maintain the highest levels of professionalism in high performance and commitment to service. As much as I appreciate the contribution of every member of the team, there are two significant issues which continue to face us and have in one way or the other hindered our service delivery to the levels of Universal HealthCare. My office as the manager has identified poor job satisfaction rates and staff shortage for the ancillary services as the wounds ailing our system needs to be addressed with increased urgency.

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Impact of the challenges in the ancillary department. Poor job satisfaction has been experienced primarily in the therapeutic and custodial ancillary service providers(Doherty, 2016).It is majorly in therapy and custody nursing that employees in the department have reported burnouts and exhaustion which has consequently led to dissatisfaction. The implication is enormous since there is a correlation between employee actions, patient experience response and finally it ends in the financial basket of the facility. With a capacity of five hundred beds and a shortage of staff, workers work for long hours without eating, resting or sleeping which affects the quality of service provision.

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How improved communication, collaboration, and teamwork can improve conditions in the ancillary department.How then can we solve the underlying challenges? As a manager, I would appreciate proper communication from every staff member and the same would apply to me. Through an improved communication channel I would know who to replace at what time and how to organise for even a rest rather than stay working for long hours.

Examples of techniques found to foster inclusion and improve communication and collaboration.

Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR) is a technique which is used to bridge the gap between the communication styles used by healthcare providers(Herm-Barabasz, 2015). In our facility to foster communication, collaboration and teamwork we need to embrace the use of SBAR as it provides a framework from which employees with different knowledge and skills assess a patient’s condition and hence improve patient safety program.


Doherty, M. (2016). Clinician Job Dissatisfaction: The Costly and Critical Consequences. Healthcaresource.Blog, 4(12). Retrieved from http://education.healthcaresource.com/clinician-job-dissatisfaction/

Herm-Barabasz, R. (2015). Intraprofessional Nursing Communication and Collaboration: APN-RN-Patient Bedside Rounding. UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, And Capstone, 6(23). Retrieved from https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3364&context=thesesdissertations

Tazelaar, G. (2011). Challenges and Trends in Global Healthcare Missions. Journal Of Christian Nursing, 28(3), 152-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/cnj.0b013e31821da634

Treadwell, J. (2015). Delivering Team Training to Medical Home Staff to Impact Perceptions of Collaboration. Professional Case Management, 20(2), 89-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/ncm.0000000000000089