Nina Pham lawsuit: Items that relate to hospital accountability

Nina Pham lawsuit: Items that relate to hospital accountability

Nina Pham law suit highly holds the hospital accountable for her predicaments following her Ebola contraction. Nina pharm is the nurse who contracted Ebola while attending to patient by the name Duncan at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. According to Nina, the hospital is highly accountable because she quotes lack of preparedness to handle to the Mr. Duncan Ebola case. She states in her lawsuit that the hospital was not well prepared in terms of even the protective gears used to handle the patient. There should have been better and scientifically approved protective gears for Ebola case but that was not case. Instead, the staff just organized some sort of improvised protective gear for the nurses. The hospital is also accountable for infringing nurse Pham’s privacy when they released her video without her permission. The video is quite evident. The hospital also tries to take cover by stating the nurse condition as good yet she’s still under complications from the illness.

The MNA and ANA mass would perfectly lobby legislators on this Nina pharm case. To start with, the MNA are in high support that hospitals should offer standardized training to its staff and ensure that they are well equipped to handle these infectious diseases.  They also do agree that the hospitals need prior preparedness in terms of protective gear and staff safety. They hence work collectively to seek collaboration in seeking safety measures for their staff.

The MNA and ANA mass do agree on patient and professionals advocacy. The ANA mass actually came in great agreement with MNA on better staffing ratio for patient and staff safety. However, the MNA tend to find the ANA mass regulations weak and also weakly enforced which they state as deafening. The MNA hence comes in with aggressive lobbying for policy changes and regulation implementation. However the two strive to collaborate for the benefit of all.