Family Interventions to Improve Diabetes Outcomes for Adults PowerPoint

Family Interventions to Improve Diabetes Outcomes for Adults PowerPoint


¨The management of diabetes majorly depends on the practices of the individual patient ( Power et al., 2016).

¨Complications that arises out of mismanagement of the condition encompasses nephropathy, retinopathy, cardiovascular conditions and premature death.

¨Normally, the management of Diabetes takes the form of multiple interventions.

¨The interventions revolves around healthy eating, adherence to medication. Physical exercises and monitoring of the blood sugars by use of glucometers.


¨As alluded by Baig et al., 2015,  family members plays a big role in helping a diabetic patient to manager his or her condition.

¨It is from the impact of the social support that many studies were tested to determine the particular impacts that family intervention has on the overall outcome of diabetes management.

¨A number of studies as well as reviews were done on articles published between 1994 and 2014  concerning the family based intervention for adults having diabetes.

¨The reviews were based on the recognition of the effect of family members on healthcare promotion.


¨In analyzing the impact of family in managing diabetes, Baig et al., 2015 identified a relationship between self-care practices and social support.

¨Majority of human conditions are managed at home.

¨Consideration of the family surrounding is therefore key in ensuring the success of managing multiple conditions including diabetes (Grey et al., 2015).


¨Family members have multiple roles that they undertake in order for their significant others to manage diabetes.

¨The activities encompasses provision of social and moral support that is vital in coping with the condition and its management.

¨There also exists provision of technical support to allow injection of insulin for blood sugar regulation.

¨The family members engaged in education programs are also resourceful in assisting the patient to adhere to dietary restriction as well as keeping up to the follow up programs.


¨The family members can also negatively affect the management of diabetes.

¨This occurs especially where the behaviors of the family members hinder the patients efforts to adhere to restrictions from the condition.

¨Family beliefs, structure and skills in problems solving or their absence can be stressful to the patient and impair the management of the condition.

¨Chew, Mohd-Sidik & Shariff-Ghazali, (2015) reiterates that conflicts can erupt in trying to accommodate changes needed for diabetes management such as in the case of established family routines.


¨The databases theta were utilized in searching for the articles related to family based interventions included PubMed, CINAHL and PsycINFO.

¨The articles had to cover diabetes management and be published between January 1994 and October 2014.

¨Other search filters included studies conducted in the United States of America and published in either English or Spanish.

¨The articles also had to have focused in enhancing the process of diabetes treatment.


¨The review identified 26 studies that were unique and related to the subject matter.

¨The studies were described in 46 articles that were  all geared towards family based interventions in managing diabetes.

¨In terms of study design, 13 studies out of 26 bused a randomized controlled study design with 11 of them also utilizing pre-post design.

¨One of the studies also showed post-intervention measures with another one also allocating individuals multiples arms with consideration of  the areas of stay.

¨Regarding clinical outcomes, 19 out of the 26 studies showed marked improvement on A1C.

¨11 studies also showed improvement in the blood pressure outcome.  Three indicated short term improvement, two indicating improvement by the 12th month  and one showing improvement after 24 months in the diastolic pressure.

¨Concerning psychological outcomes of the patients, three studies showed reduction in the depressive symptoms in the case of diabetes stress.

¨From the 13 studies on diabetes knowledge among patients, 12 of them show increased knowledge among patients whose families were integrated in education programs

¨In consideration of various actions that constitutes diabetes management, engaging the family members in self-care management is an essential aspect for the success of the entire process.

¨From the various studies revolving management of diabetes, majority displays the significant improvement that comes with family based interventions.

¨By involving the family, the elements of management that are likely to improve includes dietary habits, physical exercises, patient knowledge in managing the condition as well as adherence to management plans.


Baig, A. A., Benitez, A., Quinn, M. T., & Burnet, D. L. (2015). Family interventions to improve diabetes outcomes for adults. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1353(1), 89-112.

Chew, B. H., Mohd-Sidik, S., & Shariff-Ghazali, S. (2015). Negative effects of diabetes–related distress on health-related quality of life: an evaluation among the adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in three primary healthcare clinics in Malaysia. Health and quality of life outcomes13(1), 187.

Grey, M., Schulman-Green, D., Knafl, K., & Reynolds, N. R. (2015). A revised self-and family management framework. Nursing outlook63(2), 162-170.

Kitsiou, S., Paré, G., Jaana, M., & Gerber, B. (2017). Effectiveness of mHealth interventions for patients with diabetes: an overview of systematic reviews. PloS one12(3), e0173160.

Kitsiou, S., Paré, G., Jaana, M., & Gerber, B. (2017). Effectiveness of mHealth interventions for patients with diabetes: an overview of systematic reviews. PloS one12(3), e0173160.

Powers, M. A., Bardsley, J., Cypress, M., Duker, P., Funnell, M. M., Fischl, A. H., … & Vivian, E. (2015). Diabetes self-management education and support in type 2 diabetes: a joint position statement of the American Diabetes Association, the American Association of Diabetes Educators, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics115(8), 1323-1334.