How to write an essay on Healthcare-associated infections (Solved)

How to write an essay on Healthcare-associated infections (Solved)

Statement of project topic

This project is about preventing healthcare-associated infections, focusing on reducing Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bloodstream infections acquired in the hospital (HealthyPeople, 2021). MRSA is resistant to most first-line antibiotics. Despite being among the leading causes of hospital-acquired conditions, efforts to implement prevention strategies have slowed. Even though MRSA infections are deadly, they are preventable. Continuous medical education of healthcare workers is critical to reducing the incidence rates of these infections in the hospital.

Preliminary background

Approximately 3.2 million hospitalized patients acquire nosocomial infections annually. MRSA is the most prevalent infection, with 41% of patient isolates in a study by Salge et al. (2017) demonstrating antibiotic resistance. Fighting MRSA remains a global priority, given the associated complications and mortality. According to Salge et al. (2017), the cost of healthcare services per person is roughly $42,300. MRSA is highly related to incorrect use of antibiotics, among other factors.

Support from literature review

Healthcare professional education is a critical tool in the management of nosocomial infections. Continuous health education of healthcare providers influences them to comply with evidence-based guidelines on preventing MRSA infections (Storr et al., 2017). As such, repetitive education must be administered to health professionals as an approach to the management of MRSA infections.

According to Storr et al. (2017), the most crucial strategy in curbing nosocomial infections is building essential infection prevention and control knowledge among all health professionals. Haque et al. (2018) support this strategy as it recommends formulating strategic policy and education initiatives to control and manage nosocomial infections.


Haque, M., Sartelli, M., McKimm, J., & Bakar, M. A. (2018). Health care-associated infections–an overview. Infection and drug resistance11, 2321.

Salge, T. O., Vera, A., Antons, D., & Cimiotti, J. P. (2017). Fighting MRSA infections in hospital care: how organizational factors matter. Health services research52(3), 959-983.

Storr, J., Twyman, A., Zingg, W., Damani, N., Kilpatrick, C., Reilly, J., … & Allegranzi, B. (2017). Core components for effective infection prevention and control programmes: new WHO evidence-based recommendations. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control6(1), 1-18.

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