Technological innovations in the medical field: EBP

Technological innovations in the medical field: EBP
Evidence-based practices are not only based on clinical experiences but also grounded in research findings. Technological innovations in the medical field have enhanced the practice of EBP in care facilities in various ways. Facilities and organizations that have adopted EBP practices have computer systems installed so that the staff can easily access resources and materials which will boost the knowledge and skills of the staff.

According to Smith et al., (2016)In case of research, either internal or external, the findings are quickly disseminated to other departments within the facility, and by posting on the medical websites, other organizations can access it and apply in their daily practices.

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Ignorance both of the care providers and the patients has posed a challenge to the practice of EBP. Lack of knowledge and skills on EBP makes caregivers continue with routine practices despite the fact that most of them do not add value to the quality of life of patients.

 Patients will also be aware of these practices and be ready to consent and integrate them into their care. EPB is based on the clinical outcomes hence the outcome findings will also be fast disseminated to others to acknowledge the significance of EBP and use them in their practices.

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Am planning to apply this technology to my area of interest which is palliative care to clarify existing misconceptions and myths. Through this technology, all may be aware of this underutilized services which are essential especially to highly growing population suffering from chronic conditions. Also to disseminate outcome findings to other caregivers to appreciate the use of EBP.




Krupinski, E. A. (2015). Innovations and possibilities in connected health. Journal of the

            American Academy of Audiology26(9), 761-767.

Qureshi, I. A., Raza, H., Whitty, M., & Abdin, S. Z. U. (2015). Telemedicine implementation

and benefits for quality and patient safety in Pakistan. Knowledge Management & E-

            Learning7(3), 367.

Smith, H. S., Criner, A. J., Fehrle, D., Grabianowski, C. L., Jacobs, M. R., & Criner, G. J.

(2016). Use of a smartphone/tablet-based bidirectional telemedicine disease

program facilitates early detection and treatment of COPD exacerbation

symptoms. Telemedicine and e-Health22(5), 395-399.