Application of nursing conceptual model

Application of nursing conceptual model
Introduction: Conceptual models are symbolic representations of the empiric experience of the graphic diagram, mathematical notions or physical material, pictorial or words. For example, the patient-Centered Care conceptual model serves as systemic expression demonstrating the interdependence of different types of relationships.This type of relationship includes; professional colleagues, the nurse, family and community, all working with the concept of serving the patients at a given care center. Metaparadigm in Nursing determines the boundaries and goals, just like building the foundation (Daffron, Cristy& Marie, 2015). Therefore, nursing is an ever-growing profession characterized by continual and integrated roles. Integrated and holistic nursing is thus considered a new paradigm. The expectations of patients in healthcare continue to increase significantly, and this needs to be managed. Understanding patients’ expectations is significantly important for decreasing liability and increasing the outcomes of the implemented procedures towards the delivery of quality care.

The Watson Caring model was developed in 1970. It has been modified ever since to meet the expectations of the modern nursing practice. Watson was of the perception that because nursing is a human science, there are essentially metaphysical, spiritual and moral that can be employed to relate to others (Peter & Watt-Watson, 2016). Nurses have the duty of providing the required care to the patients. To achieve this task, nurses employ Watson’s model through Evidenced Based Practice, aimed at improving patients’ outcome.

Watson model can be used to improve the patient health outcome in different ways. Nurses and other healthcare professional need to understand that it is their responsibility to take care of the need of the patients. Provision of quality and affordable care is one way of meeting patients’ expectation. Additionally, some of the model and theory explains the role of the patients in managing various conditions.  For instance, Dorothea E. Orem’s Self-Care theory is invaluable in solving diverse issues and challenges encountered in nursing practice (Barroso, et al., 2010). Orem explains self-care as diverse activities that help improve an individual’s health. Self-care theory credits three aspects of requisites. First, the theory promotes the universal self-care requisite. Second, there should be developmental self-care requisite. Finally, the theory supports the health deviation self-care requisite. The model suggests that patients’ education is crucial in ensuring that can comprehend what needs to be done to promote their health outcome.


The nursing conceptual model provides a framework aimed at guiding nursing practice. It is the responsibility of healthcare professionals and nurses, in general, to apply this model to improve the health outcome of the patients.


Barroso, L. M. M., Brito, D. M. S. D., Galvão, M. T. G., & Lopes, M. V. D. O. (2010). Utility of the self-care theory to assist the bearer of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. ActaPaulista de Enfermagem, 23(4), 562-567.Retrieved from:

Daffron, Cristy Marie (2015). “Faith Community Nurse Education: A Conceptual Model,” International Journal of Faith Community Nursing: Vol. 1: Iss. 2, Article 1. Available at:

Peter, E., & Watt-Watson, J. (2016). Unrelieved pain: An ethical and epistemological analysis of distrust in patients. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive34(2).