Write Task 2 Community health: Communicable disease outbreak Covid19 Case study

Write Task 2 Community health: Communicable disease outbreak Covid19 Case study

Table of Contents

  1. B.    **Describe the specific, communicable disease outbreak. Example- outbreak must be 50 years or less old.


     Countries involved: Haiti to U.S.

     Date it was discovered (the person was in country A and contracted the disease): March __, 20__( you may not find the actual day—month & year will be fine for both countries).

     Date it reached U.S (When the person from country A reached country B and was diagnosed). Then you will add who contracted it from that 1st person—for example the 2 healthcare workers that contracted Ebola from the 2014 outbreak in TX: March __, 20__

WHO: http://www.who.int/csr/don/archive/year/2015/en/  To search outbreaks by year


B – Below are sites that may be helpful in identifying a specific communicable outbreak that crossed international boundaries:

  1. Details of international outbreak. You need to identify a specific outbreak of ? that has crossed international boundaries. The CDC and/or WHO are good resources for an outbreak. Just add the specific outbreak information to the beginning of the section, leaving what you have already written.
  2. Write Task 2 Community health: Communicable disease outbreak Covid19 Case study

         Visit the Center for Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov/DiseasesConditions/?s_cid=cdc_homepage_topmenu_001   and http://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/reportsarticles/mmwr/mmwr_surveillance.htm

         World Health Organization http://www.who.int/research/en/

B1. Epidemiological Determinants. Refer to the outbreak you have in the description as you talk about the epidemiological determinants.

  1. Discuss the epidemiological determinants, distribution of morbidity and mortality rates.
  2. Analyze the epidemiological determinants of the specific outbreak. What is indicator? Was it related to lack of immunizations, travel outside the US, etc? Why is it important? What does it tell us?  What are epidemiological determinants? A determinant is anything that increases disease frequency in a population. Risk Factors and Transmission are both epidemiological determinants. However, you should discuss other determinants relevant for your outbreak here such as infectivity (how easily spread is it?), virulence (how deadly is it?), mode of transmission (Vector? Contact? Aerosol?), climate considerations (i.e. does the vector survive arid or cold temperatures?), antigenic stability (i.e. Influenza) and any other appropriate variable.
  3. Write Task 2 Community health: Communicable disease outbreak Covid19 Case study

Discuss any RISK FACTORS involved. Risk factors typically address the condition of the host (patient) and environment. Examples of risk factors would be age, occupation, immune-compromised status, unvaccinated status, lack of prior exposure to the disease, smoking, living in close quarters (i.e. military, prisons, and college dormitories), vector exposure, etc.

What are the estimated/actual number of adults and children (mortality) with the disease and numbers of deaths (morbidity) due to disease?

B2. Route of Transmission:  The rubric requirement is:  The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the route of transmission of the disease causing the outbreak.

The term “Route of Transmission” usually refers to the transmission of microorganisms directly from one person to another by one or more of the following means:

  • droplet contact – coughing or sneezing on another person
  • direct physical contact – touching an infected person, including sexual contact
  • indirect physical contact – usually by touching soil contamination or a contaminated surface (fomite)
  • airborne transmission – if the microorganism can remain in the air for long periods
  • fecal-oral transmission – usually from contaminated food or water sources

B3. Effect of outbreak on community. The rubric requirement is:  The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of how the outbreak could affect the candidate’s community at a systems level.

Write Task 2 Community health: Communicable disease outbreak Covid19 Case study

         How would an outbreak be disastrous?

         Discuss proximity, but how would an outbreak additionally affect the community as a whole?

         Create a “logical discussion”, Would an outbreak put those unvaccinated at a greater risk?

         What would be the effect on schools (would they need to close), unprotected pregnant mothers, would government offices need to close, etc.?

         Would the hospitals have the staff to care for an outbreak, could they handle the individuals coming to the clinics, or put others at risk, would it overtax the health system of the community, etc.?

B4. Reporting Protocol.

For reporting protocols, what is your state and county’s reporting process?  You can find this by going to your local health department website and your state Department of Health website. Look for reporting protocol of communicable diseases.

Your state legislature should have laws for the reporting of communicable diseases when suspected or actual.

What does your Public Health Department, local and state level, indicate for reporting communicable disease.

B5. Strategies to Prevent an Outbreak- two

  • Community based partnerships underpin public health activities for both routine disease prevention and outbreak response.
  • Availability of public health information through new communication channels, including use of mobile devices to enable individual awareness
  • Community resilience during outbreaks and unusual public health events
  • Delivery of preventive services to vulnerable and marginalized populations, with particular focus on strategies to reduce health disparities
  • Utilization of clinical and preventive services by persons with or at risk for infectious diseases, including efforts to reduce stigma associated with certain infections  –
  • Health literacy and understanding of social practices and behaviors that facilitate or prevent disease spread

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Write Task 2 Community health: Communicable disease outbreak Covid19 Case study

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  1. Sources— WGU Writing Center & APA Format

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