Change and Growth in Nursing

Change and Growth in Nursing

Change and growth in nursing practice are important. Adoption of latest nursing practices helps in the improvement of the quality of care offered and the patient outcomes in healthcare facilities. The assignment discusses an informal presentation as to why growth and change are important in nursing (Gozalo, Plotzke, Mor, Miller &Teno, 2015). It also discusses the feedback of nurses on how the roles of nurses have changed and why they should change in clinical, hospital, community and medical homes and assessment whether their feedback has similarities with the presentation.

Write an informal presentation (500-700 words) to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and change. Include the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics

Nursing is a dynamic profession and therefore growth and change in nursing are inevitable. Practicing as a nurse is interesting because there are frequent changes in the delivery of nursing care, technological advances and the expectations of patients change day in day out thus requiring the adoption of new nursing practices (Buerhaus,Auerbach&Staiger, 2016). The roles of nurses in healthcare are also growing and changing and as a result, it is important to appreciate the change process and prepare for tremendous growth and changes in nursing practice. With technological advancement, patients are exposed to a lot of information pertaining their care and as a result, nursing is supposed to grow and adopt strategies that will make nurses have the latest information at their disposal in order to effectively assess and manage the patient’s conditions.

Having latest information is also important in improving the competence and proficiency of nurses working in different healthcare facilities. Competence and proficiency help nurses to demystify a lot of misconception that patients are fed in online sources. The health sector is an area that should appreciate change because a lot of diseases are diagnosed and most of the conditions are caused by frequent lifestyle adjustments. Growth in nursing and appreciation of change will help nurses to tackle new conditions that are diagnosed with ease. Some of the skills that are instilled in nurses are supposed to change with the new trends (Janoff-Bulman, 2014). For example, with advancement in technology, nurses are supposed to offer care to patients when patients are unable to meet their activities of daily living. Initially, nurses used to provide total nursing care to patients and their families but with advancement in technology patients independence is appreciated. Adoption of such latest technological changes recovery of patients is realized within a short period of time.

A lot of changes occur in the working environment of nurses and the delivery of care. For example, initially in the United States of America nurses used to provide a lot of services and most of those services were outside their scope of practice but with advancement of technology, growth of nursing and appreciation of change in healthcare system a lot of adjustments have been done and nowadays nurses offer services that are within their scope of practice. Appreciation of growth and changes in nursing nurse aids are employed in many healthcare facilities that help perform services that are not in the scope of nursing practice but are important in patient management (Martin, Hartman, Whittle, Catlin & National Health Expenditure Accounts Team, 2014). Another change that has helped in the growth of nursing profession is advanced education system. A lot of nursing institutions offer high-quality nursing training and through them, nurses have attained undergraduate, masters and doctorate degrees which are important in nursing practice.

A lot of progress in research and training domains have been made because of growth and appreciation of change in nursing practice. In order to bring change in nursing practice nurses are supposed to embrace education and venture in areas that have few nursing professionals in order to stir changes in those areas. Most of the changes that occur in different parts of the world can only be embraced through advancement in the field of the information system (Corazzini, Twersky, White, Buhr, McConnell, Weiner & Colón-Emeric, 2014). Most nurse managers are supposed to spearhead the growth of information systems in their areas of leadership in order to help their staff access advanced nursing practices that are used by other hospitals.

According to a study that was conducted in many healthcare facilities; it was discovered that nursing plays a critical role in the recovery of patients and in the attainment of positive health outcomes. Adoption of latest information, growth, and appreciation of change are helpful in the improvement of care that is offered to patients and their families and by so doing help in the realization of positive and quality nursing care. Appreciation of change in nursing practice is essential in the attainment of patient satisfaction. Safety patient records are found in online sources and appreciation of change in nursing practice help caregivers to utilize the positive information and therefore help in the realization of positive patient outcomes. Nursing services offered by accountable care organizations, medical homes, and clinics that are managed by nurses should incorporate latest nursing care in order to achieve positivity in the quality of nursing care offered (Martin, Hartman, Washington, Catlin & National Health Expenditure Accounts Team, 2016).

Share your presentation with nurse colleagues on your unit or department and ask them to offer their impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes.


The new roles of nurses have changed in hospital settings, communities, clinics and medical homes. With advancement in technology and the growth and changes that have occurred in nursing practice, the roles of nurses in different areas have changed. A number of roles are left out and others adopted with the aim of improving the quality of nursing services offered in healthcare facilities (Martin, Hartman, Benson, Catlin & National Health Expenditure Accounts Team, 2015). Some of the areas where the roles of nurses have changed include the hospital environments, roles have changed in community health nursing, duties of nurses working in clinics have also changed. Tremendous changes have also occurred in the area of home-based care nursing. I urge you, colleagues, to give feedback on the new roles that nurses have assumed in those sectors. It is also important to state the roles that nurses no longer perform in the community, hospital setting, clinics and medical homes.

In 800-1,000 words summarize the feedback shared by three nurse colleagues and discuss whether their impressions are consistent with what you have researched about health reform

Nurse one states that in community health nursing nurses have assumed the role of community empowerment. Rather than providing the duties of deworming, provision of nets in the community and environmental sanitation, community health nurses have delegated the duties to community volunteers and they now deal with empowerment. In hospital setting autonomy in nursing practice is one of the developments that has occurred in nursing. Initially, nurses used to perform their duties under supervision but with growth and appreciation of change, nurses operate with autonomy. The nurse states that autonomy in nursing has a lot of positive improvements because nurses are able to tackle emergencies with ease without depending on doctors intervention.

Many lives have been saved and the morbidity and mortality rates have dropped drastically with the adoption of autonomy in nursing practice. In clinics, nurses are able to prescribe medications to patients because the changes and growth in nursing have inculcated pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in nurse practitioners and by so doing many nurses are able to prescribe drugs to their patients with ease. In medical homes, nurses have been empowered in fact many agencies that offer home-based services are employing many nurses. Comprehensive care is offered by nurse practitioners in medical homes and as a result, many patients are managed by nurses with ease until recovery. The roles of nurses have changed and with the adaption of new roles and delegation of roles that are not in their scope of practice, nurses are able to manage different patient conditions and provide quality healthcare to patients and their families.

The second nurse states that some of the roles that the community health nurse assumed like offering support of patients in their homes, arranging equipment and support in home environments have been delegated to family members. According to the nurse generally, community nurses play the role of offering patients and their families health education on how to stay safe in home environments. Other roles that nurse practitioners offer patients in home environments are professional duties like wound dressing, treatment, injection and monitoring of patient’s health. Support of patients and their families after discharge is also offered by nurse practitioners. Feeding of patients, ambulation, and turning of patients are delegated to families. In hospital environments, nurses assume roles that are only stipulated in their scope of practice.

Roles that are outside the nurse’s scope of practice like wheeling the patients are delegated to support staff. In clinics and medical homes, the nurse states that independence of nurses is appreciated and nowadays nurses are able to offer care that was only provided by the physician. The consequences of the growth of nursing in these sectors are the improvement of the quality of nursing practice offered in these sectors that have improved the prognosis of many patient’s conditions. The nurse states that the improvement in the nursing roles offered in these areas has helped to decrease the morbidity and mortality rates in many healthcare facilities. The nurse further states that the anticipated changes in nursing roles offered in hospital settings, clinics, communities and medical homes will help in the overall improvement of the quality of health services offered to patients and their families. According to the nurse, the overall quality of healthcare offered will improve because nursing is fundamental to the realization of positive outcomes in healthcare facilities.

The third nurse states that with advancement and appreciation of nursing practice, nursing process is applied at the community level. Community nurses perform a critical community assessment in order to ascertain the clinical problems that affect the community members. Community diagnosis is the next step that nurses perform in order to link the established problem with the solution. Planning, implementation, and evaluation are also conducted in order to ensure that the existing health problems are solved. The methodology used is different because it is a comprehensive approach that seeks to provide a solution to the prevailing health problems that affect patients and their families. Initially, community health nurses used to manage specific conditions and offer clinical services but the roles have changed because nurses aim to solve the cause of all problems that affect community members.

In hospital settings, the nurse states that nurses have assumed the roles of advocacy and policy setters. According to the nurse, the policy setting and advocacy are roles that were initially performed by clinicians and other healthcare professionals. Adoption of these roles by nurses has helped improve the quality of care that is offered to patients and their families and it has also helped in improving the patient outcomes. In clinics and medical homes, nurses are now able to perform technical roles that are curative in nature which was initially performed by physicians. The nurse states that advancement in nursing training has equipped nurses with adequate knowledge and skills that help them offer curative services like prescription and administration of medication. Emergencies in clinical settings that used to claim the lives of many patients are now easily managed by nurses in clinics and hospital environment which is a positive development in the field of health

The feedback from the three nurses is in line with my initial findings. We all agree that a lot of developments and changes have occurred in the field of nursing. One of the factors that have caused the changes and growth in nursing in the improvement in the education sector where latest knowledge and skills are inculcated in training and they help in the initiation of change (Keehan, Cuckler, Sisko, Madison, Smith, Stone&Lizonitz, 2015). In clinical areas, nurses are now assuming important roles like advocacy and leadership positions which are essential in the growth of the profession. Duties that were not in the scope are delegated to assistants and performance of tasks that are within the scope make nurses offer high-quality healthcare that helps to improve the patient’s outcomes.

In conclusion, nursing is a dynamic profession where growth and change are inevitable. Application of latest technological advancement in training and practice play an important role in the growth of the profession. The assumption of more professional roles and delegation of roles that are not within the scope of nursing help in the growth of the nursing practice. A lot of growth and change is anticipated in the community, clinical, hospital and medical homes because nurses play a major role in these areas.


Buerhaus, P. I., Auerbach, D. I., &Staiger, D. O. (2016). Recent changes in the number of nurses graduating from undergraduate and graduate programs. Nursing economics, 34(1), 46.

Corazzini, K., Twersky, J., White, H. K., Buhr, G. T., McConnell, E. S., Weiner, M., & Colón-Emeric, C. S. (2014). Implementing culture change in nursing homes: An adaptive leadership framework. The Gerontologist, 55(4), 616-627.

Gozalo, P., Plotzke, M., Mor, V., Miller, S. C., &Teno, J. M. (2015). Changes in Medicare costs with the growth of hospice care in nursing homes. New England Journal of Medicine, 372(19), 1823-1831.

Janoff-Bulman, R. (2014). Schema-change perspectives on posttraumatic growth. In Handbook of posttraumatic growth (pp. 95-113). Routledge.

Keehan, S. P., Cuckler, G. A., Sisko, A. M., Madison, A. J., Smith, S. D., Stone, D. A., … &Lizonitz, J. M. (2015). National health expenditure projections, 2014–24: spending growth faster than recent trends. Health Affairs, 34(8), 1407-1417.

Martin, A. B., Hartman, M., Benson, J., Catlin, A., & National Health Expenditure Accounts Team. (2015). National health spending in 2014: faster growth driven by coverage expansion and prescription drug spending. Health Affairs, 35(1), 150-160.

Martin, A. B., Hartman, M., Washington, B., Catlin, A., & National Health Expenditure Accounts Team. (2016). National health spending: faster growth in 2015 as coverage expands and utilization increases. Health Affairs, 36(1), 166-176.

Martin, A. B., Hartman, M., Whittle, L., Catlin, A., & National Health Expenditure Accounts Team. (2014). National health spending in 2012: rate of health spending growth remained low for the fourth consecutive year. Health Affairs, 33(1), 67-77.