How to write a nursing essay on the Science and Art of Theory Development and Evaluation (Solved)

How to write a nursing essay on the Science and Art of Theory Development and Evaluation (Solved)

Researchers from various fields have created theories to account for the existence or connections between events. To build a theory that explains a phenomenon, relates to phenomena, or forecasts the occurrence of phenomena, hypotheses which are a concept put forth for discussion and examined to determine if they might be true, are always generated from observations, empirical investigations, and literature reviews.

The hypothesis should be testable. The degree of the testing must vary, and the outcome of the testing must be either the denial or confirmation of a theory. Before using a postulation, it is crucial to analyze it to ensure that it is accurate. Health sciences theories never apply without testing and assessments(Lynch et al., 2018). This is because a  theory’s efficacy is assessed through testing after the anticipated phenomena take place. Evaluation is nevertheless achievable using both scientific and creative methods.

The different evaluation standards for theories include their scope, consistency with logic, parsimony, utility, testability, heuristics, and longevity(Lynch et al., 2018). The skills of developing and assessing theories revolve around their scope, applicability, and logical coherence. A theory must be within bounds; thus, no one can create a postulation unrelated to their field of expertise. For instance, a medical specialist cannot develop a theory of political leadership because it falls outside of their expertise. A hypothesis must always be true for it to be logically consistent. A postulation cannot make statements that are at once true and false.

The art of evaluating a theory’s value depends on how well it contributes to the area upon which it is centered(Mach et al., 2020). A postulation must introduce a novel idea to the field. A theory does not satisfy the utility test if it repeats other hypotheses. Scientific methods for developing and assessing theories include simplicity, reliability, heurism, and durability. According to the principle of parsimony, a theory needs only a few notions to work. A hypothesis containing many justifications and concepts fails the parsimony test. The rationale is that developing a useful theory with more concepts and arguments becomes more challenging. The potential of a hypothesis to inspire and stimulate thoughts is known as heurism.

An acceptable postulation must advance the discipline by introducing a fresh perspective or idea. It should be possible for additional scholars to use the theory or utilize the hypothesis as the foundation for developing new postulations. A sound hypothesis must stand the test of time and be testable. For a theory to be testable, its supporting evidence must be credible and accessible for verification by others. Without the support of the empirical study, a review of the literature, or any other kind of verifiable proof, a theory cannot be considered a statement(Ridde et al., 2020). Predictability is related to the postulation’s capacity to provide a compelling argument for acceptance. This idea demands a solid justification of the underlying assumptions.

A theory ought to be important since it should significantly affect society or the field in question. A postulation must specify a turning point in the area. A theory fails the power test if it does not make a major impact. A postulation also needs to survive the challenge of time. At any moment, similar studies on related things or subjects ought to be able to provide the same theory and similar results. Theories serve as frameworks for comprehension and observation that govern what and how we experience the world(Ridde et al., 2020). A researcher can create connections between specific and general claims using hypotheses. A postulation establishes a connection between numerous phenomena and explains how diverse variables relate.


Lynch, E. A., Mudge, A., Knowles, S., Kitson, A. L., Hunter, S. C., & Harvey, G. (2018). “There is nothing so practical as a good theory”: a pragmatic guide for selecting theoretical approaches for implementation projects. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1).

Mach, K. J., Lemos, M. C., Meadow, A. M., Wyborn, C., Klenk, N., Arnott, J. C., Ardoin, N. M., Fieseler, C., Moss, R. H., Nichols, L., Stults, M., Vaughan, C., & Wong-Parodi, G. (2020). Actionable knowledge and the art of engagement. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 42, 30–37.

Ridde, V., Pérez, D., & Robert, E. (2020). Using implementation science theories and frameworks in global health. BMJ Global Health, 5(4), e002269.

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