Euthanasia and suicide paper

Euthanasia and suicide is a very sensitive topic to most individuals, including the health workers. Additionally, most religious groups have several opinions on this topic. In Christianity, for example, Gilbert Meilaender describes God as an author and human beings as characters in His book (Sethi, & Sethi., 2015). Therefore, it is not in their power for human beings to end the story or give directions on the course the story should take.

Interestingly he said that despite that committing suicide is out of line to consider, individuals who commit suicide are irresponsible agents, but they should not be morally held responsible for committing suicide. In summary, Christianity does not support euthanasia because they believe it is not the duty of humanity to reduce suffering, but instead they should only maximize care also life is a gift from God which is given and taken by only Him. (Parker., 2016).

However, as much as I am a Christian, I believe that suicide and euthanasia is a case by case situation. For the individuals who are suffering from terminal illness have the right to end their life, on their terms. If an advanced decision was made by the individual whether he or she should go through euthanasia or not, then it is not offensive to follow that but in scenarios that there is no prior confirmation I consider that illegal. Individuals suffering from depression, on the other hand, I believe should be offered treatment to help them manage their illness and help them find happiness or rather peace so that it can alleviate them from deliberating about suicide. They should understand death is not the only way out. Therefore, there is no specific rule on this but somewhat situational.


Parker, J. C. (2016). Implications of Christian Truth Claims for Bioethics. Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, 22(3), 265-275.

Sethi, N. K., & Sethi, P. K. (2015). Passive Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, 63(12), 94-95.