Clinical Problem: Shortage of Nurses Problem

Clinical Problem: Shortage of Nurses Problem

Healthcare organizations provide care to a diverse group of individuals including children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. The nature of the services provided to the groups makes it possible for challenges to arise in care delivery. I work in a teaching hospital and one of the challenges identified is the shortage of nurses to cover the demands of all the patients. There are a lot of patients coming to the facility from other states increasing the work load in the hospital. The problem has affected not only the general service delivery to the patients but also the provision of palliative care to the terminally ill individuals.

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Palliative care is the provision of healthcare to individuals with life-threatening illnesses through the prevention and relief from suffering (Sepúlveda et al., 2014)). Shortage of nurses in the facility indicates that service provision to the terminally ill is impaired. According to the World Health Organization, palliative care includes a 24-hour nursing activity with the provision of appropriate care to the patient and the family (WHO, 2015).

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The quality of services provided in a healthcare facility depends on the availability of adequate staff. Palliative care is faced with a misconception that patients are not getting treatment because they think it is the end of life. However, through the provision of adequate staffing, patients will understand the role of palliative care as that of relieving pain, caring for the family and promoting a peaceful ending.



Quill, T. E., & Abernethy, A. P. (2013). Generalist plus specialist palliative care—creating a more sustainable model. New England Journal of Medicine368(13), 1173-1175.

Sepúlveda, C., Marlin, A., Yoshida, T., & Ullrich, A. (2014). Palliative care: the World Health Organization’s global perspective. Journal of pain and symptom management24(2), 91-96.

World Health Organization. (2015). WHO definition of palliative care. 2015. Retrieved from