Developing the Evidenced Based Project

Developing the Evidenced Based Project

The healthcare system sometimes fails to meet the needs of a patient, especially when transitioning from one level of care to another. According to hall et al (2012), problems resulting from poor transition are costly in nature. For instance, an unnecessary hospital stay may lead to errors in communication at transition, especially when the patient has already been previously released from a stay in the hospital. Re-admission for Medicare patients who would require readmission within 30 days or their release costs the US $15 billion per year. Medication errors during transition harm nearly 15 million people a year, which translate to 3.5 billion annually (Ang, Lang, Ang& Lopez,2016). However, these others are of the perception that the accuracy guaranteed by Transition Care Model over handover communications will reduce the cost of readmission

The quality of care improves with Transition Care Model because the patients are able to maintain contact with healthcare providers and the hospital. There are also home care services that ensure the availability of skilled nurses to the patient during the transition as compared to handover communication (Hall et al., 2012). Transition care models are based on the attention to ensure continuity of care need to the patients as they move from one level of care to the other. Such access to care providers ensures that quality services are provided at all times.

A significant clinical element of handover communication approach during the transition process is the dearth of the performance measures that define their function, is the continuity coordination and transition processes. Most of the stipulations are concerned with the process and outcomes within the context and not cross-settings. Few handover communications considers the actual patient experience during the transfer process and none give considerations to the distinct role of the family care (Leopold, Raab, & Engelhardt, 2014). In Transition Care Models, all these elements are taken into consideration. The integration is a critical clinical element of transition that should be considered when developing an evidence based project.


Ang, W., Lang, S., Ang, E.,& Lopez, V. (2016). Transition journey from hospital to home in patients with cancer and their caregivers: A qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer24(10), 4319-4326.

Hall, C., Peel, N., Comans, T., Gray, L.,& Scuffham, P. (2012). Can post‐acute care programs for older people reduce overall costs in the health system? A case study using the Australian transition care program. Health & Social Care in the Community20(1), 97-102.

Leopold, T., Raab, M.,& Engelhardt, H. (2014). The transition to parent care: Costs, commitments, and caregiver selection among children. Journal of Marriage and Family76(2), 300-318.