Asian American Nursing Assessment

Asian American Nursing assessment

In the health care system, interviewing is used by the practitioners as a tool to diagnose and later offer treatment to the clients. Despite being a crucial tool in the healthcare sector, little caregivers have mastered the skill of interviewing. Individual subscribe to different beliefs differently. Learning to talk with patients taking into consideration their cultural, social and religious beliefs is an integral part of attaining desired information(Purnell, 2014). This applies to the case where a nurse is assessing an Asian American taking cultural aspect into consideration.

The Asians highly esteem their families hence during the interview especially on matters about the family; the nurse must be careful not use words that show disgrace to the family. Consideration of nonverbal communication is high in the Asian culture during a discussion. Use of silence is equally important as use of words(Galanti,,2014). In some Asian cultures, smiling does not actually show humor. Other Asians believe in uncertainties of life, diseases being one of them, making them take trying to treat illnesses one of the last options.

Abuse assessment screen

Abuse assessment screen is a tool that is used for assessment and identification of mistreatment in an individual. It not only assesses and identifies physical and sexual abuse, but also psychological mistreatments. One of the abuse screening tools that has been used in the course of providing Primary Health Care to women is the Women Abuse Assessment Tool(WAST). When used among United States study populations, it proved to be highly sensitive and specific and reliable. As the level of violence rises among the people, the abuse assessment screen can be used not only to assess health but also the safety of individuals in their areas of residence and operation. The findings help the health care providers to respond accordingly.

In case of incidence of abuse, one should collect evidence, report the matter to the legal agencies before offering medical care(Moirangthem, Kumar & Math, 2015). In the process of attending to the victim. More evidence can be collected, and the caregiver should bear witness to the incidence through the evidence collected.




Galanti, G. A. (2014). Caring for patients from different cultures. University of Pennsylvania


Moirangthem, S., Kumar, N. C., & Math, S. B. (2015). Child sexual abuse: Issues &

concerns. The Indian journal of medical research142(1), 1.

Purnell, L. D. (2014). Guide to culturally competent health care. FA Davis.