How to write an essay on the Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection in Elderly

How to write an essay on the Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection in Elderly

Prevention Of Urinary Tract Infection in Elderly With Dementia

The purpose of the paper is to address the financial impact on both the patients and the organization in the prevention of urinary tract infections in the elderly Alzheimer/dementia patients in a long-term care facility). The paper will address the project’s current and future financial impact on patients and the organization, the necessary modifications, and the project’s sustainable elements.

The school health research board will have to inject the funds for the preparation and planning phase of the project. The activities in the preparation stage include the research on the interventions for preventing urinary tract infections and possible alternatives, and this includes; Enhancing proper hygiene, addressing urinary tract retention or obstruction, and the need for long-term antibiotic therapy (Rowe & Juthani-Mehta, 2022).

The total approximated cost for the project to run is 500 dollars funded by the school research board and the student. The 200 dollars will cater for human resources while 300 dollars will cater for material resources. In addition, this project will reduce the operational costs for the organization and the cost of seeking care for the patients. Subsequently, it will improve patients’ outcomes and patients’ satisfaction in managing UTIs.

Regarding financial considerations on the project, there is a need to adopt cheap and effective antibiotics, implementing easier and cheaper techniques for diagnosing and addressing urinary tract infections. Long-term antibiotic therapy reduces the chances of urinary tract reinfection (Dr. Liza Genao, 2022), which is essential to any health organization dealing with the diagnosis and management of UTIs. To be practical, nurses, clinicians, and laboratory technicians should accurately identify the causative organism for UTIs and prescribe the appropriate dosage.


Dr. Liza Genao, D. (2022). Urinary Tract Infections in Older Adults Residing in Long-Term Care Facilities. PubMed Central (PMC). Retrieved 5 January 2022, from

Rowe, T., & Juthani-Mehta, M. (2022). Urinary tract infection in older adults. Retrieved 5 January 2022, from.

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