How to write an essay on theoretical and Scientific Foundations of Nursing Research

How to write an essay on theoretical and Scientific Foundations of Nursing Research

The selected theory for this discussion is Virginia Henderson’s need theory. This theory is based on the importance of the nurse and other healthcare providers in increasing the patient’s independence throughout hospitalization (Gray & Grove, 2021). Henderson’s theory is based on the assumption that nurses care for patients until they can care for themselves once again.

Henderson’s need theory describes 14 key components that guide the delivery of care to patients. Examples include ensuring the patient breathes normally, elimination needs, sleep and rest, cleanliness of the body, and communication with others among many others (McEwin & Wills, 2019). This theoretical framework can be applied to address issues like chronic cancer which leaves most patients with difficulties to meet basic needs. The concept map below explains how the nursing process can be used to address the needs of patients using Henderson’s need theory. For example, the diagnosis of the patient is made by comparing patient data with literature and best practice guidelines.

Henderson’s theory can be used to guide scientific research in social issues like chronic disease management among the elderly. Most patients with chronic diseases will require hospitalization and long-term care which will include the need to meet basic activities of living. What I will change in this model is the ability to educate the patient to gain independence and care for themselves (Ahtisham & Jacoline, 2015). The concepts from this theory can be used to promote social change by educating people about basic needs and how they can assist sick individuals in society. Also, patients can be educated on how to become independent and make informed decisions.


Ahtisham, Y., & Jacoline, S. (2015). Integrating Nursing Theory and Process into Practice; Virginia’s Henderson Need Theory. International Journal of Caring Sciences8(2).

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

McEwin, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing. (5th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

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