How to complete the Letters to Legislators nursing assignment (Solved)

How to complete the Letters to Legislators nursing assignment (Solved)

RE: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 1425)


United States Senate,

331 Hart Senate Office Building,

Washington, D.C. 20510.

January 7, 2022

Dear Senator Dianne,

RE: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 1425)

My name is ……….., a registered nurse from the state of California and I am writing to seek your support for the above-mentioned bill. The bill was introduced in 2019 and then re-introduced in 2020 to strengthen ACA’s individual health insurance market. The bill also aims at assisting low-income Americans in making co-insurance payments and I am requesting your support as it moves to the Senate hearing.

I am supporting this bill because of its interest in health insurance and how low-income communities can benefit from this plan. Today, more than 90% of US residents have health insurance with significant gains in coverage (Craig & Hewitt, 2019). The bill provides additional funding to states to establish health insurance exchanges to improve affordability. During my practice, I have observed patients suffer because they cannot afford insurance plans leading to poor health outcomes.

As the Senator of California, I believe you are in a better position to support this bill as it enters the second stage of hearing. If the bill becomes a law, it will massively improve health insurance coverage particularly in areas with disparities in income or health outcomes.




Alex Padilla,

United Sates Senate,

11845 West Olympic Blvd,

Los Angeles, CA 90064.

January 7, 2022

Dear Senator Alex,

RE: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 1425)

My name is ……….., a registered nurse from the state of California and I am writing to seek your support for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act bill. The bill modifies various health insurance programs related to consumer costs to enhance affordable healthcare in the country.

Health insurance is an important determinant of health today as it facilitates healthcare access alongside other health-seeking behavior. Of particular interest in this bill are the low-income individuals who experience challenges with health insurance. The bill provides additional funding for states to establish healthcare exchanges and establishes means to improve the health Insurance Affordability Fund (Craig & Hewitt, 2019). If this bill passes, it will nullify short-term insurance plans that limit access to essential services, especially in minority groups.

As a member of the Senate, I believe you have the power and influence to see this bill through in the next stages. Your philosophy of giving everyone a fair shot and finding solutions to the toughest challenges involving healthcare can greatly impact your role in supporting this bill. If granted, the bill will promote the establishment of health insurance standards that can improve health outcomes across all populations.


Kevin McCarthy,

Representative California’s 23rd District,

2468 Rayburn House Office Building,

Washington, D.C 20515.

January 7, 2022

Dear Congressman McCarthy

RE: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 1425)

My name is ……….., a registered nurse from the state of California and I am writing to seek your full support for H.R. 1425 bill. Introduced in 2019, the bill seeks to strengthen and expand upon ACA, shore up the Medicaid program, and address other important healthcare issues like the cost of drugs. I believe your support for the bill will have a huge impact on the people of California and the entire US healthcare system.

Working as a nurse for several years, I have observed that lack of health insurance limits access to healthcare services. The increasing burden of chronic diseases means that majority of the people will require frequent healthcare visits and purchase of essential drugs. This new bill serves to improve Marketplace access and affordability of healthcare insurance to low-income groups (Craig & Hewitt, 2019). The bill will ensure premium tax credits are more generous and fund state-based reinsurance or subsidy programs to improve healthcare access.

As the Congressman of the 23rd District, your political influence can be used to seek support for the bill as it enters the Senate hearing stage. I believe you are in a position to collaborate with the governor and state senators to see this bill through the next stages.




Reflection and Thank You Note

For individuals and families, health insurance enhances access to healthcare services and offers financial protection against high medical expenses. Health insurance covers essential health benefits critical to maintaining health and treating illnesses. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 1425) is a bill that modifies health insurance programs related to consumer costs for various private health insurance plans. The bill has already passed the House hearing and awaits a Senate hearing this year.

During the policy advocacy, I had an opportunity to seek support for the bill from the senior and junior senators and the representative for California’s 23rd Congressional District. Although I did not have direct contact with these individuals, I spoke with their assistants regarding the policy issue. These individuals were eager to learn more about the elements of the bill and how it would benefit the healthcare system when it goes through. These individuals were informed about this policy issue and I realized that they had previously supported a similar bill introduced in March 2019.

I wish to thank the office of the senior senator, junior senator, and congressman for taking their time to speak about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act. I am particularly excited that each party was willing to support the bill as it moves to the next stages of becoming law. I believe our support for this bill will improve access to healthcare and health outcomes for low-income groups and all Americans.


Craig, G., Hewitt, S. (2019). ANA looks to bipartisan legislative solutions in 2019. American Nurse Today14(3), 27-30.

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