Reflection; IOM Recommendations 

Reflection; IOM Recommendations

The IOM recommendations for the future of nursing will undoubtedly push forward nursing as a career in this country. It is, therefore, the professional mandate of every qualified nurse or soon to be qualified nurse to personally live up to their role in ensuring the 2020 goals are not only achieved but are met on time (“The Future of Nursing”, 2011). To be able to achieve these aims the IOM will need all nurses to take up the challenge individually and collaboratively. This paper will describe through reflections how a nurse sees himself or herself fitting into the IOM recommendations.

Being in the final year of my Bachelor’s degree in nursing, I am well poised to keeping my end of the bargain as regards the IOM’s 4th recommendation that seeks to increase to 80% the number of nurses holding baccalaureate degrees (Lowery & Spector, 2014). Upon completion which is very likely having wrapped up my final research project, I will graduate, get a practicing license and finally join the fold of baccalaureate degree nurses in the country. All these are happening well before 2020. Then there’s the 5th recommendation to double the number of nurses with doctorate degrees by 2020 (Lowery & Spector, 2014).  I think my schedule can help meet that objective as well; after one year of practice, I intend to enroll in a master’s program.

After one year of soul searching in the clinical area and with guidance from my nurse mentors I will be well poised to pick one of the specialties. The program takes two years max so by 2020 I will be a proud holder of a master’s degree. I have no intention of stopping there either, a couple of years down the line and Ph.D. here I come. Still adding onto my academic qualifications is the best thing to do (Jimenez, 2017). I will regularly attend seminars, workshops and research conferences in a bid to stay abreast with the dynamic care industry and ever-changing demands of patient care.

In the current job market, it is an added advantage to have an extra qualification when looking for a job. I will, therefore, be doing myself great service by adding to what I have (Jimenez, 2017). As a nurse practitioner, I could work in the regular set ups like the big hospitals or under physicians. What’s more, their plenty of opportunities to work in nurse-led care units in states that allow independent practice for nurses (Jimenez, 2017). Nursing Education is another field to venture into. Increasing my education level will certainly give me a competitive edge over nurses with lower qualifications in the job market.

In conclusion, it is vital to note that adding to the education level expands my scope of practice and role as a nurse in the future of nursing. The states are slowly but sure changing the laws to allow for independent practice by nurses (Lowery & Spector, 2014). Such changes will widen the scope of practice for nurses. However, only nurses with the necessary educational qualifications will be authorized to practice by the National Council for Boards of Nursing (The Future of Nursing, 2011). To be meet the recommendations of the IOM that primarily seek to improve the quality of patient care delivery by nurses it is wise to invest in leveling up my academic credentials now.

In summary, this paper has described a reflection of how a nurse who is completing their bachelor’s degree in nursing plans to fit into the 4th and 5th recommendations of the IOM. The paper has further shed light on how adding to a nurse’s level of education equips them for the job market and their role in the future of nursing.




Jimenez, S. (2017). Nursing job market heating up | Nursing News, Stories & ArticlesNursing News, Stories & Articles. Retrieved 13 February 2017, from

Lowery, B. & Spector, N. (2014). Regulatory Implications and Recommendations for Distance Education in Prelicensure Nursing Programs. Journal Of Nursing Regulation5(3), 24-33.

The Future of Nursing. (2011).