How to write a nursing essay on Contributing to Positive Social Change (Solved)

How to write a nursing essay on Contributing to Positive Social Change (Solved)

What Is a Social Change Agent?

The social change agent is an individual that contributes to the process that leads to modifying social patterns, processes, and interactions within a group of organizations. Change agents can either be internal or external (Batras et al., 2016). They act as intermediaries between the organization’s leadership that sponsors the change initiative and the individuals who are impacted by the change. The change agents articulate reasons for change, formulate how the transformations will occur, support and guide others throughout the process. Also, persuasion of others on the necessity of change and clarification of questions. They are responsible for ensuring that processes, procedures, and structures are effectively implemented to achieve the desired change.

What inspires you?

Change is critical for any organization to thrive in any given environment. Change is shifting the status from an undesirable current status to a desirable future status, and bringing about this variation requires an effective modification of strategies, procedures, and structures. Stages of change theorized by Kurt Lewin involves unfreezing, movement, and refreezing (Stanley, 2016). Lewin’s change model is inspiring in that employees’ input is considered throughout the change process. Driving forces that facilitate change and move an individual towards the desired direction are identified and increased while at the same time restraining forces maintaining the status quo are decreased due to its hindrance on change. Knowledge is shared among individuals to enable willingness to participate in the change process and overcome group conformity.

Bringing about change is inevitable because of its dynamic and continuous process. However, alteration in behavior can be overcome by resistance and challenges. John p. Kotter developed actionable eight steps for implementing successful transformations. Creating a sense of urgency is the first step, and it’s crucial. Barriers to change include fears of getting out of the comfort zones, and anger will dominate without a sense of urgency (Stanley, 2016). Leaders need to form a strong coalition by generating a sense of emotion and positive energy. There should be a vision and strategies communicated to people so that they can understand the goals of change. Change is a constant, never-ending process. Therefore, needs modification should be anchored to the organizational culture to ensure firmly rooted values and beliefs.

Journal Entry 2:

What kind of a social change agent can you be?

Anyone can be a social agent. However, your success will depend on having certain attributes that will ensure you can shift attitudes, values, and actions to address problems positively. Some of the characteristics of an agent are having clear visions, persistence, courage, and knowledge to lead by example. Relationships among family, peers, and the community will affect your attributes as a social agent. Having a supportive family will encourage you to push for changes even when it becomes hard and near impossible. They will foster strength to always be patient and resilient because change is not abrupt but rather a slow and gradual process. All of these factors encourage me to partake in social change activities and be a better agent.

A leader is an individual with the ability to influence others towards achieving certain goals coherently and cohesively. Having leadership skills such as integrity, dedication to purpose, respect for others, creative and critical thinking makes me an effective social change agent. Adequate communication skills effectively facilitate collaboration with other team members and ensure that information passed across is understood. It also promotes confidence and enables me to give inspiring speeches, which will aid my cause as a social agent and motivate others to take part.

What cause or movement resonates with you?

Mental health illness is on the rise, with incidences of depression increasing. It is heartbreaking to see the youth opting for suicide because they cannot deal with everyday problems. They have no one to talk to about the emotions affecting the quality of life or the stigmatization they’re faced with. Offering support, psychological counseling, and creating awareness will go a long way in helping individuals suffering from mental health illnesses. Public education will enhance awareness, limit stigma, and promote a positive coping mechanism.

Journal Entry 3:

What are the benefits of working for social change?

Mental health awareness ensures that families, peers, and communities are impacted with the knowledge, attitude, and skills to offer support. Individuals can better understand the varying effects on an individual’s life due to mental illness, allowing them to develop a positive perspective. It equips individuals suffering from the confidence to feel safe and comfortable enough and open up. Also, significant others family members of the community are educated on how to recognize early signs and risks hence enabling early interventions. These will significantly contribute to a decrease in mental health issues and ensure proper management.

Stigma and lack of adequate information are the greatest obstacles preventing individuals suffering from mental health illness from seeking treatment. Mental health awareness enables the patients to be shown acceptance and respect, enabling them to cope significantly with the illness. It also enables the advocating of those patients’ rights because, just like any other human, they are entitled to be treated equally without their illness, limiting access to essential services.

How do you perceive the impact of your efforts?

A lot of efforts should be directed in educated communities about mental health. People will not change their view overnight, but rather with time, they will learn to appreciate change leading to a change in their knowledge and attitude. Significant changes will be noted only with the resilience and consistency of the healthcare providers in ensuring that the communities are aware that mental health illness, just like any other condition, is treatable. Impact and success will gradually be seen; therefore, efforts to ensure that knowledge on mental is passed despite the challenges encountered and the time it takes to achieve the goals.

Journal Entry 4:

What Strategies Can Help Overcome the Challenges of Social Activism?

People will always be wary of change even if it’s beneficial to them because maintaining the status quo is easier than taking part in something new. Mental health awareness, just like any social activity, encounters challenges such as fear of stigmatization, sociocultural barriers, financial and geographical difficulties. Lack of funds makes it difficult to purchase resources such as posters about mental health and incentives for paying the personnel involved in educating the people. It is hard making people work when they have no money or resources to use.

A major barrier also involves poor awareness of mental health disorders hence poor utilization of the available services and access. The communities’ souls are made aware that mental health services, including counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment for the disorders, are available at the health facilities. They should also be made aware that sufficient health care personnel specialized in psychiatry is available to help them with any issues that they are dealing with. Myths and misconceptions about mental health issues should be dispelled by providing facts and information about mental disorders.

It is never easy being a volunteer or an activist because challenges will always be encountered along the way. To avoid burnout, always connect with your purpose and understand the impact of your work. Make short-term wins because success motivates us to move towards the next step and create achievable goals. This will enable you as a volunteer to curb critics and avoid being discouraged. Your health is important as that of the people you are trying to change; therefore, taking time to reflect and start afresh is paramount to each volunteer.


Batras, D., Duff, C., & Smith, B. J. (2016). Organizational change theory: implications for health promotion practice. Health promotion international, 31(1), 231-241.

Stanley, D. (Ed.). (2016). Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare: Values into action. John Wiley & Sons.

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