Complete Health Evaluation

Complete Health Evaluation

Healthcare organizations now place a greater emphasis on preventative healthcare due to the rising trends in chronic illnesses. Understanding illness mechanisms is common in preventive healthcare in order to identify the most effective approaches to stop them from occurring and save lives. Everyone is recommended to have routine medical examinations for disease early detection because chronic disorders account for 75% of today’s healthcare costs and are mostly preventable (Daniel et al., 2017). The initial step taken by healthcare professionals to detect a patient’s health issues and potential health concerns is frequently a health evaluation.

An analysis of the social determinants of health is used to determine an individual’s unique needs through a comprehensive health assessment. Health hazards and underlying diseases are recognized together with physical examination and diagnostic procedures. People are recommended to visit the doctor often so that healthcare professionals can examine their health as a preventive healthcare approach (Murray, 2018). This conversation shows the results of Carolyn’s virtual health assessment and examines the various social factors that influence Carolyn’s ability to get high-quality treatment.

Interviewing Methods

an interview setting that is favorable. The first thing that draws the respondent’s attention during an interview is the setting, and good interviews take advantage of a setting that has been carefully arranged. It is advised that interviews be done in a quiet setting to improve attention and distraction-free speaking (Berman & Chutka, 2016). Second, the layout of the space should be appealing to show that you are ready for the interview. I chose an office space that was quiet to make sure the interview setting was comfortable. I made sure the chairs and tables were positioned thoughtfully to encourage personal space.

Adaptive interrogation methods. Interviews involve more than just asking questions; they also involve structuring the questions to encourage responses. A technique called adaptive questioning allows you to ask inquiries ranging from the most well-known to the least well-known (Berman & Chutka, 2016). Instead of simply according to their guidance, the interviewer should engage the respondent with questions derived from the feedback. Starting with general inquiries makes it easier for the subject to respond because they already know the answers, and getting into specifics enables the interviewee to make connections between the concepts. I employed this strategy throughout the interview by beginning with broad inquiries about Carolyn’s health and moving on to specific inquiries using information from earlier themes.

the use of body language and nonverbal communication. The interviewer’s delivery of the questions and the respondent’s level of engagement are both essential to its success. Communication problems might often prevent someone from providing their best effort during an interview. Approximately 58% of human communication is nonverbal, thus employing nonverbal techniques during interviews improves communication (Berman & Chutka, 2016). An interview can be made more fascinating by doing simple things like smiling, nodding when you understand something, keeping eye contact, and using gestures. I applied this strategy during the interview by maintaining eye contact, nodding my head, grinning, and repeating a few things after Carolyn to show my growing interest and comprehension.

the right selection of questions. When the correct questions are asked, interviews move rather swiftly. The interviewer is expected to prepare a list of questions and practice asking them in an appropriate and informed manner. To encourage the respondent to be honest and think critically during interviews, it is necessary to use a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions (Berman & Chutka, 2016). Some queries may not lend themselves to a yes-or-no response, and failing to give the client the opportunity to clarify results in unhappiness. Open-ended questions make it possible to gauge a subject’s sentiments, attitudes, and level of comprehension during an interview. I asked both open-ended and closed-ended questions during the health assessment to ensure that enough data was gathered.

Why the Important Questions?

Financial Stability

Could you provide me with information regarding your employment, financial, and housing stability?

Justification: In order to determine Carolyn’s sources of income and means of providing for her family, this inquiry was posed.

In response, Carolyn said she is an employee and a learning expert at a local school, where she works full-time. She continued by saying that her spouse is an employed accountant. She mentioned how she feels comfortable in her position and how the two can support the family because they both have decent careers. She added that because she receives retirement and healthcare benefits, she has less money to spend on medical expenses. Carolyn clarified that she earns enough money from her job to save even though she lives over the poverty line. Housing is not a concern for Carolyn because she and her husband can easily manage their shared monthly mortgage payment and other household expenses.


Tell me about your education, please. Did it so far assist you?

Justification: Education is a significant factor in determining one’s health. The purpose of this inquiry was to ascertain Carolyn’s degree of education and how it affected her health.

In response, Carolyn said that she had a master’s degree and plans to continue her studies after she retires. She received an academic scholarship for her university studies after graduating with honors from high school. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Texas University before going on to earn a Master of Arts in Special Education. Carolyn argued that the secret to her success was her education, and that her current job shows how learning propelled her through life. She can communicate well with others at work and at home because to her fluency in both Spanish and English.

Healthcare and Health

Tell me about your health and access to healthcare. Do you or anyone in your family have any health issues?

Justification: Determining a person’s health issues is the main goal of a health evaluation. The purpose of this inquiry was to evaluate Carolyn’s present state of health, her tendency to seek medical attention, and family health trends.

Carolyn began by stating that she is in good physical, mental, and emotional health and that she is only seeking medical attention for a normal health checkup. She noted that since she lives close to her primary care physician and has insurance coverage in good standing, access to healthcare services has not been an issue for her. Her family’s demands for health care, including the purchase of medication, are supported by her stable financial situation. Carolyn said that her pap smear was negative and that she had her mammography 18 months prior. Her primary health issue right now is fibrocystic breast disease, for which she receives routine care and vitamin E therapy. Carolyn voiced anxiety over the risk of breast cancer in her family.

Community and Built Environment

Tell me about your neighborhood, the availability of food, and the quality of the medical facilities. Do you have any concerns about safety there?

Justification: The question was designed to evaluate the environment in which the respondent lives and the presence of elements that can jeopardize her access to healthcare and well health.

In response, Carolyn gave a description of her suburban middle-class area in Texas. She gushed about how much she loved the area because it was free of toxins and had no problems with crime or violence. There is plenty of room for strolling in the area, and parks are close by. Carolyn outlined how the neighborhood’s markets and stores ensure that food security is closely monitored. Within five kilometers, there are a market, shops, and supermarkets, making food easily accessible. She said there are markets where she can get fresh foods and that having access to both public and private transportation makes it simple to get around.

Community and Social Context

Could you describe your social life and how you interact with people?

Justification: The question’s objective was to identify any social difficulties Carolyn might be dealing with or those that might have an impact on her health.

Carolyn said that she is not a social person and that, aside from going to work, she spends the most of her time with her family. Less time is available for socializing because of her strong commitment in caring for her ill mother. She admits that she doesn’t enjoy working out or participating in social organizations, so she spends her leisure time doing housework and gardening. Regarding her interactions with neighborhood residents, Carolyn said she has never experienced instances of discrimination based on her gender or color.

Answers to Important Questions

In order to plan for her care, Carolyn answers all of the important questions on the social determinants of health assessment in great detail. She describes being in a generally healthy physical, mental, and emotional state because she has not reported any illnesses. Her capacity to pay for healthcare is essential, and being close to hospitals and her doctor makes it simple for her to get the care she needs. Her neighborhood is secure, and getting about and getting food are both simple. In social situations, Carolyn gets along well with others, and there are no signs of violence in her community. Carolyn has fibrocystic breast disease, according to the health evaluation, and she sees her primary care doctor frequently for treatment. Her mother and cousin both have cancer, though, so she is concerned about the disease running in the family. She has also been seen to indulge in fewer physical activities like exercise because she feels that doing the dishes and gardening is sufficient. According to Carolyn’s evaluation, attention should be given to her worries about breast cancer and possibly taking up exercise to control her weight and stay in shape.

Financial Stability

Socioeconomic status: Thanks to her well-paying employment and middle-class lifestyle, Carolyn has a stable economy. She has easy access to healthcare given her financial situation and educational level. Carolyn has convenient access to healthcare services at any time because she lives in a secure area. She can readily get healthcare thanks to the public and private transportation options in her neighborhood.

Employment Situation: Carolyn has a full-time, well-paying job that gives her a solid financial foundation on which to meet her healthcare demands. Because of the job’s retirement benefits and health insurance, Carolyn can readily receive medical care without facing any financial barriers. She may also get specialized healthcare services of a high caliber thanks to her financial resources.

Stable housing: Carolyn resides with her family and spends the majority of her time there. She will have all the assistance she needs in the event of illness thanks to her steady family. She notes that she has easy access to medical facilities because she lives in a community with decent transportation options. She is able to pay the mortgage and her monthly expenses in full, leaving her with additional cash to pay for healthcare services. She also benefits from living in an area with markets that sell fresh foods, which keeps her healthy.

Complete Health Evaluation, Education Level

Education level affects how people perceive health, receive health, and behave in terms of seeking health. People with education recognize the value of their health and take part in healthy behaviors including routine disease screening and prompt access to healthcare facilities (Murray, 2018). The degree of education also affects how well people understand their health, especially medical advice. People with higher levels of education are more likely to choose good lifestyle habits like working out, eating well, and keeping in touch with their primary care physicians. Carolyn holds a master’s degree, works well, and lives in a secure area. She is capable of performing standard health examinations like pap tests and mammograms. Healthcare Opportunities and Barriers

Obstacles: Carolyn has been able to lead a happy and comfortable life because to her education. Given that she dislikes exercising, living in her comfort zone could result in outcomes like weight gain, which could later on result in health issues. Second, Carolyn devotes all of her attention to her job and finds it difficult to participate in extracurricular activities. It’s possible that this will affect her social well-being.

Opportunities: Carolyn’s education level allows her to grasp her healthcare readily, which encourages healthy living. For instance, she is aware that the body’s hormonal shifts can easily address her current breast issue, and she doesn’t appear to be troubled by this. Second, her educational background enables her to make wise decisions, such as seeking medical attention at a young age. For instance, she seeks medical attention today because she wants to learn more about breast cancer because it has become a prevalent familial issue.

Complete Health Evaluation, Health’s impact on quality of life

A person’s ability to perform in their physical, mental, and social environments directly affects their quality of life. To enhance their quality of life, people must be able to lead healthy lives and have positive social interactions (Murray, 2018). Carolyn has no concerns, thus her health is in terrific shape. Her fibrocystic breast illness is her only health worry, but experts are certain that she will improve with time. Carolyn has minimal physical activity, according to an examination of her social determinants, and her health results show that she has gained weight. Given that excessive weight gain has been linked to diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer, this healthy activity could become problematic in the future. health knowledge

The ability to acquire, process, and comprehend fundamental health information is referred to as health literacy. By adopting healthy habits like eating a balanced diet, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, and exercising, people can make informed decisions about their health (Rowlands et al., 2017). It has been found that health literacy increases people’s capacity to receive healthcare services when necessary, including the ability to assess the reliability and quality of information. Before participating in an activity, the persons can weigh the risks and rewards, and they can find health information for clarification and understanding.

Complete Health Evaluation, Environmental and Neighborhood Effects

Accessible healthcare is defined as providing the patient with the necessary services at an affordable cost and in a convenient location. Five miles separate Carolyn’s neighborhood from the nearest medical centers, including her primary care physician. She may readily acquire the necessary healthcare services at any medical facility thanks to her financial situation. Additionally, Carolyn has easy access to healthcare thanks to the neighborhood’s safety and the availability of reliable transportation.

Complete Health Evaluation, Receiving medical care in both high- and low-income areas

There are many ways in which the healthcare obtained in high- and low-income locations differs, and there are few commonalities. Due to the presence of uneducated people in urban areas, both may have poor health literacy rates. The issue of a healthcare professional shortage affects both urban and rural locations because of the enormous population they service. Due to the complexity of healthcare institutions and the enormous number of people seeking assistance in emergency rooms, delayed healthcare services are another similarity. The standard of services provided in healthcare is typically where these two regions diverge. Due to their superior technology and skilled healthcare staff, urban locations typically offer better services. In comparison to rural areas, which have more sparsely distributed healthcare facilities, urban areas also have healthcare institutions that are easily accessible to individuals.

Complete Health Evaluation: Healthcare Access in Rural and Urban Areas

In order to get the best results from personal health services, one must have timely access to healthcare (Spasojevic et al., 2015). Due to the majority of residents not having insurance, rural communities face difficulties in providing accessible healthcare services. This implies that a select few will have access to higher standard services. Second, due to a lack of equipment and supplies, rural areas have facilities that only offer a restricted range of healthcare services. On the other hand, people who live in metropolitan regions have easy access to healthcare because they have insurance and the resources to pay for out-of-pocket costs (Spasojevic et al., 2015). These healthcare institutions provide a wide range of services, and in urban locations, service delivery is excellently prompt.

Options for Healthy Food in the Community

Carolyn resides in a semi-urban neighborhood with lots of stores, markets, and supermarkets. These locations provide Carolyn with a variety of culinary choices to complement the fresh goods from the market. Two full-service supermarkets and a number of convenience stores are nearby, according to Carolyn, and the weekly community farmer’s markets offer an additional source of food items.

Complete Health Evaluation: Talking on social determinants

Social variables significantly influence people’s health outcomes, especially those of vulnerable groups. Social factors are proven to be directly linked to more than one-third of mortality in the United States (Daniel et al., 2018). By addressing social factors, healthcare professionals can identify health issues earlier and develop plans to stop them from getting worse. Furthermore, some circumstances that affect people’s health inadvertently must be explained by healthcare professionals so that the patient can take appropriate action (Daniel et al., 2018).

Complete Health Evaluation, Recognizing Social Determinants

prioritizing social determinants in B1

Plan of Care B2

Implementation of B2a

B2B Obstacles

B2c Parties involved

B3 Analysis


Breast cancer in health and medicine

to inform the patient of the dangers of breast cancer.

Offering health education and providing educational resources.

judgment tainted by a history of the sickness in the family.

household members

The patient should express verbally that they are aware of their condition


Weight gain and health care

to regularly engage in physical activity

The patient has to join a gym and go for morning or evening runs.

a lack of desire to exercise

the husband of Carolyn.

Loss of weight and evidence of dedication.


Community and Social Context

to take part in community events on a regular basis

joining community women’s groups, such as the one for weekend workouts.

not enough time.

Female group leader

Active involvement in community activities and growing interest in the activities.

Social Determinants’ Effects

With the help of various social determinants of health like her level of education, her family’s financial security, and the area she lives in, Carolyn has a consistent state of health. Her employment has contributed to her financial security by providing her with the funds she needs to care for her family and her medical requirements. Carolyn is intelligent, and her level of education enables her to make wise decisions about her health, such as regularly seeking medical attention and eating a nutritious diet. She resides in a secure area with easy access to healthcare, and her positive interactions with her neighbors guarantee that she leads a peaceful life.


Berman, A. C., & Chutka, D. S. (2016). Assessing effective physician-patient communication skills: “Are you listening to me, doc?”. Korean Journal of Medical Education28(2), 243–249.

Daniel, H., Bornstein, S. S., & Kane, G. C. (2018). Addressing social determinants to improve patient care and promote health equity: An American College of Physicians position paper. Annals of Internal Medicine168(8), 577-578.

Murray, T. A. (2018). Overview and summary: Addressing social determinants of health: Progress and opportunities. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing23(3). Doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No03ManOS

Rowlands, G., Shaw, A., Jaswal, S., Smith, S., & Harpham, T. (2017). Health literacy and the social determinants of health: A qualitative model from adult learners. Health Promotion International32(1), 130-138.

Spasojevic, N., Vasilj, I., Hrabac, B., & Celik, D. (2015). Rural – urban differences in health care quality assessment. Materia Socio-medica27(6), 409–411.

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