Diffusion of Innovation Theory Evidence-Based Practice proposal

Diffusion of Innovation Theory Evidence-Based Practice proposal

Diffusion of Innovation Theory, as developed by Rogers in 1962, is one of the fundamental theories in science. The theory is based on communication in explaining how a new idea gains momentum or is accepted and spreads through a population in a particular setting or social setting (Qazi, Raza, & Shah, 2018). The main objective of the theory is that individuals, as part of the social society, adopt new behaviors, idea, or product to be part of their culture according to the theory. Adoption means the individuals change their routine practice, behavior, or product and incorporate a new one. For individuals to adopt a new behavior or practice, they must first perceive the idea or behavior or product. This is only possible through diffusion as per this theory.

Interpersonal therapy is suggested as an intervention of choice to pharmacotherapy for incarnated individuals. Interpersonal therapy is a new idea that ought to be adopted among the social society of care providers who attend to incarnated men, for the practice to be accepted and be adopted as part of the routine practice in this social society, there is a need for the idea to diffuse and spread among the individuals and be accepted as part of their practice. In this case, Diffusion of Innovation, Theory is relevant and can be applied in ensuring a healthy and successful transition from the routine practice of pharmacotherapy to interpersonal therapy.

Stages in the change model/framework

According to the Diffusion of Innovation Theory adoption of new behavior, idea, or even product in a social setting does not happen simultaneously (Wani, & Ali, 2015). Adoption of a new idea, the practice of behavior is instead a process. This is considering that individuals are different and in this case, in accepting change. Some individuals are apt in adopting change than others. Some individuals accept change earlier, while others take time. Therefore, it is significant to understand the characteristics of the target population when introducing change. This will either help or hinder the adoption of an innovation.

There are five processes involved in the adoption of change as described in Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The first step is the knowledge step (Wani & Ali, 2015). In this phase, critical questions such as what, how when, why are answered. Knowledge of awareness, the process, and principle involved in adapting the change is acquired. This is the stage where the mood for the change is set; individuals get to understand the need for the change and any worry that may hinder acceptance addressed.

The second step is the persuasion stage. Here the individuals ‘attitude is shaped to fit the change. This process aims to win the trust of the individuals involved in the change and to make them believe in the transition and set their minds on the change. This will ensure support and positive collaboration and contribution towards the adoption of the change.

The third stage is the decision stage. In this stage, individuals are given a chance to accept or reject the change. Acceptance of rejection of the new idea, the practice of object is based on the previous two steps which determine how the individuals understand the need and process of change (Wani, & Ali, 2015). The fourth stage is the implementation stage. The new idea or practice is put into place. During implementation technical assistance may be required to reduce uncertainties that may arise, necessary changes can be implemented too. Finally, the confirmation stage is where individuals look for support for the decision made. The decision can be reversed, attitude confirmed, or discontinuation can happen. Later adoption is accepted.

Application of each stage in the proposed implementation

In the proposed change, the stakeholders will seek to understand the knowledge of staff concerning the proposed change as the first step.  In the second stage, need for change and impact of the proposed change will be explained to care providers through one on one meetings, social media groups, and typed materials pinned at strategic positions of the facility. The care providers will be trained on the provision of interpersonal therapy and made to understand its significance as compared to pharmacotherapy. Attitudes, personal beliefs, and concerns will be addressed at this point. In the third stage, research will be conducted among the care providers on their feeling about the new intervention and if they support or are against. Upon accepting, the care providers will be allowed to practice interpersonal therapy for some time fulfilling the fourth stage. Upon working effectively, after a while the care providers will be given a chance to confirm the practice as per the fifth stage. Reversal of decisions will be allowed so that the practice is adopted as part of the culture or cancelled.

Conceptual framework


Qazi, W., Raza, S. A., & Shah, N. (2018). Acceptance of e-book reading among higher education students in a developing country: the modified diffusion innovation theory. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 27(2), 222-245.

Wani, T. A., & Ali, S. W. (2015). Innovation diffusion theory. Journal of general management research, 3(2), 101-118.