How to Write a Persuasive Speech: Complete Guide 2022

How to Write a Persuasive Speech: Complete Guide 2022

Have you ever attempted to prove a point so strongly that it escalated into physical violence or verbal abuse? A persuasive speech encompasses a range of topics, from debates about football, politics, to fashion. In order to effectively deliver a persuasive speech, you must find common ground with your audience and be willing to agree to disagree.

What exactly is a persuasive speech?

A persuasive speech is an oral presentation with the goal of convincing your audience to believe or take action on a particular issue. When writing a persuasive speech, your objective is to persuade the audience to see your point of view. A well-executed persuasive speech should be informative, compelling, and entertaining.

To successfully convince your audience, it’s crucial to come across as genuine and well-informed about your topic. But how do you persuade a group of strangers to adopt your opinions? How do you establish a connection with critics who are hanging onto your every word?

Would you like to have the audience captivated by your speech? Achieving success in persuasive speech requires understanding what motivates your listeners. You need to have knowledge about your audience, including their age, gender, and beliefs. This understanding helps you determine the appropriate content and message to deliver. If you find yourself struggling to craft a persuasive speech, consider seeking assistance from skilled persuasive speech writers.

Types of persuasive speech

The nature of the topic and its content determine the type of persuasive speech. If you want to learn how to write a persuasive speech, there are three main types to consider:

1. Factual persuasive speech:

This type of speech aims to persuade listeners about the validity or invalidity of a particular topic. When your target audience is skeptical, providing evidence becomes crucial in a persuasive speech. For example, a factual persuasive speech might argue for the banning of beauty pageants for children, citing numerous documented cases of rape, murder, and suicide among young contestants.

2. Value persuasive speech:

This type of speech questions the moral or ethical aspects of an issue. For instance, topics could include whether graffiti is an act of vandalism or art, or whether the death penalty is morally justifiable.

3. Policy persuasive speech:

A policy persuasive speech seeks to persuade the audience to support or reject a policy, rule, or candidate. When selecting topics for persuasive speeches, you need to identify a problem, describe it, and persuade the audience to seek a solution. For example, you could write a persuasive speech urging the Senate to support a campaign for girls’ rights, thereby influencing the ruler to align with their viewpoint.

How do you introduce a persuasive speech?

Wondering how to start a persuasive speech? The introduction is crucial for capturing the audience’s attention. Some effective ways to begin your speech include:

– Using a relevant quote
– Creating an imagined scenario
– Asking a rhetorical question
– Presenting proven statistics
– Making a powerful statement or using impactful language

What is a persuasive paragraph?

A persuasive paragraph begins with a topic sentence expressing your opinion on the chosen topic. To master the art of writing a persuasive speech, your goal is to convince the reader that your idea is worth considering. While you should acknowledge both sides of the argument, you should reveal a bias toward one side.

When writing a persuasive speech example, remember to:

– Clearly state your claim
– Understand your audience
– Engage the reader’s emotions by focusing on your side of the argument
– Support your opinion with concrete evidence
– Organize your thoughts effectively
– Use active language

What are the five persuasive techniques?

Whether you aim to increase website traffic or gain recognition from colleagues and superiors, the ability to persuade is a valuable skill when writing a persuasive speech. Being persuasive makes it easier for you to accomplish your goals by influencing others to see things from your perspective. Some effective persuasive techniques include:

1. Establishing

credibility and building trust:

To persuade people, you must establish a genuine connection with them. When the audience trusts you and sees you as an authority on the subject, your persuasive speech becomes more impactful. When outlining your persuasive speech, consider prioritizing the following:

– Identifying the target audience
– Finding ways to appeal to the target audience
– Clarifying the purpose of your persuasive speech
– Ensuring your opinion is heard

Once you have an outline, incorporate these techniques to connect with your audience and establish credibility:

– Appealing to emotions: Making an emotional appeal in your speech is a powerful way to capture the audience’s attention and establish a visceral connection. For instance, nonprofit commercials often evoke emotions to encourage viewers to donate and save lives or help starving children.
– Appealing to authority: Personal experiences alone may not be sufficient, as people tend to place more trust in expert opinions. Collaborating with non-governmental organizations, for example, can lend credibility to your call to action when seeking donations for the less fortunate.

2. Understanding the reader’s purpose and aligning it with your own:

As a persuasive speechwriter, it’s important to think about why people are accessing your content. This understanding helps you write a persuasive speech that is both informative and compelling.

3. Paying attention to language:

The language you use in your writing can be persuasive and have a meaningful impact on your readers. Persuasion is enhanced by:

– Using flattery
– Employing hyperbole
– Speaking directly to the reader
– Using active language
– Quoting actual statistics

4. Considering tone:

Your tone should be favorable to your readers. Conveying tone in a persuasive speech requires careful selection of techniques and language. Your tone can be authoritative, logical, passionate, witty, intelligent, or neutral. Avoid using tones such as brevity, abrasiveness, and casualness, unless you know that your readers expect them. Your choice of tone helps determine which literary devices to use and the most appropriate language for your audience.

5. Using rhetoric and redundancy:

Although it may seem counterintuitive, rhetorical questions and repetition can be effective when connecting with your audience. Repetition, particularly of keywords, is an emphatic persuasive speech technique that helps reinforce a point. Rhetorical questions are meant to be thought-provoking and can guide your persuasive writing towards a specific theme or conclusion.

Examples of persuasive speech topics

Choosing the right topic can be a challenge when writing a persuasive speech. The chosen topic must be suitable for making an impact on the audience. When it comes to learning how to write a persuasive speech, it’s important to be wise and cautious during the topic selection process. You cannot persuade the audience to believe in your opinions unless you genuinely believe in the topic you have chosen to write about. Here are some examples of persuasive speech topics that often spark lively debates:

– Is graffiti art or vandalism?
– The significance of art and culture
– Are museums the dying reservoirs of arts and culture?
– Should entrance fees be charged for museums?
– Is there authenticity in modern art?
– Political unrest and its impact on economic growth
– The fraudulent nature of reality shows
– Education as the primary source of wealth
– The negative impact of reality shows on IQ
– The value of extracurricular activities
– How media influences political decisions
– The future of education lies in virtual reality
– How to deliver an informative speech
– The influence of bullying on personality development
– The legalization of euthanasia
– Banning beauty pageants for children
– The global concern of environmental degradation
– Should body hawking be legal?
– Men and wearing pink
– Punishment by death for serial killers
– How garments define a person
– The significance of

jewelry in defining one’s value
– The challenges of realizing a dream
– The role of social media in diminishing face-to-face communication
– Are dating sites havens for sex predators?
– Society’s addiction to technology and the internet

Elements of a persuasive speech

An effective persuasive speech strikes a balance between logical and emotional appeals. As a student learning how to write a persuasive speech, it is essential to understand the key elements:

1. Ethos or credibility:

To be persuasive, you need to establish credibility. A persuasive speech lacking in statistics or anecdotes may not yield the desired results. People want reliable information and real stories when it comes to issues affecting the masses.

2. Logos or logic:

If you want the audience to fully believe in your point of view, you must support your speech with proven statistics. Tested and proven hypotheses engage the audience’s minds and make your data-driven speech more trustworthy.

3. Pathos or emotions:

The emotional appeal bridges the gap between statistics and a powerful connection with your audience. Anecdotes and real-life stories can add an emotional touch to your persuasive speech and make it more relatable. Consider how many commercials have prompted you to purchase unnecessary products by appealing to your emotions. The basic human need for emotions applies to your audience as well, making emotional appeal informative and persuasive.

A persuasive speech format

A persuasive speech is sometimes structured similarly to an informative speech, but the most commonly used persuasive speech format is Monroe’s motivated sequence and the subsequent desired reaction from your audience.

An introduction

– The introduction includes a hook or an attention-getter.
– The hook is intended to catch your audience’s attention, and it can vary from a shocking statistic to a dramatic anecdote. Avoid asking questions that elicit a verbal response or asking the audience if they agree or disagree, as there will always be opposing views.
– It must have a clear thesis statement derived from your topic, communicating your stance. For example, if your topic is ‘Body hawking legalization,’ your thesis statement should be ‘My speech today is on the legalization of body hawking, and I am against it.’

A body

The body contains the main information, including a simplified explanation of your topic for those who might be unfamiliar with it.

When presenting your main points, you can use the following approaches:

– Deductive approach: Start from a general idea and move towards a specific idea. For example: All men are immortal, Socrates was a man, Socrates was mortal. This approach engages the audience by leading them to agree with your opinion on the topic.
– Inductive approach: Start from a specific idea and move towards a general idea, using the laws of probability. The final statement should still reflect your stand on the topic.
– Carrot-stick approach: Present both sides of the issue but emphasize your side as weightier and more appropriate to adopt. List both the pros and cons of the topic.
– Primacy or recency approach: Primacy means starting the body with the strongest points and ending with the weakest points, demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of the topic. Recency means starting with the weakest points and building up to the strongest, creating a climactic effect.

When writing your points in the body, include the following:

– Statistics: Using proven statistics strengthens your argument and makes your persuasive speech more credible.
– Testimony: Direct quotes from authorities or individuals can add weight to your speech and make the idea more relatable to your audience.
– De anchoring beliefs: This persuasive speech technique involves appealing to emotions to change the audience’s mindset. For example, appealing to the fear of loss of basic needs, freedom, and the fear of the unknown, including death, can be effective in persuading.


The conclusion restates the thematic statement and uses concluding remarks to signal the end of the speech.

How to write a five-minute persuasive speech

Have you ever tried motivating or changing someone’s conviction through persuasion? Persuading someone is a challenging task. Learn how to write a persuasive speech effectively in just five minutes with the following framework:

1. Establishing a problem your audience cares about and finding a solution:

– Prioritize addressing the audience’s problems and concerns rather than immediately presenting your solution. Meet the audience where they are, not where you want them to be.
– Identify typical solutions and explain why they may not have worked in the past. Offer a new and improved solution that gives the audience hope for positive change.

2. Explaining your solution:

– Spend time explaining the steps, components, and details of your solution. End with a compelling call to action that appeals to the audience’s emotions.

Critical mistakes to avoid when writing a five-minute persuasive speech

When crafting an effective five-minute persuasive speech, avoid the following mistakes:

1. Using big words and complex sentence structures: Opt for simple language to ensure your message is easily understood and doesn’t discourage the audience from engaging.

2. Not using a natural writing style: Stick to your own writing style to maintain authenticity and connect better with the audience.

3. Overgeneralizing: Be specific in your writing to


Avoiding Critical Mistakes in Writing a Five-Minute Persuasive Speech

When it comes to writing a persuasive speech, there are several critical mistakes you should avoid. Here is a list of things to keep in mind to ensure your speech is effective and impactful within a five-minute timeframe.

1. Avoid using complex language and sentence structures.

Using big words and complicated sentence structures can discourage your audience from engaging with your speech. It’s important to use language that is easily understood to keep them interested and connected.

2. Stick to your natural writing style.

Deviating from your natural writing style can be counterproductive and may not resonate well with your audience. It’s best to stay true to yourself and communicate in a way that feels authentic.

3. Be specific and avoid overgeneralization.

Being specific in your writing helps make your speech more persuasive. Overgeneralizing can make your message less impactful and may not resonate with your intended audience.

4. Avoid using slang.

Using slang in your speech can come across as unprofessional and may undermine your credibility. It’s best to keep your language straightforward and professional, using rhetorical questions to connect with the audience instead.

5. Tailor your message to the audience.

To capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged, it’s important to address their needs and interests in your persuasive speech. By speaking directly to them about themselves, you can ensure they will listen and connect with your message.

6. Avoid data dumping.

Relying too heavily on logical arguments (logos) can make your speech wordy and disengage your audience. It’s crucial to strike a balance between logic and emotional appeal to inspire, connect, and persuade your listeners effectively.

7. Focus on inspiring emotions.

In a persuasive speech, emotions play a significant role in decision-making. Begin by inspiring emotions in your audience and then support those emotions with facts and figures. Connecting both with their hearts and minds will make your speech more impactful.

8. Craft a powerful opening hook.

The beginning of your speech is crucial for capturing your audience’s attention. Avoid wasting this opportunity by rambling or providing half-hearted statistics. Instead, engage your audience with an engaging story, a startling statistic, or a thought-provoking question to keep them hooked from the start.

9. Use humor wisely.

While injecting humor into your persuasive speech can make it more engaging, it’s important not to overdo it. Be yourself and use humor when appropriate and relevant to the content of your speech.

10. Conclude with a strong emphasis on key points.

Your conclusion should be a powerful summary that reinforces your key points and motivates the audience to take action. Ensure that your conclusion is strong and impactful to leave a lasting impression.

By avoiding these critical mistakes, you can write a persuasive speech that effectively communicates your message, engages your audience, and inspires action.

Learning How to Write a Persuasive Speech Example

If you’re looking to learn how to write a persuasive speech, here are some guidelines to follow:

1. Select a controversial topic.

Choose a topic that sparks debate and has passionate arguments from various perspectives. Ensure the topic is of personal interest to you. If the subject is too broad, narrow it down to a specific angle. Conduct thorough research to gather key facts and arguments.

2. Define your persuasive goal.

Clearly determine why you want to persuade your audience on the chosen topic. Understanding your persuasive goal will help shape your approach to writing the speech.

3. Analyze your audience.

Knowing your audience’s perspective is crucial when crafting a persuasive speech. Consider factors such as age, gender, education level, culture, beliefs, interests, attitudes, and size. Tailor your speech to resonate with their needs and values.

4. Build an effective persuasive argument.

Develop persuasive techniques and strategies to support your persuasive

goal. Build strong arguments that appeal to your audience’s logic, emotions, and values.

5. Outline your speech.

Create a speech outline to organize your main points and structure your speech for maximum impact. Start with a strong opening that introduces your theme and its importance. List your main points in a logical sequence, addressing opposing perspectives. Summarize your key arguments and call for action in a persuasive manner.

6. Write a compelling speech.

While your opinions matter, focus on expressing them in a way that effectively persuades your audience. Use clear and concise language, maintain a smooth flow of ideas, and ensure your sentences are easy to understand.

Improving Your Persuasion Skills

Developing strong persuasion skills is essential for effective communication and fostering harmonious relationships. Here are some key areas to focus on:

1. Excellent communication.

Communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, to make an impact on your audience. Engage with your listeners and be open to dialogue.

2. Active listening.

Show attentiveness and respect by actively listening to others’ opinions. Understanding their viewpoints helps you tailor your arguments and build stronger connections.

3. Emotional intelligence.

Observe and respond to your audience’s emotions, adapting your persuasion tactics accordingly. Emotional intelligence allows you to connect with them on a deeper level.

4. Logic and reasoning.

To gain full support for your ideas, provide logical reasoning and evidence to convince your audience of their value. Help them understand why your ideas are worth pursuing.

5. Establish credibility.

Maintain positive interactions and meaningful relationships with your audience to enhance your credibility. Building trust allows you to effectively persuade and influence others.

In summary, writing a persuasive speech requires honing your persuasion skills, writing abilities, and diction. By avoiding critical mistakes and practicing effective persuasion techniques, you can craft impactful speeches that inspire and influence others.