Open- system Management in Operating Room

Open- system Management in Operating Room

The systems theory depicts an organization as a system that comprises of diverse units that interact interdependently in an organizational environment and work synergistically to achieve effective adaptation to the continually changing environment. The systems theory identifies two different perspectives of management that an organization can embrace to affect its governance. First, the closed-system perspective denotes a closed organizational approach whereby an organization operation in self-sustaining environment that is free from external influence. On the other hand, an open-system perspective entails a dynamic approach that recognizes the external influence and allows input from the external environment to achieve the effective output, continues improvement and effective problem mitigation. In this paper, the problem of poor waste segregation in theoperating room in an organization will be addressed from a closed-system perspective as well as from an open-system perspective to identify how it can be effectively solved.

According to Glenister, (2011), a closed-system perspective limits the extent of how an organization interacts with its environment resulting in a steady and consistency state as a result of closure to external influence. In this system, the organization embraces a culture that does not offer the opportunity for any external infiltration but strives to prevent any external influence. In addressing the poor waste segregation in our operating room, the closed system provides a steady leadership mechanisms of addressing this problem. An organization is only supposed to follow the stipulated problem-solving approach that is inflexible and consistent with the organizational form of management.

Glenister, (2011) assert that open systems of management are key in achieving constant change since it is open to external influence that makes it possible to identify better approached that can be harnessed to improve the existing situation continually. In order to improve the waste segregation and achieve infection prevention in the operating room, it is vital to change the organizational culture and embrace a culture that is open to innovations and external input to achieve quality output. Manley et al. (2014) outlines that, changing the culture of an organization to embrace an open system is critical in achieving safe and effective nursing care. Embracing an open system of management will provide an opportunity for the organization to allow innovative ideas on how to improve the safety through proper waste segregation in the operating room during care provision. For instant, the ability to embrace an open system of management will enable the organization to benchmark with facilities that uphold proper waste segregation and borrow sound tactics on how to address the problem.

McAlearney et al. (2014) highlight that, for an organization to achieve effective quality improvement, it must alter its culture to embrace one that is open and ready to receive external input. Likewise, the open-system culture provides opportunities for feedback that is critical in achieving continuous quality improvement. Besides, embracing an open system will make it possible for the management to embrace the right facilities that will enhance proper segregation of infectious waste to improve the safety of both the care providers and the patient in the operating room. For instance, it will be possible to allow information input from external sources on how the organization can achieve effective waste segregation, proper waste disposal as well as effective evaluation protocols to improve the standards of nursing care in the operating room.

Meyer & O’Brien‐Pallas, (2010) outline that an open-system of nursing care makes it possible to identify key individual who possesses key competencies that would be instrumental in spearheading evolutionally changes in the management of an organization. Hence, embracing the open system will make it possible for the organization to identify key individuals with competencies and skills that can be harnessed to improve on waste management in the operating room nursing.  Input by such external individuals will change the operating room management hence improve the quality of care.

Shirey, M. R. (2013) asserts that an open system makes it possible to plan changes in an organization. Of importance, an open-system makes it possible to plan change to achieve effective care in an organization (Marquis & Huston, 2015). Hence, embracing the open system approach will make it possible to plan change on how to improve on waste segregation and achieve effective infection prevention in the operating room. Conclusively, the organization ought to replace the closed-system of care with an open system that allows innovation and external input to enhance provision of safe and quality care.


Glenister, D. A. (2011, September). Towards a general systems theory of nursing: a literature review. In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the ISSS-2011, Hull, UK (Vol. 55, No. 1).

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Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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Meyer, R. M., & O’Brien‐Pallas, L. L. (2010). Nursing services delivery theory: an open system approach. Journal of advanced nursing, 66(12), 2828-2838.

Shirey, M. R. (2013). Lewin’s theory of planned change as a strategic resource. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(2), 69-72.